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The Application of Popularized Language in News Headline

ZHOU Shi-yan   

  1. Television and Radio Station of Guang’an City,Guang’an Sichuan 638000,China
  • Online:2013-09-01 Published:2013-09-01


Due to the diversification of medium,the news channels also presented a trend of pluralism: the traditional media like newspapers and journals have equal shares with the new media which is represented by the Internet. News headlines in different media have different features. Popular expressions are always preferred for news headlines by all kind of media. Besides,popular expressions are used differently in traditional news headlines and in Internet news headlines. The popularization of language in headlines accords with the basic feature of news report,which satisfies the public need for easier perception,and therefore is conducive to the construction of mass culture in our society. However,news media must realize that popularized language could also have negative and undesirable effects,such as vulgarity etc.

Key words: traditional news headline, online news headline, popularized language, traditional media, new media