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    01 April 2013, Volume 35 Issue 2
    Reflections on Research Status of Subsea Test Tree andHome-made Feasibilities
    Liu Qingyou;Tang Yang
    2013, 35(2):  1-7. 
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    The subsea test tree is a key risk control equipment in deep water testing process. Under the emergency condition,it is
    quick to disconnect test column,plug the downhole string within the high-pressure oil and gas in order to achieve the protection
    of test equipment and personnel safety and to avoid pollution of the marine environment in special sea conditions. Through
    extensive literature data collection and on-site research,we analyze the subsea test tree research status at home and abroad,
    detailing the functions,structural features of foreign subsea test tree,applications,and domestic subsea test tree development
    and application at home. The comparative analysis shows that:the foreign subsea test tree is the powerful,reliable for different
    conditions,and products by different companies we discuss have their own characteristics in structure and function. At the same
    time,with reference to the research and development process of the application status of domestic subsea test tree,problems
    that may arise in subsea test tree in China,and we explore the feasibility of subsea test tree production in China,too. We believe
    that this paper is of significance to research and development and manufacturing of China’s offshore oil subsea equipment.
    Palaeosalinity and its Controlling on the Development of Beachand Bar in Lake Facies
    Song Guoqi;Wang Yanzhang;Shi Xiaohu;Lu Da;Yan Ruiping
    2013, 35(2):  8-14. 
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    We make the content of Boron and the ratio of Sr/Ba、Sr/Ca the target,and calculate the palaeosalinity values
    of sedimentation epoch in Sha 4 of the south slope in Dongying Depression. The palaeosalinity in vertical direction totally
    decreases from down to up. The palaeosalinity is higher in early stage of lake invading and becomes lower in later stage. The
    east is relatively higher in plane and the north is lower. The distribution of palaeosalinity is controlled by palaeowater-depth.
    The palaeosalinity controls different types of carbonate rock and the palaeosalinity limits is in 10.0 ‰ 35.0 ‰. The dolomite is
    mainly distributed in the area with palaeosalinity higher than 15.0 ‰ while the limestone is mainly distributes in the area lower
    than 20.0 ‰. The high salinity of water supplies the material base and media condition for the dolomite formation and dolomitic
    diagenetic change. In the area of high salinity the the primary deposition is dolomite,or formed limestone the dolomitisation,
    the limestone deposition is primary in the area of low salinity.
    Analysis on Organic Facies of Hydrocarbon Source Rocks of the ForthMember of Shahejie Formation of Lower Eocene in Dongying Sag
    Zheng Deshun;Zhou Lu;Cai Jingong;Ding Fei
    2013, 35(2):  15-22. 
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    With many deep oil and gas reservoirs found around the world,the researches are beginning focusing on generation
    and accumulation of the deep hydrocarbon resources in recent years. Organic facies can assist to make a better evaluation
    of hydrocarbon potential of source rocks,and then guide oil and gas exploration. The organic facies of hydrocarbon source
    rocks of the fourth member of Shahejie Formation of Lower Eocene(Es4)is divided into three types according to the data of
    sedimentary characteristics,sedimentary environment,organic petrology,organic geochemistry and palynofacies,and by using
    special element ratios,organic carbon content,vitrinite reflectance and palynofacies model. Three types from the bottom to the
    top are weak reducing alluvial fan organic facies under salt beds,strong reducing salt lake organic facies within salt beds and
    reducing deep-half deep lake organic facies upper salt beds. In the three types of organic facies,organic matters in hydrocarbon
    source rocks upper salt beds are best,with good exploration prospects,and those within salt beds go second,those under salt
    beds last.
    Source-reservoir-cap Assemblages in Paleozoic of the Rub al KhaliBasin,Qatar
    Fan Chunhua;Hu Xiaolin;Huang Xingwen;Bai Haiqiang;Yin Jun
    2013, 35(2):  23-28. 
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    Clastic rock in Paleozoic is a new field for the petroleum exploration in the Rub al Khali Basin,Qatar. Based on
    the regional geology study,the source-reservoir-cap assemblage in Paleozoic,especially the development characteristic of cap
    rocks,is studied using petroleum geology and reservoir geology theory. The results show that the Palaeozoic group in the Rub
    al Khali Basin is well-developed source-reservoir-cap assemblage. The Qusaiba hot shales in Silurian are the major source
    rocks. The littoral sandstones of Jauf in Devonian and fluvial-deltaic sandstones of Unayzah in Permian are major reservoirs.
    The Gypsum rocks and basal transgressive mudstones of Khuff are the regional cap rocks,with several sets of local cap rocks.
    The seal abilities of cap rocks is one of the main risks for the Paleozoic petroleum exploration in this region. The distribution
    of the regional cap rocks are stable on plane,which contains gypsum rocks. The seal ability is good as a whole,but local cap
    rocks with minor dolomites and a few of siltstone are thin and impurity,which have an adverse effect on sealing abilities. The
    cap risks should be taken in consideration in petroleum exploration.
    Analysis of Reservoir Differences of Member 2 of the XujiaheFormation in Northeast Sichuan Basin
    Zhang Chun;Jiang Yuqiang;Wang Li′en;Xu Houwei;Wang Meng
    2013, 35(2):  29-36. 
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    With the deepening of the degree of exploration,and the expansion of the Sichuan Basin natural gas exploration
    field,and to look for new exploration replacement area,Sichuan Basin exploration area extends from the basin to the basin
    margin. In this context,successive new exploration results are obtained in the second section of the upper Triassic Xujiahe
    Formation,but many problems gradually arose in the process of exploration and development,such as gas well productivity
    differences,clastic components,thickness and property differences of reservoir between blocks. In response to these problems,
    based on the core observation,core analysis data and log interpretation results,and starting from the analysis of deposition and
    diagenesis,we make a comparative analysis with reservoir differences and its causes of Member 2 of the upper Triassic Xujiahe
    Formation between Longgang and Yingshan Area. We think that far away distance from the source area and repeated washing
    by high-energy water are the primary factors causing reservoir differences;strong compaction and multistage quartz overgrowth
    are the key factors caused by the reservoir differences,and antigenic chlorite rim cementation and feldspar selective dissolution
    are the ultimate factors causing the reservoir differences. The research results explain many of the problems encountered in the
    exploration and development of gas reservoirs,and provide effective guidance for the next step of exploration and development
    Triassic Leikoupo Salt Distribution and Evolution in Sichuan Basin
    Huang Dong;Yang Guang;Yang Tianquan;Wang Hua;Shi Xuewen
    2013, 35(2):  37-42. 
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    Middle Triassic Leikoupo group is one of the earliest formations where nature gas and salt brine were exploited
    in Sichuan Basin. The large number of drilling data from Leikoupo indicate that the period of the Leikoupo salt is T2l2
    3 and T2l2 4,respectively. Eastern and southern basin due to the effect of palaeohigh,the ancient salt rock strata have been eroded and
    hard to conserve,today,the salt formation mainly exist in the Kaijiang palaeohigh and Luzhou west palaeohigh,as well as
    Tianjing mountain. Indo-Chinese movement plays an important role in the horizontal migration of salt rock of Leikoupo group.
    According to statistical data of rock salt in different periods,two salt basins in the plane display a feature of westward migration
    and superimposition. An examlpe of such feature is Well Gongshan 1 on the two phases of rock salt in middle Sichuan Basin.
    Hydrocarbon Heterogeneous Distribution and Main Controlling Factors ofComplex Fault-block Oilfield
    Tan Lijuan;Liu Jun;
    2013, 35(2):  43-53. 
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    The hydrocarbon heterogeneous distribution is the universal law in oil and gas bearing basin,especially in complex
    fault-block oilfield. The crude oil properties and the enrichment of oil and gas accumulation of different fault-blocks or different
    layers vary greatly in the same complex fault-block zone. Due to the difference of heterogeneity and diagenesis of reservoir
    in the same fault-block,hydrocarbon is also distributed heterogeneously. The types of oil reservoirs in complex fault-block
    oilfields are complex and changeable,and often related with fault. The diversity of configuration of fault and sand body and the
    properties of the fault are the key factors leading to hydrocarbon heterogeneous distribution. The scale of fault,fault occurrence,
    mechanical properties and the combination style of the fault in the plane or in profile etc,also have an important influence on
    oil and gas enrichment. Therefore,the concept of“blocks control petroleum enriched areas”will favorably contribute to oil
    and gas exploration.
    Methods to Determine the Lower Limits and Controlling Factors of theEffective Reservoir of Tight Sand Gas Reservoirs
    Li Jing;Luo Bin;Zhang Xuyang;Hou Wenfeng;Yue Xiaojun
    2013, 35(2):  54-62. 
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    The tight sand reservoirs of the east of Sulige Area in Changqing Oilfield is typical of relatively lower porosity and
    much lower permeability in gas reservoirs area. Research of lower limit of reservoir set is the base for distinguishing effective
    reservoirs from non-effective ones. We have researched the lower limit of reservoir by several methods. The lower limits of
    effective porosity and permeability for reservoirs are determined by productivity simulation technique. On the basis of the
    research,the controlling factors of effective reservoirs are discussed. Our research indicates that the low limit of porosity and
    permeability is 4.0%5.0% and 0.0750.100 mD,respectively. And the lower limit of gas saturation is 45%. The property of
    reservoirs in east Sulige Gas Field is mainly controlled by lithology and sedimentary microfacies. The mechanical compaction is
    the key factor which caused the porosity decreasing. Quality of sandstone reservoirs is controlled by the efficiency of corrosion
    and alteration. Thickness of sandstone has less influence on the reservoir effectiveness.
    Research on Development Regularity of Structural Fractures inSand-mud Interbed of A Gas Field,Kuqa Depression
    Wang ke;Dai Junsheng;Jia Kaifu;Fu Xiaolong;Zhang Yi
    2013, 35(2):  63-70. 
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    Based on the generation mechanism of structural fractures,the development regularities of structural fractures in
    sand-mud interbed of A Gas Field,Kuqa Depression are discussed in the paper,and the influencing factors are analyzed,and
    the development model of structural fractures in sand-mud interbed is established. The analysis reveals that,influenced by the
    fragility of sandstone and plasticity of mudstone,structural fractures in sand-mud interbed generate in sandstone layers first
    and expand into mudstone layers to gradually form the fracture network. Fragile stones are easier to produce a great quantity of
    fractures than plastic ones,thus the density of fractures in sandstone layers of sand-mud interbed is greater than that in mudstone
    layers. Due to the difference of internal friction angle between sandstone and mudstone,the average dip angle of fractures in
    sandstone layers is greater than that in mudstone layers. The smaller the thickness of single sandstone layer or mudstone layer is.
    The better the development of fractures is the Strata with strong anisotropy always produce more fractures than homogeneous
    ones. However,as the result of the anisotropy,one group of conjugated shear fractures would be restrained and another group
    would be taken as the principal. The research result also demonstrates that,in the sand-mud interbed of A Gas Field,Kuqa
    Depression,the thickness of each mudstone layer is less than 4.0 m,the limit value for fractures to penetrate mudstone layers.
    Therefore,the fractures could penetrate mudstone layers and connect the upper and lower sandstone to form massive continued
    hydrocarbon pore volume. Finally,the development model of fractures in sand-mud interbed is established according to the
    above theoretical analysis.
    Accuracy Evaluation on 3D Digital Cores Reconstruction byProcess-based Method
    Yan Guoliang;Sun Jianmeng;Liu Xuefeng;Zhang Li
    2013, 35(2):  71-76. 
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    It is too expensive and time consuming by use X-ray computerized tomography(CT)to obtain the real 3D digital
    cores for representing the true microstructures of rocks. It is important in both theory and applications to reconstruct 3D
    digital cores based on 2D thin section of rocks and evaluate the accuracy of reconstructed digital cores. 3D digital core was
    reconstructed utilizing petrographical information obtained from two dimensional thin sections to model the results of the main
    sedimentary rocks forming processes-sedimentation,compaction,and diagenesis. The accuracy of this method is evaluated
    by calculating local porosity distribution function and average percolation probability function in real 3D digital cores and the
    reconstructed digital cores. The results show that the homogeneity and connectivity of reconstructed three-dimension digital
    core by process-based method are similar to those of true 3D digital core and both of the reconstructed 3D digital core and true
    3D digital core are isotropic. Reconstruction of 3D digital cores can be used to characterize the pore structure of the true core,
    and can also be used as the basis for simulation of other physical properties.
    P-wave Velocity-density Relation of Limestone in Amu DaryaRight Bank Block,Turkmenistan
    Xiong Xiaojun;Wang Fei;He Zhenhua
    2013, 35(2):  77-82. 
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    Based on petrophysical parameters of 31 water saturated limestone samples from the right bank of Amu Darya,
    Turkmenistan,the Castagna polynomial and exponential relation of P-wave velocity and density was evaluated. According
    to the result,the predictive densities by Castagna exponential relation are bigger than real values with major prediction error.
    However,the Castagna polynomial relation can better reflect the character of P-wave velocity and density;besides,its fitting
    accuracy increases gradually along with the increase of the confining pressure. The result is of great benefit to reservoir
    prediction research,and has important theoretical and practical value.
    Identification and Distribution Investigation of Seismic Reflection AnomalyBodies in Xidingjia Area
    Chen Cen;Hu Wangshui;Yan Zhenhua;Hou Huimin
    2013, 35(2):  83-89. 
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    The lower cretaceous strata of Xidingjia Area,Songliao Basin is dominated by deep-water deposits. Through the
    correlation and interpretation of seismic profiles in the researched area,we found that there are many kinds and amounts of
    seismic anomaly bodies in different layer series,such as Sha 1 Member and Ying 3 Member. The majority of these anomaly
    bodies are formed by turbidity current deposit and biogenic deposit,and they display external reflection characteristics of
    banding,downward cut and lenticular. Based on the study of feature classification of seismic anomaly bodies,we found that
    there are close correlations between seismic anomaly bodies and lithological subtle reservoir in this area and most of them have
    not been drilled. Therefore,it means good oil and gas prospects. Identification and distribution research with seismic trace and
    interpretation of anomaly bodies,can provide new ideas for further exploration and development of lithological subtle reservoir
    in Xidingjia Area.
    Analysis of Shale Gas Fracture Stimulation Mechanism andOperating Techniques
    Li Yongming;Peng Yu;Wang Zhongze
    2013, 35(2):  90-95. 
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    Energy is the main factor restricted the economic development of our country,but our convention oil and gas
    resource has already gone into the stage of decreasing production. Therefore,developing shale gas is an important way to
    solve the problem. Fracture operating is related to the productivity,recovery and economic effectiveness,so it′s the key to the
    development of shale gas. This paper introduces the stimulation mechanism and operating techniques of shale gas,and gives
    some suggestions of shale gas development of our country. First,we analyze the geology of gas shale and suggest strengthening
    the evaluation of brittleness and natural fracture;and then,we expound the stimulation theory of stimulated reservoir volume
    and analyze the influencing factors of shale gas production. In the end,we analyze all kinds of operating techniques which
    could be used in shale gas development,giving some new perspectives and suggestions of research direction.
    Study on Diversion Acid Technology in Tight Carbonatite Gas Reservoir
    Li Kezhi;Xu Bingwei;Qin Yuying;He Qing
    2013, 35(2):  97-101. 
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    This paper analyzed carbonates reservoirs’ geology in Daniudi gas field,proposed diversion acid technology based
    on the reservoir transformation status and difficulties. The diversion acid mechanism were analyzed from both theoretical and
    experiments perspectives. Diversion acid system’s performances were studied by experiments on rheological properties,acidrock
    reaction kinetics,diversion and broken plastic performance. At last,the application of diversion acid technology in A well
    is a breakthrough of exploration and development in Daniudi Gas Field.
    Influence of Reservoir Mineralogical Composition on AcidFracture Conductivity
    Li Qin;Yi Xiangyi;Lu Yuan;Song Yi
    2013, 35(2):  102-108. 
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    The formation rock mineral composition is one of the factors affecting the effect of acid fracturing. This research
    indicates that the content and distribution of easy dissolution in mineral composition of the reservoir rock determines the value
    of conductivity in etching fracture,and the more content of easy dissolution there is,the faster the speed of dissolution is.
    In this paper,the conductivity of etching fracture have been tested with different dissolution rates of limestone and dolomite.
    The effect of conductivity of etching fracture with content of easy dissolution and dissolution rate has been researched. Some
    guidance advice to design proposal of acid fracturing treatment is presented. The results show that the fracture conductivity
    between the corrosion rate and the acid etching is the parabolic relationship. When easy dissolution accounts for 30% to 40%,
    the conductivity of etching fracture stays good.
    Technology and Application of Multi-stage Acid Fracturing byWater-swelling Packer
    Zhang bo;Xue Chengjin;Zhou Linbo;Zhang Ye;
    2013, 35(2):  109-114. 
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    The ordovician carbonate reservoir of one oilfield in the northwest of China,is mainly fracture cavern,with the
    reservoir features of ultra-deep,high pressure and high temperature;the effect of horizontal conventional acid fracturing is
    very limited,and there are still difficulties in the selection of multi-stage stimulation methods and tools. This paper introduces
    the technical principle,key technical aspects,operation program and tool performance of multi-stage acid fracturing by waterswelling
    packers. Based on actual drilling/mud logging/logging data and the optimized stages of multi-stage acid fracturing,
    and in combination with the characteristics of reservoir fractures and solution caves,as well as the requirements of completion
    tools on borehole diameter and trajectory,We determine the completion program of multi-stage acid fracturing,optimize the
    RIH and inflation setting time of packers,and improve the multi-stage acid fracturing design and complete field test,under the
    principle of effective stimulation and favorable reservoirs. The field test results show that the completion program of multi-stage
    acid fracturing and optimized acid fracturing design are both correct,but the quality of tools like ball injection sliding sleeve
    and the quality control in acid fracturing completion still need to be improved.
    Novel Well Pattern for Fractured Horizontal Well in Ultra-lowPermeability Reservoir
    Zeng Baoquan;Cheng Linsong;Qi Mei;Li Chunlan
    2013, 35(2):  115-120. 
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    A novel well pattern was presented for fractured horizontal wells in ultra-low permeability reservoir,considering
    geomorphological features and permeability anisotropy of Changqing Oilfield. The feasibility of novel well pattern was demonstrated
    on drilling and development. The cluster well technology can guarantee the successful drilling and completionon of the
    fractured horizontal wells. Development of novel well pattern in the interlacing well pattern,rectangular pattern and rhombic
    inverted nine-spot pattern was evaluated by reservoir numerical simulation about average well production,oil recovery,water
    cut and sweep area. The results show that novel well pattern and conventional well pattern has the same development effectency
    in the interlacing well pattern;the novel well pattern in the other two patterns can effectively reduce the water cut in the sweep
    area of 30 years and the degree of reserve recovery enhance 6.00% and 10.00%,recovery 0.96% and 1.6%. respectively,and
    the final recovery 1.05% and 1.50%(when water cut =95%).
    Influence Factor Analysis and Field Application of Deep Profile-controllingBased on the Streamline Model
    Fan Zhaoqi;Cheng Linsong;Li Xiaorong;Jia Yuqin;Dai Fu
    2013, 35(2):  121-126. 
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    The streamline model has been used to make oil field development program,to evaluate the effectiveness of adjustment
    and to forecast the indices of production as a burgeoning tool. We analyze the changing regularity of streamline before
    and after in-depth profile control agent injection,reveal the corresponding seepage field changing mode by building the deep
    profile-controlling streamline model. Based on the streamline model,the influence of position,timing,stemming ratio and
    the injection concentration on the effect of profile-controlling have been analyzed,and then the key indices of deep profilecontrolling
    pilot site are proposed. The conclusive influence factors of the effectiveness of the test have been found from two
    well groups in WLW pilot site,which can be definitely used as reference for the application of deep profile control agent in
    similar oil fields.
    Physical Simulation Research of Water Breakthrough and Well Water CutPerformance in Fractured-vuggy Carbonate Reservoirs
    Li Longxin;Wu Feng;Zhang Liehui;Li Yun
    2013, 35(2):  127-134. 
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    Based on the characteristics of fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs in Tahe Oilfield as well as dynamic and static
    data from pilot production,visualized models of different combination of fractured and vuggy were built up through similar
    theory and forward modeling in this study. Comparison and verification of the reservoir space type of corresponding water cut
    law were done by physical simulation experiment. The result reveals the physical nature of water cut performance,and provides
    the experimental and theoretical basis for the efficient development of reservoir. The experiment simulation proves that there
    are five basic types of water cut performance in fractured-vuggy carbonate reservoirs. Each type is related to the specific
    reservoir geological characteristics,combination relations of vuggy and fracture,water energy and connection between aquifer
    and deposit. Compared to sandstone reservoirs,carbonate reservoirs have more complicated characteristics in water influx.
    The influx always happened in fractures and in the cave inside,and the oil-water interface levels up in horizontal position. The
    coupling of conduit flow and permeation is the direction of research in the future.
    Experimental Research on Natural Gas Flooding in Abnormal HighPressure Reservoir in Wenliu Block
    Yu Chuanmou;Chen Yiyang
    2013, 35(2):  135-140. 
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    The physical property of Wen 88 Block is low porosity and low permeability with the average porosity at 13.9%,and
    the average permeability at 7.4 mD,and its initial formation pressure and temperature is 64.98 MPa and 145 ℃,respectively,
    and the pressure coefficient is 1.7∼1.8,so it belongs to abnormal high temperature and high pressure reservoir whose depleted
    recovery efficiency is quite low and water injection response is also poor. In order to study the feasibility of reservoir gas
    injection,we have carried out gas expansion experiments and long core tests which proved that gas injection can improve the
    physical property of crude oil and got displacement efficiency for different gas injection plan. The results of these experiments
    show that gas injection can significantly improve physical property of crude oil and have apparent effects on lowering viscosity
    and expanding of crude oil. Moreover,the sweep efficiency under the original formation conditions is much better than that
    under the present formation conditions. However,the latter can also boost sweep efficiency to a certain extent.
    Analysis of Productivity Equation and Influence Factors ofHorizontal Wells in Tight Sand Gas Reservoir
    Qiu Xianqiang;Li Zhiping;Liu Yinshan;Lai Fengpeng
    2013, 35(2):  141-145. 
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    The traditional flow laws are inapplicable to the tight sand gas reservoirs because of the reservoirs’ rather low
    porosity,low permeability and the high effective stresses. On account of the tight gas flow features and flow fields around the
    horizontal wells,the horizontal well flow zone is divided into two areas:the near-wellbore area,which is non-Darcy flow,
    and the far-away area from the wellbore,which is Darcy Flow. Based on the study of this division,start-up pressure gradient,
    slippage effect and stress sensitivity,the productivity equation of horizontal wells in tight sand gas reservoirs was derived. A
    case study is presented with the detailed studies on the three factors which impact the tight gas reservoir. With the equation
    and the case study analysis,the results indicate that:(1)productivity of horizontal wells in tight sand gas reservoirs decreases
    with start-up pressure gradient and stress sensitivity at a linear and an exponential relationship,respectively,but increases with
    slippage effect at a near-linear relationship;(2)the stress sensitivity has a stronger impact on the productivity compared with
    the start-up pressure gradient,and the influence of slippage effect is relatively small.
    A Utility Mode Surface Cross-linked Acid System to Improve the BeachBar Sand Low-permeability Development Effects
    Wen Changyun;Wang Lei;Ma Shou;Huang Bo
    2013, 35(2):  146-151. 
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    Aiming at beach-bar reservoirs with low permeability,large-scale reserves,poor properties,severe heterogeneity,
    large differences between layers,a new ground crosslinked acid system is developed. By indoor crosslinking and gel breaking
    test,a low cost of thickening agent and crosslinking agent are screened out which can crosslink under strong acidic conditions,
    and are used to form the crosslinked acid. Through gel formed and broken tests under room temperature,the best crosslinked
    ratio and polymer viscosity are determined indoor. Then,additives are used to form the cross linked acid system. Through
    such tests as gel formed and broken,corrosion,cleanup,temperature,some advantages of the new system are shown with high
    viscosity,low filtration,low acid-rock reaction speed,and greater transformation radius,which is applied on well Bin-10X1,
    and has achieved good stimulation effectis.
    Characteristics and Preparation of Degradable PolyesteramideNano Polymer
    He yi;Xu Zhonghao;Yu Hui;Yang Zhiwei;Luo Guangwen
    2013, 35(2):  152-157. 
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    Polyesteramides have good mechanical properties and degradability,so using inorganic nanometer materials can
    improve the mechanical properties of the polymer. In this paper,PEA/MWNTs were synthesized in-situ using the reinforcement
    of nano-composite. We observed the dispersion of multi-walled carbon nanotubes in polyesteramides,and tested the nanocomposite
    thermal,mechanical,water absorption and degradation properties of the material. The results show that multi-walled
    carbon nanotubes in polyesteramides can be uniformly dispersed,and that the tensile strength and elongation at break increase
    and its degradation remains at the same level.
    Research on Emulsification of Modification Paraffin Wax
    Fu Xue;Zhu Lin;Zhu Liqing
    2013, 35(2):  158-163. 
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    The 58# fully refined paraffin wax was oxidized without catalyst,When reaction temperature is 130℃,oxidized time
    is 2 h,and the physical properties of reaction product are similar to the natural bee-wax. In the experiment of oxidized paraffin
    wax emulsion,the affecting parameters of emulsion particle size,such as variety and dosage of the emulsifier,emulsifying
    temperature,emulsifying time,stirring speed were investigated. Experimental results demonstrate the optimal parameter for
    paraffin emulsification,the best emulsified wax was obtained when emulsifying temperature is 90 ℃,and emulsifying time is
    40 min,stirring speed 1 000 r/min,and the stearic acid and triethanolamine as compound emulsifier.
    Setting Process Simulation on Bridge Plug Research
    He Zuqing;Ding Shidong;Lian Zhanghua;Peng Hanxiu;Lin Tiejun
    2013, 35(2):  164-169. 
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    The bridge plug is the key equipment of downhole sealing layer technology,which is widely used because of the
    advantages of less construction process,short period,and accurate sealing position. The setting process of A-type drillable nonmetallic
    bridge plug was simulated which involvs the general contact of elastic-plastic material,the nonlinear dynamics of the
    super-elastic material contact and non-metallic materials,dynamic fracture. With the finite element method,we establish the
    generalized contact relationship between the full-size model of the bridge plug and all the parts. The finite element simulation
    result includes dynamic movement and deformation characteristics of various components of the bridge plug,bridge plug and
    the casing between the sealing characteristics and dynamic setting closure force data. The setting axial displacement of the
    bridge plug was 110 mm and setting force near 45 kN. The result was also a theoretical basis for further optimization of the
    structure and assessment of the bridge plug and setting performance for application in oilfield.
    Research on Structure Angle Design of Offshore Discharge Floating Hose
    Xu Yejun
    2013, 35(2):  170-173. 
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    The offshore discharge floating hose,the only oil transferring channel of FPSO,is a composite of rubber hose,and
    has a complex structure and material diversity. However,there lacks of relevant design specifications and standards,and the
    theory system is still not intact. The model of the offshore offloading floating hose for the typical structure was established
    with the finite element analysis software;the sensibility of the cord winding angle on the tensile and bending properties was
    analysed. And the effect of the structure angle to the tensile and bending on different conditions was obtained. Finally,we
    verified the actual floating hose with experiment,and compared it with international OCIMF standard. The results can guide
    the future pipeline optimization design and provide a reference for the localization of the discharge floating hose.
    The Analysis of Fatigue Life About Erosion Resistance DeviceBased on Workbench
    Ai Zhijiu;Li Jie;Liu Huixin;Peng Xu;Hu Kun
    2013, 35(2):  174-178. 
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    In well control operation,the high speed and high pressure fluid impacts erosion resistance device,generates pulsating
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