
• 哲学、史学与文学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 西南民族大学文学与新闻传播学院,四川成都610041
  • 出版日期:2015-11-01 发布日期:2015-11-01
  • 作者简介:许良越(1978 –),男(汉族),江苏苏州人,讲师,博士,研究方向:汉语语源学及音韵学。
  • 基金资助:


On the Theory of the Origin of Language by Zhang Taiyan

Xu Liangyue   

  1. School of Literature and Journalism,Southwest University for Nationalities,Chengdu Sichuan,610041,China
  • Online:2015-11-01 Published:2015-11-01

摘要: 语言缘起说是章太炎字源学理论体系的核心概念,也是其构建汉语同源字族的基本指导思想。该学说主要是 想通过对汉字字族的系联,以探究汉语语言的流变,突破了传统字源研究单个孤立探求语源的做法,代之以“语根”为 递衍起点,以相似引申为孳乳条件,以声近义通为判定标准,全面地系联同源字词,从而使汉语字族的构建在理论上成 为可能。章太炎创作《文始》作为系联《说文》同源字族起点的初文与准初文,即依据“语根”理论而设立。语言缘起 说的提出与应用,是章氏汉语字源学确立的标志,具有鲜明的汉语言文字学特色,适合于汉语同源字族的构建,在理论 方法与实践应用上对汉语语源研究产生了深远影响。

关键词: 章太炎, 语言缘起说, 文始, 词源, 字源


The theory of the origin of language is the core concept of Chinese etymology advanced by Zhang Taiyan,and is
also the foundation for building Chinese cognate word families. Zhang Taiyan inherited the research results of the traditional
Chinese philology and the root theory of western historical comparative linguistics to put forward the theory of the origin of
language. The purpose of this theory is to explore the evolvement of Chinese language through the connection between Chinese
word families. The theory contains the understanding and interpretation of the forming process of Chinese cognate words by
Zhang Taiyan,and makes comprehensive and systematic research of Chinese cognate word families. It was on the basis of
the ”language roots” concept,Zhang Taiyan created Wenshi,the prelude of Shuowen. The proposition and application of the
concept of language origin marked the establishing of Zhang’s theory of Chinese etymology. With distinctive characteristics
of Chinese philology,this theory is suitable for the building of Chinese cognate word families,and has exerted a significant
influence on the study of Chinese language origin in both theory and practical application.

Key words: Zhang Tai-yan(章太炎), the theory of the origin of language, Wenshi(《文始》), word origin, etymology
