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Hydrocarbon Geological Characteristics and Potential Prospect of Basins
in Bengal Gulf West

Ke Weli1, Tong Xiaoguang2, Wen Zhixin1, Zhang Guangya1, Wang Zhaoming1   

  1. 1. Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration and Development,PetroChina,Haidian,Beijing 100083,China
    2. China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Corporation,Haidian,Beijing 100034,China
  • Online:2014-12-01 Published:2014-12-01


The analysis of plate evolution,stratigraphy development,factors of source,reservoir and seal of passive continental
margin basins in Bengal Gulf West reveals that the basins have experienced three rift development phases,i.e. pre-rift,syn-rift
and post-rift phases,and they developed into passive continual margin basins in the late post-rift phase with the India Plate
drifting to north. According to plate evolution and stratigraphy sequence features,the basins could be subdivided into prerift,
syn-rift and post-rift mega-sequences,seven third-level sequences and six reservoir accumulation associations. Current
exploration activities are mainly concentrated on Tertiary sequences of onshore and shallow offshore area. Studies on evolution
and geological features of passive continental margin basins in Bengal Gulf West result in conclusions that further petroleum
exploration prospects should be Perm-Tri channel sandstone of Pre-rift sequence,Cretaceous delta and fluvial sandstone of
Syn-rift sequence,sub-water channel sandstone of passive continental margin Tertiary and deep water turbidity sandstone of
post-rift sequence.

Key words: Bengal Gulf, passive continental margin Basin, plate evolution, rift-sequence, deep sequence and deep water