J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 40-44.
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Where there is a word, there is the ideology. Literature is a kind of special artistic word which inevitably has ideological character. In novel Kong Gu Lan of Zhang Chang who is a Bai author, the ideology which is distinct and accords with the requirement of time is always the dominant narrative power. It influences Zhang Chang's design of text narrative mark as well as mark's meaning,which causes an imagery named "bridging" as well as its meaning, and determines the novel's ending. It is the rich ideology that determines the novel's spirit connotation.
Key words: Zhang Chang, Kong Gu Lan, ideology, "narrative mark", "bridging"
CLC Number:
Ma Shaoxi, Zeng Yuweng. Study on Zhang Chang's Novel Kong Gu Lan Based on Ideology[J]. J4, 2015, 14(3): 40-44.
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