J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (11): 1-6.
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Notes of poetry is a literary style which records the works and life experience of ancient poets and has a long history. The first notes of poetry in Dali area,The Notes of Poetry of Yinchun Book House , written by poet Shifan of Midu, appeared in the Middle Qing Dynasty.This notes of poetry represents the Yunnan poetic arena in the Middle Qing Dynasty and especially the prosperity of Dali poetic world. This article aims to review this book by introducing the writing time and edition and analyzing the contents of this book.
Key words: the Middle Qing Dynasty, notes of poetry, Yunnan, poetry, creation
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ZHOU Jin-Guo. Representation of the Poetic World of Yunnan in the Middle Qing Dynasty ——An Introduction and Review of Shifan'sNotes of Poetry of Yinchun Book House[J]. J4, 2013, 12(11): 1-6.
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〔1〕赵藩.仿元遗山论诗绝句论滇诗六十首·三十六〔M〕∥蓝 华增.云南诗歌史略.昆明:云南人民出版社,1988:158. 〔2〕张国庆.云南历代诗文论著辑要〔M〕.北京:中华书局, 2001:3-19. 〔3〕师范.荫椿书屋诗话〔M〕.写本.藏云南省图书馆. 〔4〕师范.金华山樵诗前集卷七·剑湖外史集〔M〕.抄本.藏云 南省图书馆.