J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 15-19.
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Objective: To comprehensively compare and evaluate the quality of Pinellia ternate from different origin. Methods: Electrometric titration, UV spectrophotometry and sulfuric acid-anthrone method were applied to determine the organic acids, amino acids and polysaccharides. The results of the above were conducted cluster analysis for comprehensive evaluation. Results: The content of total organic acid, polysaccharide and amino acids differed greatly in Pinellias ternate from different origins. Apart from No. 3, No. 25, No. 29 and No. 34 samples of Yunnan origin, the remaining samples passed the requirements of medicinal. Conclusion: The quality of Pinellia ternata was greatly influenced by the place of production. The cluster analysis could divide 39 different Pinellia ternata into 3 categories. Type I were most from Yunnan and Guizhou areas, which showed lower total content of organic acids, amino acids and polysaccharides, as well as poorer comprehensive quality. Type III were from Sichuan area, which showed higher content of total organic acid better comprehensive quality.
Key words: Pinellia ternate, different origin, cluster analysis
CLC Number:
FU Zhi-Jin, HUANG Tao, CHEN Hou-Jiang, ZHENG Xiao-Lei, YANG Yong-Shou. Comprehensive Quality Evaluation of Rhizoma Pinelliae from Different Origin by Clustering Analysis Method[J]. J4, 2014, 13(2): 15-19.
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