西南石油大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 1981, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (3): 41-61.DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1981.03.004

• 地质勘探 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:1981-08-20 发布日期:1981-08-20
  • 通讯作者: 黄林基

Sepiolite from Quanjiao County, Anhui Prov. China

Huang Ling-ji   

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:1981-08-20 Published:1981-08-20
  • Contact: Huang Ling-ji


安徽全椒是国内刚发现有露头、可供开采的海泡石产地。本文介绍采用8种手段鉴定此海泡石的结果并与世界各地的海泡石作了对比。 露头取样系石棉状纤维矿物。干涉一级。二轴晶(+)。2V≌61°,Ng=1.5292,Nm=1.5214,Np=1.5188,最大双折射率0.010,平行消光,正延性。X-光粉末衍射显示,样品是结晶良好的海泡石。红外光谱显示,在3885cm-1有一个小而可以辨别的吸收峰。在3560和3410cm-1有两个宽带,在3250 cm-1附近有一个肩峰。在400-1300 cm-1范围内,样品显示,在1200-12 cm-1有1个宽带,在1070,1020和975 cm-1有3个很大的吸收带。在780、690(肩峰在723)和640 cm-1有3个宽带,在465 cm-1 (肩峰在425)有一个大的宽带。差热曲线在125-150和805-818℃有吸热双峰,吸放热转换在740℃。化学分析:SiO2 52.4,MgO 22.01,H2O(+)12.42,H2O(-)6.88,SiO2/MgO 1.59,分子式近于H6Mg3Si12O30(OH)10·6H2O.电子显微镜显示,样品是纯的海泡石。

Abstract: Quanjiao County,Arihui prov .is .the only place in China where
occurs recoverable sepiolite and its outcrop.The results of the sepiolite
identified by using g means are presented and compared with those of
the sepiolite of other areas in the world.
The sample from the outcrop is an asbestiform fibrous mineral.It
has the first grade interference colors,and is biaxial pos.with 2V≌61°,
Ng=1 .5292,Nm=1.5214,Np=1.5186,max.birefringence p.010, and is
Ierigth pos. with parall.extinction.X-ray powder diffraction shows that
the specimen is well crystallized se,piolite.IR spectra exhibit I small but
distinct band at 3685 cm-1,in addn.to 2 broad bands at 3560 and 3410
cm"t, with a shoulder at 3250 cm-1, In the region 400-1300 cm-1, the
samples exhibit I broad band at 1200-12 cm-1;1, 3 very large bands near
1070, 1020 arid 975 cm-1,3 broad bands at 780, 690(shoulder at 723),
and 640 cm'1, and 1 large broad band at 465 (shoulder at 425) cm-1.DTA
curves have a double endothermic peak at 125-150 C and 805-818 C,and
eridothe.rm-exotherm inversion at 740.℃·A them·anal,given is SiO2 52.4,MgO 22.01,H2O(+)12.42,H2O(-)6.88 and SiO2/MgO 1.59, and.sug-
Bests the mol .formula H6Mg3Si12O30(OH)10·6H2O,The electron micro-
graph shows that the sample examined is a pure sepiolite.
The physical aad. chum.prop.,crystallized structure,origin and
main use's of sepiolite are also discussed.

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