Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Social Sciences Edition) ›› 2023, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (3): 49-56.DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5094.2023.04.12.02

• POLITICS AND LAW • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Mao Zedong’s View of the World and Its Contemporary Value

CUI Fazhan, YU Liang   

  1. School of Marxism, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu Sichuan, 610500, China
  • Received:2023-04-12 Published:2023-06-20

Abstract: Mao Zedong’s view of the world is the ideological crystallization of his critical inheritance of the traditional Chinese view of the world in the process of examining the relationship between China and the world, based on Marxist theory and the reality of Chinese revolution and construction. This unique view of the world not only reveals the overall thinking of the fate of China and the world, but also contains the great ambition to transform China and the world and promote the unity and peace of the world. In the new era, continuing Mao Zedong’s concept of the world and adhering to the mind of the world can provide a historical reference and contemporary value for grasping the two overall situations, for building a community with a shared future for mankind and creating a new form of human civilization.

Key words: Mao Zedong, the world view, contemporary value, the ideal of great harmony, having a global vision

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