J4 ›› 2014, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (12): 68-71.
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Adopting methods such as literature analysis, questionnaires, interviews and mathematical statistics, this paper studies the role of football games in building harmonious Naxi villages. It concludes that villagers are vaguely aware of the relation between football games and the construction of harmonious society and that most of their ways of leisure are healthy and football games become a "religious" activity in modern Naxi villages. This paper also proposes that more publicity about the relation between football games and the construction of harmonious society should be given to villagers, that they should be guided to know the value and meaning of participating in football games and that the match system should be improved constantly.
Key words: football games, construction, harmonious villages, Naxi people
CLC Number:
HE Xijian, FENG Zhaoli. Role of Football Games in Constructing Harmonious Naxi Villages[J]. J4, 2014, 13(12): 68-71.
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