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伊朗SA 油田Kazhidumi 油藏再认识

杜洋1,2 *,辛军2,陈杰1,王维斌1,童明胜1   

  1. 1. 西南石油大学地球科学与技术学院,四川成都610500
    2. 中国石油川庆钻探工程公司地质勘探开发研究院,四川成都610051
  • 出版日期:2015-12-01 发布日期:2015-12-01
  • 通讯作者: 杜洋,E-mail:157762166@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

    中国石油天然气集团公司重大科技专项(11.2011E 2501.X.01)。

Review on the Characteristic of Kazhidumi Reservoir in SA Oilfield,Iran

Du Yang1,2*, Xin Jun2, Chen Jie1, Wang Weibing1, Tong Mingsheng1   

  1. 1. School of Geoscience and Geotechnology,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610500,China
    2. Geology and Exploration Research Institute of CCDC,CNPC,Chengdu,Sichuan 610051,China
  • Online:2015-12-01 Published:2015-12-01


针对伊朗SA 油田Kazhidumi 砂岩油藏油水关系复杂、无明显油水边界、油藏性质认识不清的问题,综合运用
为4 个旋回,研究各旋回内砂体发育特征。运用地震层拉平技术对研究区不同地质时期古构造进行恢复,重现构造演
现象,为油藏调整之后,底部K2 c 旋回内连通性较差储层形成的滞留透镜状油、水层。油藏性质为构造控制为主,岩

关键词: 伊朗, Kazhidumi 油藏, 油藏特征, 构造演化, 勘探开发建议


Considering the issues of the complex oil-water relationship,ambiguous oil-water contact and unclear reservoir
characteristic of the Kazhidumi in SA Oilfield,southwest Iran. We study the Kazhidumi reservoir character and its formation
mechanism by uitilizing the coring,well-logging and 3D seismic data. Firstly,Kazhidumi formation was divided into 4 zones
by sequence stratigraphy,and recognize the sandbody features in different zones. Secondly,trap evolution history of Kazhidumi
is displayed by layer flattening technique on 3D seismic data and mainly show as:paleo-trap of Kazhidumi is the giant anticline
which situated in the north of current field area before the Zagoros orogeny. Impact by the Zagros orogeny,the paleo-trap
shrink and the high point shifts to east,in the mean time,southern area was uplifting then forming a new secondary trap. Trap
alteration breaks the paleo-reservoir equilibrium and cause the oil secondary migration. In the northern high point(paleo-trap),
the oil migrates from west to east then form the“sacled-down version”retention reservoir,while some part migrate to southern
secondary trap and form the new reservoir. The phenomenon of“upper water and bottom oil”in the current northern high
point is the lensing retention oil and water layer after secondary migration. Kazhidumi reservoir is the layer reservoir with edge
water and mainly controlled by the structure. According to the new recognition,we propose the corresponding development

Key words: Iran, Kazhidumi reservoir, reservoir characteristics, structural evolution, development suggestion
