J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (12): 60-63.
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Social harmony in frontier ethnic regions is the important part of harmonious society in our country. A real harmonious society cannot be constructed without harmony in frontier ethnic regions. Frontier sports have their special functions and frontier problems in Yunnan is typical and representative in China. This paper explores the relation between frontier sports in Yunnan and construction of harmonious society in frontier ethnic regions, and provides some theoretical reference for construction of harmonious society in Yunnan and even in China.
Key words: frontier sports, frontier ethnic regions, harmonious society
CLC Number:
QIU Liangwu, BAO Wenli, ZHANG Qi. On Frontier Sports and Construction of Harmonious Society in Frontier Ethnic Regions[J]. J4, 2014, 13(12): 60-63.
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