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Zheng He’s voyage in the early 15th century started the China-Indian Ocean route,brought Chinese products and culture to nations en route,and pushed the“maritime silk road”to a peak prosperity. However,Zheng He’s voyage did not form an effective mechanism of long-term trade exchanges between China and foreign nations;to some extent,it limited the development of nongovernmental foreign exchanges and of overseas Chinese,which,together with many other factors, eventually deprived China of the opportunity to transform from a land power to a marine power. The gains and losses of Zheng He’s voyage offer very good lessons to the current construction of“twenty-first century Maritime Silk Road”in many aspects: maintaining international justice,strengthening national defense by means of establishing overseas strategic anchor point,promoting cultural exchanges,and encouraging and support overseas Chinese participation.
Key words: Zheng He&rsquo, s voyage;twenty-first century Maritime Silk Road;international political pattern;economic and trade exchanges between China and foreign nations;peaceful development
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XIE Bo YUE Rong. Gains and Losses of Zheng He’s Voyage and Their Contemporary Meaning in the Construction of“21st Century Maritime Silk Road”[J]. 西南石油大学学报(社会科学版), DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674 5094.2015.10.12.03.
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URL: http://journal15.magtechjournal.com/Jwk_xnsk/EN/10.11885/j.issn.1674 5094.2015.10.12.03
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