J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (1): 10-15.
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Since the 1990s, with the increasingly important role of the unique history and cultural values of ancient villages and towns in regional socio-economic development, social communities began to focus on the study of ancient villages and towns, and gradually formed a great fervor of social study. This article focuses on the study of ancient villages and towns, and then starts from the study contents and perspectives. Based on an over ten-year retrospective study of Dali ancient villages and towns, the article will comb the study background and probe the questions to be expanded in the future study.
Key words: Dali, ancient villages and towns, review
CLC Number:
DUAN Yin-He. Survey of Ten-year Research on Ancient Villages and Towns around Dali[J]. J4, 2014, 13(1): 10-15.
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