J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 30-34.

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Influence that the Southern Silk Road has on Dali and Its Countermeasures


  1. College of Education, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671003, China
  • Received:2014-12-10 Online:2015-03-15 Published:2015-03-15


Dali enjoys long history, splendid culture, beautiful scenery and plenty of ancient paths. In the ancient time, the Southern
Silk Road had great impact on Dali's economy, politics, transportation, culture and religion. With the national strategy "One Belt and
One Road", what should Dali and Dali University do is the new topic for contemporary scholars. Based on the ancient Southern Silk
Road, this paper suggests Dali to take "One Belt and One Road" as a road of communication and friendship.

Key words: the Southern Silk Road, One Belt and One Road, Dali, influence, countermeasures

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