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Japan’s Fourth Basic Energy Plan and Its Revelation to China ----An Analysis of the Coal Industry in the Context of Energy Revolution

Xian Xiang   

  1. Shenhua Xinjiang Energy Co.,Ltd.,Urumqi Xinjiang,830019,China
  • Online:2016-05-01 Published:2016-05-01


Japan’s fourth basic energy plan includes the basic principle of“3E+S”and diversification of energy structure. “3E+S”means steady energy supply,economic efficiency promotion and environmental protection. On the basis of security, steady energy supply is of the first priority. In terms of energy structure,there is a need to build a flexible and diversified structure of energy supply and demand,with both coal and nuclear power holding equally vital strategic positions. At present,coal is the principal energy and the important industrial raw material in China,and the“coal dominant”energy structure is under various questions and challenges. In a wave of energy revolution,the energy development in China can draw lessons from Japan’s fourth basic energy plan,in order to make new exploration in aspects of energy positioning,development direction,policies and measures. When actively realizing diversification of energy structure,we must also avoid extensive coal mine exploitation and utilization by innovating the exploitation,utilization and management of coal mines. Meanwhile,we should enhance international cooperation and effectively implement the strategy of“going global”to safeguard national energy security

Key words: Japan&rsquo, s fourth basic energy plan;energy revolution;coal;energy structure;clean and efficient energy conversion

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