J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 1-6.
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Acarya Avalokitesvara is the earliest Avalokitesvara sculpture that were introduced to Dali by Indian monk in the second year of Nanzhao Baohe(825A.D.). Different from the Avalokitesvara sculptures from Central China with a jar containing pure water and a willow branch in hands, Acarya Avalokitesvara is with the Sarasvati-devi mudra, which shows the remarkable local and minority characteristics. Study of the Acarya Avalokitesvara unearthed from Qianxun Pagoda of Dali Chongsheng Temple proves that the Buddhist culture was introduces to Dali from Central China as well as India. The discovery of Acarya Avalokitesvara sculpture reflects the culture and art communication between different minority group people in ancient Dali and Indians and Southeast Asians.
Key words: Qianxun Pagoda of Dali Chongsheng Temple, Acarya Avalokitesvara, Indian monk, Buddhist culture
CLC Number:
Tian Huaiqing. Study on the Acarya Avalokitesvara Sculpture Unearthed from Qianxun Pagoda of Dali Chongsheng Temple[J]. J4, 2015, 14(3): 1-6.
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