西南石油大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (3): 147-158.DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2022.09.10.01

• 石油与天然气工程 • 上一篇    下一篇


杨威1,2, 陈能聪1, 张安安1, 李繁茂1, 莫紫妍1   

  1. 1. 西南石油大学电气信息学院, 四川 成都 610500;
    2. 智能电网四川省重点实验室, 四川 成都 610065
  • 收稿日期:2022-09-10 发布日期:2024-06-26
  • 通讯作者: 陈能聪,E-mail:1215904270@qq.com
  • 作者简介:杨威,1990年生,男,汉族,四川成都人,副教授,博士,主要从事电动汽车与电网互动、综合能源系统及天然气压力能利用等研究。E-mail:yangwei_scu@126.com;陈能聪,1996年生,男,汉族,四川内江人,硕士研究生,主要从事天然气压力能综合利用模式研究。E-mail:1215904270@qq.com;张安安,1977年生,男,汉族,四川成都人,教授,博士,主要从事综合能源系统、电气协调控制等方面的研究工作。E-mail:ananzhang@swpu.edu.cn;李繁茂,2000年生,男,汉族,四川成都人,硕士研究生,主要从事压力能综合利用方式、充换电设施优化规划方面的研究工作。E-mail:1694585609@qq.com;莫紫妍,2002年生,女,汉族,四川南充人,主要从事电气工程及其自动化方面的研究工作。E-mail:719527839@qq.com
  • 基金资助:

Optimizing the Operation of Data Center Energy Supply Systems Considering the Utilization of Pressure Energy

YANG Wei1,2, CHEN Nengcong1, ZHANG An'an1, LI Fanmao1, MO Ziyan1   

  1. 1. School of Electrical Engineering and Information, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610500, China;
    2. Intelligent Electric Power Grid Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province, Chengdu, Sichuan 610065, China
  • Received:2022-09-10 Published:2024-06-26

摘要: 针对天然气管网压力能未被充分利用且应用场景适应性不足等问题,在数据中心高能耗、碳污染问题日益突出的背景下,提出一种含天然气压力能综合利用的数据中心供能系统优化运行方法。首先,设计了考虑天然气压力能发电制冷综合利用的数据中心供能系统架构。然后,基于㶲分析理论建立了天然气压力能发电、制冷出力特性模型,考虑数据中心 IT 设备能耗以及散热特性,建立了数据中心电功率需求模型和冷功率需求模型。其次,综合考虑配电网供能约束、燃气轮机、吸收式制冷机功率约束和电池充放电功率约束,以日运行费用最低为目标函数构建优化调度模型。最后,根据西南地区某天然气调压站、某 A 级数据中心能耗需求数据设置算例进行仿真,验证了所提系统方案及优化方法的可行性和经济性。

关键词: 天然气压力能, 㶲分析, 微电网, 需求响应, 数据中心, 优化运行

Abstract: Aiming at the problems that the pressure energy of natural gas pipeline network is not fully utilized and the adaptability of application scenarios is insufficient, a data center energy supply optimization method with comprehensive utilization of natural gas pressure energy is proposed under the background of the increasingly prominent problems of high energy consumption and carbon pollution in the data center. Firstly, the data center energy supply system architecture considering the comprehensive utilization of natural gas pressure energy for power generation and refrigeration is designed. Then, based on the exergy analysis theory, the power generation and refrigeration output characteristic models of natural gas pressure energy are established. Considering the energy consumption and heat dissipation characteristics of IT equipment in the data center, the power demand model and cold power demand model of the data center are established. Secondly, considering the energy supply constraints of distribution network, the power constraints of gas turbines, absorption chillers and battery charging and discharging power constraints, the optimal scheduling model is constructed with the minimum daily operating cost as the objective function. Finally, the simulation is carried out according to the energy consumption demand data setting example of a natural gas pressure regulating station and a class A data center in Southwest China, which verifies the feasibility and economy of the proposed system scheme and optimization method.

Key words: natural gas pressure energy, exergy analysis, microgrid, demand response, data center, optimize operation
