J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1): 46-49.
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Exhibiting the glamour of Bai dialect plays a significant role in protecting the dialect, promoting the local image and improving national identity. It is beneficial for the promotion communication among ethnic regions through expanding and popularizing Mandarin. The inheritance of Bai dialect and the promotion of Mandarin are closely related to each other. The cultural value of Bai dialect and Mandarin as a tool and an image of status both require us to formulate and implement bilingual language policies and making multi-channel propaganda for each other's development in line with the progress of society, economy and culture.
Key words: Bai dialect, Mandarin, mutual development
CLC Number:
Zhu Bo. On Mutual Development of Inheriting Bai Dialect and Promoting Mandarin[J]. J4, 2015, 14(1): 46-49.
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