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A Review of Researches on the Dunhuang Manuscripts of Lidai fabao ji in China in 21st Century

Zhai Xinglong   

  1. School of History and Culture,China West Normal University,Nanchong,Sichuan,637002,China
  • Online:2015-11-01 Published:2015-11-01


In the 21st century,researches on the Dunhuang manuscript of Lidai fabao ji have gone further on the basis of
previous achievements and are quite fruitful with papers and monographs. Generally,the researches have been done in three
aspects. Text researches mainly concern the copying and revising,figures and the inheritance of Dharma’s Buddhist robe.
Researches on the history of Buddhism in Sichuan Province focus mainly on the forming of the Zen schools in Sichuan and its
relationship with the thoughts of Wuxiang and Wuzhu about Zen,and the history of Buddhism exchanges between Sichuan and
Tibet. Other researches are related to non-Buddhism issues,which are currently focused on the exploration of lives of Du Fu
and Cen Shen in Sichuan and the embodiment of Zen ideas in their poems. While there has been great progress in the researches
of Lidai fabao ji,there are still room for further exploration in text research and researches on the history about Zen.

Key words: Dunhuang manuscripts, Buddhism, Lidai fabao ji, Zen schools in Sichuan, Du Fu, Cen Shen

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