
Table of Content

    01 August 2013, Volume 35 Issue 4
    Formation and Controlling Factors of Karst Fracture-cave Reservoir in the
    4th Block of Tahe Oilfield
    Liao Mingguang,Pei Yu, Chen Peiyuan|,Liu Xueli,He Jia
    2013, 35(4):  1-8.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 001
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    Cave,solution pore and fracture are the primary reservoir spaces in Lower Ordovician,the 4th block of Tahe Oilfield.
    Cave is the most effective reservoir,while fracture takes the second place. It is difficult to form effective reservoir for matrix,
    owing to its poor porosity and permeability. Effected by the tectonic movement of early hercynian,the fracture was mainly
    distributed in the direction of NNE,NNW and NE. Integrated with description of the karst feature of core,electronic probe
    element analysis and isotope analysis,we found that there are four periods of karstification in this area,of which the periods
    of Middle-Late Caledonian and early hercynian played an important role in controlling the formation of the karst cave. Karst
    controlled the distribution of fracture-cave reservoir,and the ancestral water system located in different karst areas had impact
    on the shape of cave-fracture body. Fracture and its accompanying crack not only increased the contact area but also improved
    the solution range of the surface and ground water with the carbonate reservoir,which caused 90% wells with drilling empty
    and mud loss distributed near the fault zone,where karst developed very well.

    Study on Geological Condition of Shale Gas Accumulation in
    Qiangtang Basin
    Peng Qinghua1,2, Du Baiwei1,2
    2013, 35(4):  9-17.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 002
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    Shale gas,as a clean energy of great prospects,has become the research hotspot in petroleum geology field,recently.
    Shale gas exploration of Qiangtang Basin,where several high quality mud-shale source rocks developed,is still in initial stage.
    Through the analysis of key geological parameters of domestic and international main shale gas basins in exploration and
    development,we sum up the evaluation standard of favorable shale gas exploration targets. Based on the comprehensive
    evaluation of the main mud-shale hydrocarbon source rock thickness,organic matter maturity,organic matter type,organic
    carbon content of Qiangtang Basin,we discover that in Qiangtang Basin,two sets of favorable shale gas exploration layer
    developed:mud-shale layer of the upper Triassic,mud-shale layer of lower Jurassic Quse Formation. And we select five
    favorable shale gas areas:Zangxiahe favorable area,Woruoshan favorable area,Tumengela favorable area,Biluocuo favorable
    area,Mugouriwang favorable area.

    Analysis of Major Occurrence Modes of Remaining Oil in
    Karstic-fracture Reservoirs
    Cheng Qian1, Li Xipeng2, Liu Zhongchun1, Hu Xiangyang1, Li Bo2,3
    2013, 35(4):  18-24.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 003
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    The pseudo-particle simulation technology was first introduced to the study of karstic-fracture carbonate reservoirs.
    The multiscale fracture-cave network conceptual model was designed,and the water flooding process of the model was recorded.
    The research shows that when cave and well configuration is unreasonable,there is some residual oil in high local control point
    in the cave. What’s more,residual oil also exists due to high conductivity fracture,which was not affected by water. They are
    the two major forms of residual oil in karstic-fractured reservoir. According to the water change characteristics of multiscale
    fracture-cave network conceptual model,the reservoir analysis subject was defined to well TK412 of S48 cell in the fourth block
    of Tahe Oilfield. According to the three-dimensional geologic model,from the highest point down,well TK412 is estimated
    to have 110 million tons of residual oil. According to the analysis,despite the more than 90% water ratio,there is still a large
    amount of remaining oil with great development potential.

    Petroleum Migration Patterns of Donghe Sandstone Secondary
    Hydrocarbon Reservoir in North Tarim Basin and Their Implications for
    the Future Exploration
    Zhou Bo, Jia Jinhua, Chen Xiuyan
    2013, 35(4):  25-34.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 004
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    The carboniferous Donghe sandstone oilfield consists of two hydrocarbon reservoirs(Donghetang and Hudson)in
    the north of Tarim Basin. After analyzing the fluid characteristics,time of reservoir filling,regional structural evolution,hydrocarbon
    migration pathways,migration distance and reserve volumes of reservoirs,we conclude that the Donghetang and
    Hudson sandstone reservoirs are both secondary hydrocarbon reservoirs. Geochemical data(δ13C values and biomarker compositions)
    indicate the oil source is the underlying Ordovician carbonate reservoir. Further study about the tectonic movements
    shows the Donghetang and Hudson have different oil accumulation patterns. The Donghetang arch formed in the Hercynian
    period and preserved to date,then oil migrated here vertically from the Ordovician reservoirs via the fractures. While the
    Hudson reservoir was a northward pinchout trap formed during the late Himalayan movement,then oil migrated here laterally
    from the north palaeo-oil pool via the unconformity interface between Carboniferous and Silurian formations. Because of the
    limited migration distance,the present secondary reservoirs only distribute close to the palaeo-reservoir. Based on the fact,
    we think that the future exploration aiming at the the Donghe sandstone fringe located in the southern part of the north Tarim
    Basin should be performed with great caution and more emphasis should be put on the study about hydrocarbon migration and
    emplacement on this site.

    Diagenesis of Volcanic Rock Reservoir in Kalagang Formation of
    Carboniferous,Santanghu Basin
    2013, 35(4):  35-42.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 005
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    Based on the macroscopic well core observation,fine thin section observation and the petrochemistry analysis,the
    diagenesis of carboniferous volcanic rock in Santanghu Basin are divided into 9 types and 4 diagenetic stages according to the
    alternation feature and interrelationship of the volcanic rocks reservoir pore space. The Zeolites almond and full filled slits in
    the stage of condense concretion diagenesis and burial-hydrothermal diagenetic stage provided the key material basis for the
    weathering crust reservoir. In the stage of early and late epidiagenesis,intense corrosion of lyotrope in connective slits provided
    the key action for the formation of the weathering crust reservoir. Then two kinds of weathering crust reservoir were formed:
    eruption interval weathering crust reservoir and areal structure uplift denude weathering crust reservoir.

    Research of Structural Reservoir in No.5 Unit of Lenghu Area
    2013, 35(4):  43-50.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 006
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    Based on core observation,cast thin section,scanning electron microscopy and Hg-injection analysis and so on,we
    studied reservoir characteristics of structural reservoir in No.5 Unit of Lenghu Area in Qaidam Basin. The results show that the
    structural reservoir in No.5 Unit of Lenghu Area are mainly fine-grained sandstone and siltite,a small part of medium sandstone
    and coarse-grained sandstone of delta facies. The rocks were mainly experienced compaction,cementation and dissolution,
    and the diagenesis characteristics of the study area are medium compaction and dissolution,stronger cementation,the main
    cements are carbonate,sulfate,siliceous and clay mineral cement. Reservoirs are in A stage of late diagenesis. Pore types
    of the study area are residual intergranular pores and dissolution expand holes. Reservoir properties are both controlled by
    sedimentary facies and diagenesis,high quality reservoir is delta distributary channel sand,subaqueous distributary channel
    sand and sheet sand;Diagenesis also influences the reservoir properties in which compaction and cementation decrease the
    porosity,dissolution increases secondary porosity.

    Study of Seismic Sedimentology on Paleogene Thin-bedded Sand
    Section in Quele,Tabei Uplift
    2013, 35(4):  51-58.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 007
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    Seismic sedimentology is the use of seismic data to study sedimentary rocks and the processes by which they are
    formed. It mainly use 3D seismic information and modern geophysical technology to study sedimentary systems,sedimentary
    facies spread and its evolution history. We use the technology of the frequency spectrum decomposition and stratal slicing,the
    key wells constraints to facies types,as well as geomorphic features of different sand shapes to start seismic sedimentological
    studies in paleogene thin-bedded sand section in Quele,Tabei Uplift. By analyzing a series of typical stratal slices,we find that
    the target zone is mainly subaqueous distributary channel of fan-delta,the delta lobes override in vertical profile,and lacustrine
    mudstone deposits between underwater distributary of fan-delta.

    River Channel Sand Body Prediction by Integrating Well Log and Seismic
    Attributes Analysis in Dense Well Pattern
    2013, 35(4):  59-68.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 008
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    As the development areas in east China have been in the phase of super-high water cut period,the distribution of
    remaining oil gradually becomes increasingly complex. In order to figure out the reasons which control the distribution of
    the remaining oil,the effective prediction of the distribution of interwell river channel sand body has become an urgent issue
    in EOR(enhanced oil recovery). Seismic microfacies mapping can be time consuming,even if only a basic overview of the
    microfacies distribution is needed. In this paper,based on the high resolution well log and seismic data,a study of interwell
    microfacies with the help of high resolution well log and 3-D seismic data in Sabei development area was carried out. Seismic
    attributes were extracted on the premise of seismic horizon tracing in a dense well pattern and the seismic attributes on wells
    were determined by inverse distance weighted mean method. The clustering procedure correlation analysis method,the linear
    and multivariate statistical correlation analysis between seismic attributes and well log data were used to deduce relationships
    between seismic data and reservoir physical information(including effective thickness,distribution of sedimentary facies).
    Finally,we demonstrate the possibility of using multi-attribute results to foster an understanding of depositionally oriented
    trends in interwell river channel sand body distribution that have been observed in the buildups we got in the analysis. Then the
    planar map of depositional microfacies distribution was mapped with the result of well-seismic data and it would lead us a new
    understanding of how to find remaining oil.

    Channel Sand Distribution Prediction Based on Seismic Forward
    Modeling and Attribute Analysis Technology
    Cao Qingrong, Li Pei, Tong Minbo, Yu Ruoyu
    2013, 35(4):  69-74.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 009
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    The Fourth Quan Member in R zone well slope belt of south Songliao Basin is ultra-low permeability reservoir,
    which is buried deep and is of poor physical property,thin sand body and quick horizontal changes. Its superior Reservoir of
    good quality is located in the principal part of the river. The effective signals of sand reservoirs I is shielded due to the influence
    of strong impedance interface of T2 at the Fourth Quan Member,so it is more difficult to predict the reservoir. Through
    seismic forward modeling of different surrounding rock combinations and different thickness of sand body,we discovered the
    correlation between the Fourth Quan Member channel sand bodies and attributes of seismic reflection amplitude,frequency
    and so on. Based on the theory of seismic sedimentology,and by combining well and seismic,we reinterpreted the sand body
    enveloping surface. The distribution rule of channel sand body reservoirs is predicted by the sensitive attributes,which has
    been optimized by the best correlation with thickness variation of channel sand body. The method has higher practical value for
    thin and anisotropic reservoir prediction.

    Simulation of Bed Thickness Effect and Mechanism Analysis of
    Electromagnetic Wave Resistivity Logging While Drilling in
    Highly-deviated Wells
    Wen Yi,Han Xiaomei
    2013, 35(4):  75-80.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 010
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    The method and model used in the logging interpretation and formation evaluation of highly-deviated and horizontal
    wells are mainly based on vertical wells,which is not applicable to the actual conditions. The effect of bed thickness and
    well deviation is always connected with electromagnetic wave while drilling resistivity logging. The instrument response was
    obtained through fast Fourier-Hankel transform(FFHT)algorithm,and the influence of bed thickness was also analyzed with
    different borehole angles. The results show that the shoulder effect on electromagnetic wave while-drilling logging curves is
    different:the deeper the investigation goes,the more serious the shoulder effect is. The corrected deep phase resistivity does not
    monotonously decrease with the increase of bed thickness in highly deviated wells with low resistivity shoulder. The corrected
    resistivity is less in highly-deviated wells than in vertical wells when the bed thickness is small,and with the increase of bed
    thickness,the corrected resistivity will be larger in highly-deviated wells than in vertical wells. These conclusions can be used
    to guide the interpretation of electromagnetic wave while-drilling resistivity logging in highly-deviated wells.

    Research on Rock Brittleness Experiment and Logging Prediction of
    Hydraulic Fracture Height & Width
    Xia Hongquan1, Yang Shuangding2, Gong Haohao1, Wang Chenglong1
    2013, 35(4):  81-89.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 011
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    With the development of Changing Oilfield exploration and exploitation,low porosity and permeability reservoir has
    become a major object of exploration and development. The reservoirs of almost all wells go through fracturing transformation
    before they have the capacity. The brittle rock sectional variation should be considered in reservoir fracturing,as brittleness
    coefficient indirectly reflects the degree for difficulty of the reservoir pressure to open from rock mechanics angle. Taking the
    Yanchang reservoir of Changing Oilfield in Jiyuan area for example,we get the rock brittleness coefficient and calculate the
    dynamic rock brittleness coefficient of calibration logging with the core of triaxial test data(Young’s modulus and Poisson’s
    ratio),by this we establish the continuous rock brittle coefficient of profile. Quantitative relationship between the rock brittleness
    coefficient B and minimum horizontal stress S h is established,and quantitative prediction of fracture height and width is
    realized based on reservoir rock brittleness coefficient. Application of this method to the work area wells fracturing renovation
    project generated good results,which proves its worth of wide application.

    Adaptability Analysis of Incremental Oil Production Evaluation Method
    for Polymer Flooding in Bohai Oilfield
    Zheng Wei1, Zhang Xiansong1, Jiang Hanqiao2, Geng Bin3, Chen Minfeng2
    2013, 35(4):  90-94.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 012
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    Because of different oil viscosity and polymer injection time,it is necessary to analyze the adaptability of the
    water flooding characteristic curves,which are used to predict oil production of water flooding,so as to select the suitable
    incremental oil production evaluation method. Based on the actual reservoir data,typical models were built. Taking into
    consideration different polymer injection time and oil viscosity,oil production of water flooding was predicted using different
    water drive characteristic curves,thus the incremental oil production was determined. According to the results from numerical
    simulation,average error and standard deviation were computed,and the appropriate evaluation method was selected. Based
    on adaptability analysis results,incremental oil production of the polymer flooding trail in Bohai oilfield was calculated,and
    the error was small compared with the results from reservoir simulation. This provides reference and guidance to accurate
    calculation of incremental oil production for polymer flooding in Bohai Oilfield.

    Approach to the Discrimination of Layered Performance of
    Low-permeability Reservoir
    Xu Hui1, Lin Chengyan1, Sun Bin2, Song Xinli3, Qu Lili1
    2013, 35(4):  95-100.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 013
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    It is difficult to analyze the performance of multi-layered sandstone reservoir,because there is not adequate dynamic
    detection data for producers and injectors. A new approach to the question is presented. Based on microscopic percolation
    mechanism and macroscopic development characteristics,after the relationship between cumulative production of single well
    and the dynamic and static factors which affect waterflood development,such as reciprocal value of filtrational resistance,
    average pore throat radius,reciprocal value of interlayer frequency,net thickness and monthly liquid production is researched,
    and a discriminant matrix is established to determine the weights of the various factors. Then distribution coefficient of every
    producer is gotten,so are the layered accumulative production and performance. The instance validation results show that the
    method is suitable,and can be used to analyze the performance of wells without dynamic detection data,for guiding the later

    Numerical Simulation on Sand Carrying Rule of Sand Washing and
    Flushing Foam Fluid
    Wan Liping1, He Baosheng2, Tang Hongming1, Lin Tiejun1, Zhao Feng1
    2013, 35(4):  101-106.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 014
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    The numerical simulation has been carried out in the study on the sand carrying capability of foam fluid in horizontal
    well sand washing operations with the computational fluid dynamics(CFD)software. The results indicate that by simulation,
    we obtained the maximum volume fraction to of foam fluid and the minimum volume fraction to of sand particles are obtained
    in the center of annulus in when keeping the tube in the middle. Because of the carrying effect of foam fluid,the speed of
    sand particles in center area change with migration journey,and the average speed of sand particles increase slightly than inlet
    velocity. Erosion area increased with the sand size,and the increase of sand size also has large impact on the sand carrying
    capability of foam fluid. But overall,the erosion rate of sand to pipe wall is small. When the flow rate of foam is 0.30 m/s and
    the sand diameters range from 0.1 to 2.0 mm,sand particles can be suspended in the foam fluid and move with it,and there is
    no settlement phenomenon. When the flow rate of foam is 0.90 m/s or 1.50 m/s,the sand particles,ranging from 0.1 to 2.0 mm
    in diameter,can smoothly pass the annular flow channel in horizontal section. The bigger the sand diameter is,the lower sand
    carrying efficiency of foam.

    Numerical Simulation on Increasing Oil Recovery by In-situ-generated
    CO2 Compound Surfactant Huff-puff
    Tang Yong1, Wang Yong2, Deng Jianhua3, Yang Fulin3, Xue Yun1
    2013, 35(4):  107-113.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 015
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    In-situ-generated CO2 huff-puff is a new technology to improve recovery in the low permeability fault-block reservoir.
    It is not only able to take advantage of the mechanisms of miscible/immiscible CO2 flooding,but also is more suitable
    for the reservoir without enough CO2 source and corrosion resistant pipe-string. This paper explores and investigates the optimization
    method of the operating parameters by means of the chemical flooding and thermal numerical model. Taking a low
    permeability fault-block reservoir as an example,the single-well radial model is set up. According to experiment results of the
    autogenic CO2 and the surfactant flooding,based on the parameter calculation of the PVT,autogenic CO2,surfactant flooding
    and history matching,the operating parameters are determined,including the volume and concentration of blowing agent,
    injection rate,shut-in time,liquid withdrawal rate. The results show that the optimal value of the volume,concentration,and
    liquid withdrawal rate are 200 t to 250 t,3%~5%,7 m3/d,respectively. The effect of the compound huff-puff will be improved
    by increasing the inject rate and shut-in time. The study will be a great significance for the application and promotion of the
    in-situ-generated CO2 compound surfactant huff-puff in the low permeability fault-block reservoir.

    Deep Profile Control and Flooding Performance of Throat-scale
    Elastic Microspheres
    Yao Chuanjin, Li Lei, Lei Guanglun, Gao Xuemei
    2013, 35(4):  114-120.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 016
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    According to the problems of water flooding and the application status of elastic microspheres profile control and
    flooding,the particle size distribution of elastic microspheres was analyzed using laser particle size analyzer;using sandpack
    core(single tube sandpack,long sandpack,heterogeneous two-tube sandpacks,heterogeneous three-tube sandpacks)displacement
    experiments,the plugging property,migration capacity,diversion property,oil displacing performance and deep profile
    control and flooding property after polymer flooding of elastic microspheres were studied. The results show that the particle size
    of elastic microspheres bears a typical single-peak distribution character obeying Weibull Distribution;elastic microspheres can
    migrate and plug in sandpacks gradually,which indicate that elastic microspheres have deep displacement performance;elastic
    microspheres can plug high permeability layer selectively which can be applied to heterogeneous sandpacks,with the enhanced
    oil recovery 16.11%(low permeability tube),11.28%(middle permeability tube)and 5.02%(high permeability tube)respectively.
    This indicates that elastic microspheres can improve the middle and low permeability oil layers as well as middle and
    low permeability areas of high permeability layers selectively and thus enhance oil recovery effectively;elastic microspheres
    profile control and flooding after polymer flooding can enhance oil recovery by 5.73%more than single polymer flooding which
    indicates that elastic microspheres have better deep profile control and flooding efficiency after polymer flooding.

    Predicting Water Content of High CO2 Content Natural Gas by Artificial
    Neural Network
    Hou Dali1, Sun Lei1, Pan Yi1, Qin Shanyu1, Dong Weijun2
    2013, 35(4):  121-125.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 017
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    In this paper,a new method based on artificial neural network(ANN)for prediction of natural gas mixture water
    content is presented. CO2 mole fraction,temperature,and pressure have been input variables of the network and water content
    has been set as network output. The proposed ANN model is able to estimate water content as a function of CO2 composition up
    to 70%,temperature between 20.0200.0 ℃ and pressure from 0.1 to 70.0 MPa. Comparisons show average absolute relative
    error equal to 1.275%between ANN estimations and experimental data,which is smaller than the other three commonly used
    empirical correlations. Furthermore,there is considerable deviation between experimental data and the other three commonly
    used empirical correlations for prediction of high CO2 content natural gas water content. But artificial neural network has good
    prediction results in high CO2 content natural gas. Results show ANN superiority to the common three correlations in literatures.

    Study on Controlling Conditions in Network Hydraulic Fracturing
    Hu Yongquan1, Jia Suogang2, Zhao Jinzhou1, Zhang Ye3, Mi Qiangbo3
    2013, 35(4):  126-132.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 018
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    In this paper,by combining the practice shale reservoir volume stimulation with microseism fracture monitoring
    and observation in North America,we discuss the mechanics controlling conditions of controlling network cracks at hydraulic
    fracturing treatment. Rock brittleness index is fundament of inducing initiation points and multi-fractures;well-grown structure
    weak planes(such as joints and natural fissures)are necessary conditions of inducing networks;horizontal stress contrast
    in reservoir formation and intersect angle of natural fracture are principal controlling conditions of induced network;
    low-permeability tight reservoirs are the precondition applying network hydraulical fracturing. Technology conditions were
    expounded as follows:low-viscosity fluid is necessary for inducing the network fracture,and higher net pressure(factor)is an
    important technic measure to increase the affected area of network fractures. Lastly,stimulation design ideas differences from
    conventional and non-conventional hydraulic fracturing are compared,so new ideas for correctly judgment and application
    network fracturing,it is important to guiding the practice of hydraulically network fracturing.

    Small-space Well Pilot Test for Enriched-gas Flooding in the Medium-high
    Permeability Reservoir After Water Flooding
    Wang Shengkui1,2, Yuan Xiangchun1, Wei Yuejing3, Zhang Fengli3, Fu Tao4
    2013, 35(4):  133-138.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 019
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    1. Postdoctoral Workstation,SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development,Haidian,Beijing 100083,China
    2. Postdoctoral Station Petroleum University(Beijing),Changping,Beijing 102249,China
    3. SINOPEC International Petroleum Exploration and Development Company Limited,Chaoyang,Beijing 100101,China
    4. CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Company Limited,Chengdu,Sichuan 637000,China

    Experiment of Microscopic Displacement of Gas and Water in Loose
    Sandstone Gas Reservoir of Sebei
    Chen Zhaohui1, Xie Yiting2, Deng Yong3
    2013, 35(4):  139-144.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 020
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    By the slice model and microscopic visualization technology,we simulated the formation of irreducible water in the
    course of reservoir accumulation and the seepage mechanics of water production in the course of reservoir development with
    experiment about microscopic displacement. The results showed by that:in the first,when the gas displacement is complete,
    there is only irreducible water in the reservoir,and it will be transformed to secondary mobile water due to the reservoir pressure
    reduction,and then it will be produced by displacement pressure difference but the quantity is less and there is hardly any
    influence to the production of gas well;and then,when the gas displacement is not complete,the original mobile water will
    be gradually produced after opening well,and it will generate serious influence on gas well production because of higher water
    quantity;finally,the ultimate recovery ratio of Sebei gas field is estimated to be 64.00%,and we got the result from the initial
    gas saturation obtained by gas displacing water experiment and the residual gas saturation by water displacing experiment. The
    analysis of the effect of secondary mobile water and original mobile water on the development of gas reservoir,and of the
    productive year and the ultimate recovery rate is hoped to provide reference for gas field development.

    Study of Compositional Gradient Model for Volatile
    Fluid Reservoir
    Yang Baoquan1, Yang Li1, Wang Xing2, Yuan Zhiwang1, Bo Fanqing1
    2013, 35(4):  145-151.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 021
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    Under the effect of pressure,temperature and depth,the volatile fluid reservoir shows obviously the reservoir
    composition change with the well depth,about which little research is done in domestic companies and universities. Firstly,the
    paper summarizes the theory model of its compositional gradient with consideration of gravity,thermal gradient and thermal
    diffusion. Under the gravity and thermal gradient model,phase state regression and gradient simulation are finished for all
    samples. The more reasonable compositional gradient model can be found,which could describe prosperities variation with
    depth better,such as compositions,GOR,volume factor,etc. Precision of OOIP evaluation is improved by using trend of
    volume factor with depth. Matching of GOR and bottom-hole pressure is observably better than the fixed compositional model,
    which shows that the model can describe fluid variation with depth during development. At the same time,the achievement
    will provide significant evidence for reservoir development and management. What is more,the research method has important
    reference value for similar fluid or reservoir.

    Composite Forms of Cross-Linked Polymer Microsphere and Polymer in
    the Aqueous Solution
    Chen Hailing1, Zheng Xiaoyu1, Li Xianjie2, Jiang Qingzhe1
    2013, 35(4):  152-158.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 022
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    Aiming at the profile control and flooding technology of cross-link polymer microspheres- polymer composite proposed
    by our research team,solution properties and microstructural morphology of cross-link polymer microspheres - polymer
    composite system in aqueous solution were studied. Based on the principle that solution properties are determined by microstructure
    morphology,the composite forms of cross-linked polymer microspheres and polymers(AP–P4 and SNF3640D)in aqueous
    solution are observed by the environmental scanning electron microscope(ESEM)in this paper,and the viscosity- concentration
    property and viscosity shear recovery ability of the compound system are also determined. Two methods of experimental
    results are reciprocally corroborated. This result preliminarily proves that there exist synergistic effects between the hydrophobic
    associated polymer(AP–P4)and cross-linked polymer microspheres,and all these work would lay the foundation to further
    explore the mechanism of compound system.

    Study on High Performance Aluminum-Polyamine Based Blocking
    Anti-Sloughing Drilling Fluid
    Zhang Shifeng, Qiu Zhengsong, Huang Wei’an, Zhong Hanyi, Meng Meng
    2013, 35(4):  159-164.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 023
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    To reduce pore pressure transmission and enhance shale bore stability,a new patten blocking anti-sloughing drilling
    fluid additive humic acid-aluminum(HA–Al)was developed. Pore pressure transmission test in shale results show that HA–Al
    has better performance to reduce pore pressure transmission in shale than poly alcohol and sodium silicate. It took 20.0 h or so for
    1 MPa pressure to transmit through shale after interacting with HA–Al,which was much longer than that before interaction,
    which was about 1.5 h. By optimizing and combining HA–Al and polyamine,a high performance blocking drilling fluid
    system was developed. The system has good rheology,filtration,inhibition,anti-pollution and anti-temperature performance
    with NaCl concentration more than 8%or CaCl2 concentration more than 1.0%or drilling mass concentration of cutting powder
    more than 8% and with temperature higher than 150 ℃ and less than 180 ℃.

    Simulation Analysis of the Motion Law of Standing Valve Ball
    of the Rod Pump
    Wan Guoqiang1, Yu Dachuan2
    2013, 35(4):  165-172.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 024
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    In the process of sucker rod pump flow into the pump,the motion law of intake valve ball is one of the dominant
    factors impacted on the opening degrees,the fluid rate of pass through vale and the time of fluid into the pump. How to describe
    the law of motion of the standing valve ball and opening degrees in detail is a very important issue. Considering the shortcomings
    of valve ball mechanical analysis and solution process in conventional standing valve ball motion law model,and the effect of
    the stage to turn on and off of valve on the valve ball movement,the model of standing valve ball motion law is established to
    simulate the impact of different factors on the law of motion of the valve ball. The opening degrees and the turning on and off
    stage hysteresis are detailed and computationally analyzed.

    Research on Critical Length of Flood Impacting Pipeline Within
    Internal Flow Based on Differential Quadrature Method
    Tan Dongjie1,2, Shi Ning1, Li Liangliang2, Geng Lin1, Zhu Quezhi2
    2013, 35(4):  173-179.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 025
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    In order to understand the critical length of a pipeline span,we briefly introduce for principles and suitability of
    differential quadrature method,and its advantages in Finite Element methods. The method could obtain a high accuracy at
    a cost of less computing,while more suitable for programming. Introduce the ways of impacting pipeline by flood and its
    hazards,analyzing the excitation and natural frequency,also with resonance conditions,presenting dynamic characteristics
    effects of inner fluid flow. Meanwhile,introduce dynamic characteristics of impacted pipeline by flood,as well as effect on the
    span within internal fluid. Considering the impact from internal fluid and external flood,the formula is established based on
    DQM. The equation can be well applied in stable and instable fluid,while taking internal fluid into account. It can be widely
    used when calculating the limited length of an impacted span. Combining with a piece of actual pipeline,we present that when
    analyzing the impacted pipe,we should take internal and external fluid as well as velocity,pressure,density into account. It is
    guidance for inference of calculating limited span in design or urgent maintenance.

    Probability Determination for Loss Circulation of Drilling Fluids Based on
    Analytic Hierarchy Process
    Kang Yili1, Wang Haitao1, You Lijun1, Du Chunchao2
    2013, 35(4):  180-186.  DOI: 10. 3863/j. issn. 1674 – 5086. 2013. 04. 026
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    Lost circulation control is one of the technical problems which impose a negative effect on security,smooth,and
    highly effective drilling. Geologic and engineering factors are of a major impact on mud loss. The geologic agent is an internal
    cause and plays a decisive effect. As the premise and the foundation of loss control,it is necessary to grade probability of
    the intervals with loss potentials. In view of the complexity and random characteristic of lost circulation zones,Analytical
    Hierarchy Process(AHP)is introduced to analyze the structure of the factor system. By comparing the importance of isostrate
    factors,constructing an easily quantified membership function,and by using the weighting synthesis,the final lost circulation
    appraisal value has been obtained. Finally,this AHP assessment method is applied to two case wells in Tahe Oilfield. The
    results indicated that probability evaluation of lost circulation zones by AHP method is feasible,and is helpful for loss control
    design and technology optimization.