J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (7): 49-53.
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Fairness and justice are the important value goals and the practical demands of the all-round well-off society. The report of the Eighteenth National Congress of the CPC proposes the goals of constructing the social justice security system which indicates the direction of completely constructing the fairness and justice during the process of building up well-off society. Rawls justice principles emphasizes the equality of freedom rights and differential opportunity, the necessity of highlighting the value of justice for the society system which will play a mirror role for constructing the socialist society justice security system: it's essential to effectively highlight the value of justice of socialist system; to propose and carry forward the social values of social fairness and justice for providing the important condition for forming the regulation system of the injustice; to effectively set up justicial social system to regulate the inequality in social distribution and to realize the differential equality; and to stress the important role that the state is playing in the fairness and justice.
Key words: Rawls, justice principle, harmonious social, fairness and justice
CLC Number:
Liao Xiaoming. Mirror Effects of Rawls Justice Principles on the Construction of Chinese Social Justice Security System[J]. J4, 2015, 14(7): 49-53.
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