西南石油大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2008, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (2): 201-202.DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.2008.02.101

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  • 收稿日期:1900-01-01 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2008-04-20 发布日期:2008-04-20

Guidance for Readers

  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2008-04-20 Published:2008-04-20

摘要: 伴随着“两会”的春风,西南石油大学学报2008年第2期如期与您相见。
  资料显示,2007年中国生产天然气693.1×108 m3,并预计2008年天然气产量将达到760×108 m3。四川盆地东北部三叠系飞仙关组是近年来我国发现的重要天然气储集层,可采储量已达5 000×108 m3左右,川东北已成为我国油气的重点勘探地区之一。西南石油大学教授、博士生导师司马立强结合国家863专项研究课题(2006AA06Z220)的研究成果,撰写了《川东北飞仙关组储层孔隙度计算方法探讨》。详细讨论了缝洞对三孔隙度曲线的影响,提出了缝洞性储层求取孔隙度的新思路及模型计算方法,该方法提高了孔隙度计算精度,值得借鉴。

Abstract: Along with the spring of the "two sessions", the second issue of 2008’s Journal of Southwest Petroleum University is on schedule to meet you.
On the March 5, 2008, Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao’s government work report at the 1st Session of the 11th National People’s Congress pointed out that: the main tasks in 2008 include "the implementation of basic research, high-tech research and technical support plans, and education priorities". Echoing this, this issue's Journal has two characteristics as follows: (1) timely reports the scientific and technological achievements of the main oil industry areas in China (11 papers of the National major scientific Fund research), (2) reflects on our oil and gas industry college academic standards (84 percent of the first author of the articles are from the national eight colleges and universities).
Data shows that in 2007 China's natural gas production is 693.1 × 108m3, and is expected natural gas production in 2008 will reach 760 × 108m3. The Triassic Feixianguan formation of Northeast Sichuan Basin is the major natural gas reservoir in China in recent years, whose recoverable reserves has reached about 5000 × 108m3, and Northeastern Sichuan has become one of the important exploration areas in China. The Southwest Petroleum University professor and doctoral tutor Sima Liqiang wrote "The Probe in Porosity Calculation Method of Fractured and Caved Reservoirs in Feixianguan Formation, Northeastern Sichuan Basin" on the basis of the National 863 Special Research Projects (2006 AA06Z220) research results. This paper detailedly discusses the fracture-cavity’s influence on three porosity curve, and proposes new idea and model calculation method of porosity calculation in fracture-cavity reservoir, which improves the calculation accuracy of the porosity, is worth learning.
The paper of "A New Well Test Model for the Big Size cavity-fracture Reservoirs" was written by the National Key Lab of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation Engineering doctor (postdoctoral) Peng Xiaolong etc. Considering the problem that the well test data of constant rock reservoirs was quite different from the big size cavity-fracture reservoirs from the aspects of the main characteristics, well test models and example analyses, two pseudo-steady state flowing were set up separately for the reservoirs with one and two bulk, then Laplace transfer and inverse transfer were used to obtain the solutions in real space of the two models. The research is a part of research results of the National Basic Research Program of China "973" Program (2006CB202403), which has important guiding significance on the research of oil and gas project and related fields.
Influenced by the world's petroleum supply and demand changes, how to adjust the product structure and put resources to rational use in the new situation, are hot issues in the development and application of paraffin. Chengdu University of Technology professor and doctoral tutor Wang Ling wrote the "Influence of stearic Acid on Paraffin Melting Point on the basis of the National Natural Science Fund Project and the study of the State “The Tenth Five-year Plan” Key Science and Technology Project, whose research results have certain reference value for the further use of paraffin in oil industry.
Improving the drilling rate of hard formation is a problem in the world. The readers who engage in drilling engineering may wish to read the "Comment on Particle Impact Drilling Technology", which was written by the Southwest Petroleum University associate professor Wu Kaisong etc. According to the full operation of the particle impact drilling system, the advantages and disadvantages of the technology and the rock breaking mechanismis are described, and the technology will probably become a new method of drilling deep well hard formation efficiently and economically.
The Southwest Petroleum University professor Xie Xiangjun etc. completed the "Oil Production Composition Bilevel Programming Model of Oilfield and It’s Application", according to the current oil field practical management organizational structure, adopted the bi-level programming model, and researched the optimization problem of oil field production process. The satisfactory economic benefit can be obtained in the application of the model to the development programming in several oilfields in the mid-late stage. The research has certain significance on oil field production planning.
Kuqa Depression is in the South Tianshan Piedmont region of the northern Tarim Basin, which is the main battlefield of the Tarim Basin oil and gas exploration in the recent years. The research team led by The China University of Petroleum professor and doctoral tutor Tang Liangjie wrote "Tectonic Evolution of the Western Qiulitage Tectonic Belt in Mesozoic and Cenozoic, Kuqa Depression" on the basis of the National Natural Science Fund Project and the National "973" Program research. Two geologic profiles are restored according to balanced section theory, with two wells’ subsidence history analysis, and reached on the mesozoic-cenozoic Characteristics of Tectonic Evolution of the belt, which is of important guiding significance for the next step of the oil and gas exploration.
A year’s plan stars with spring. We sow hope in the spring, and hope the readers of the Journal as always give more care and support and more valuable advice to help improve our work. Let us work together to make the Journal of the Southwest Petroleum University even better!