西南石油大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2019, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 97-108.DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2018.05.28.02

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A Sophisticated Prediction Method for Water-cut Variation Patterns of Deep-water Turbidite Sandstone Oilfield

KANG Botao, YANG Li, YANG Baoquan, ZHANG Yingchun, YUAN Zhiwang   

  1. CNOOC Research Institute Co. Ltd., Chaoyang, Beijing 100028, China
  • Received:2018-05-28 Online:2019-04-10 Published:2019-04-10

Abstract: Because of its complex reservoir characteristics, it is difficult to predict the single-well dynamic patterns of deep-water turbidite sandstone oilfields. Hence, realizing sophisticated prediction of single-well water-cut variation patterns is crucial. In this research, the Akpo Oilfield in the Niger Delta Basin of West Africa is studied. Its reservoir architecture and other influential factors such as sedimentary facies, sand body connectivity between injection wells, and reservoir heterogeneity are evaluated comprehensively to establish a method based on the reservoir characteristics for classifying the different modes of water-cut variation in production wells. By combining reservoir engineering and dynamic analysis, a prediction method for single-well full-cycle water-cut variation patterns based on reservoir characteristics is formulated. Through the analysis of the main contradictions at different stages of the production wells under various water-cut variation modes, targeted optimization and adjustment strategies are proposed. The applicability of the proposed method to other oilfields is also verified. The results show that:(1) the reservoir architecture of deep-water turbidite sandstone oilfields is complex and reservoir characteristics are the key factors affecting water-cut variations. (2) There are significant differences in the single-well dynamic patterns of deep-water turbidite sandstone oilfields. Thus, production decisions should be tailored to the specific field. (3) The proposed method is the first to integrate complex reservoir characteristics and diverse single-well dynamic patterns of deep-water turbidite sandstone oilfields, and it provides highly accurate predictions. (4) The research idea and flow are generally applicable to other deep-water turbidite oilfields.

Key words: deep-water oilfield, turbidite sedimentation, interwell connectivity, reservoir heterogeneity, water-cut rise pattern, water injection strategy optimization

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