J4 ›› 2015, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (11): 71-75.

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Analysis of YANG's Family Culture of Bai Nationality in Xizhou


  1. (1. Institute of Nationalities Culture, Dali University, Dali, Yunnan 671003, China; 2. Library of Dali University, Dali, Yunnan
    671003, China)
  • Received:2015-08-10 Online:2015-11-15 Published:2015-11-15


Genealogy is one of the symbolic carrier of family culture, which records a family change process of the rise and fall.
Xizhou is the main habitation of YANG's family of Bai nationality. YANG's families in Xiayangxi, Zhongheyi, Shihujie, and
Chengbeicun share the same family name but are from different clans. Through the study on the origin of YANG's surname, the symbol
carrier, the etiquette system, and the spiritual temperament of YANG's family culture of Bai nationality in Xizhou, this paper reflects
the connotation development and changes of Bai's family culture, as well as offers the theoretical analysis of study on the family culture
of Bai nationality.

Key words: Xizhou, Bai nationality, family culture

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