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An Analysis of the Legal Protection of Athletes’ Right to Education

WANG Zhen   

  1. School of Law,Southwest University of Political Science and Law,Chongqing 401120,China
  • Online:2014-01-01 Published:2014-01-01


In recent years,athletes’ right to education has gained wide attention. The right to education is the most important right in the athletes’ careers,which is,however,frequently violated in reality,so legal protection of the athletes’ right to education is necessary. This paper elaborates the current situation of the legal protection of athletes’ right to education,and we find the following existing problems: first,there is insufficient understanding of the concept; second,the main scope of the noncompulsory education at the legislative level is narrow,the content of the legal safeguard system is not perfect,and the responsibility mechanism is not perfect; third,there lacks feasibility at the judicial level and legal remedy. We also analyze the causes of these problems and come up with corresponding countermeasures and suggestions that we should defend athletes’ right to education by deepening the athletes’ consciousness of their right to education according to the particularity of this group,and by perfecting the legislation and judicial system.

Key words: athletes;athletes&rsquo, right to education;legal protection;legal remedy;violation of athletes right to education