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Palaeogene Fault System and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in East#br# Wushi Sag

HU Desheng*, DENG Yong, ZHANG Jianxin, ZUO Qianmei, HE Weijun   

  1. Zhanjiang Branch Company of CNOOC Ltd.,Zhanjiang,Guangdong 524057,China
  • Online:2016-08-01 Published:2016-08-01


Paleogene complex fault system has always been a key factor in the success of oil and gas exploration in East Wushi
Sag. In this article the time of faults movement,their classification and the structural evolution are studied. The results show
that the evolution of East Wushi sag can be divided into weak rifting stage in Paleocene -Early Eocene,strong rifting stage in
Middle-Late Eocene and strike-slip weak stretching stage in Oligocene. Besides,3 sets of fault systems can be recognized:
the early fault system formed in Changliu Formation to Liushagang Section 3 Formation sedimentary stage(T100 T86),the
late fault system formed during Liushagang Section 2 Formation to Weizhou Formation sedimentary stage(T83 T60)and
succession fault system formed in all the Palaeogene time(T100 T86). In addition,stretching structure,strike-slip structure and
inversion structure have been found in study area. While the tectonic controls on the distribution of source rock and the filling
evolution of sediment systems has been discussed,as well as the fault activity impacts on the trap formation,distribution,and
the accumulation of hydrocarbon. Based on the analysis of the elements of reservoir formation,the central uplift and the north
tilted fault block are the favorable prospecting areas. And the research has some guidance and reference value for the future oil
and gas exploration,target evaluation and preference,and geological research.

Key words: Wushi Sag, fault system, tectonic evolution, structure style, hydrocarbon accumulation

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