J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 81-84.
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Objective: To investigate and evaluate educational viability of disaster medicine course among undergraduate in Dali university and provide theoretical evidence for the lecturer in the university. Methods:Undergraduates learned the course of disaster medicine in Dali University were surveyed by questionnaire. Results: There were 112,120 and 120 students in 2010, 2011 and 2012, respectively. About 98.9% of students believed that the course was worth learning and 31.2% of students considered that the course was very valuable. About 94.9% think that the textbook was good and 23.9% believed that the textbook was very good and informative. Among 176 students surveyed,71.6% felt that the lecturers were passionate at teach and with good educational effect,73.9% believed that the content of course were advanced and large, 54.5% of them found that they could exchange with the teachers inside and outside of the class with various forms. Conclusion: The percentage of university students choose the course of disaster medicine increased from 2010 to 2012. The medical and no-medical students have realized the importance of disaster medical education. The course of disaster health and disaster medicine should be strengthened in the university in the future.
Key words: students, disaster medicine, course, cross sectional study
CLC Number:
ZHANG Tai, YANG Yi-Xing, LI You, HE Zuo-Shun. Analysis and Evaluation of Disaster Medicine Course among Undergraduate in Dali University[J]. J4, 2014, 13(2): 81-84.
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