J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 53-58.
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Chinese society is experiencing the rapid aging period in which senior citizen is a huge vulnerable group whose ideological and psychological state are worthy of attention. Through the survey on the ideological, psychological state and work for urban senior citizens in Kunming and Dali, it found that many elderly people's life are poor with prominent ideological and psychological problems,unsatisfactory help from related governmental departments, and the conflict of needs and shortage. Plenty of senior citizens are poor in both material and mental life. It's necessary and pressing to strengthen and improve the work for them, especially senior citizens' political ideological work. Based on the survey data and actual situation, this paper puts forward some suggestions and countermeasures for reinforcing and improving the work for senior citizens.
Key words: senior citizens, psychological state, ideological state, work for senior citizens
CLC Number:
Hu Chun. Survey Study on the Ideological, Psychological State and Work for Urban Senior Citizens: Take Kunming and Dali as Examples[J]. J4, 2015, 14(3): 53-58.
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