西南石油大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2020, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (1): 126-132.DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2018.12.07.01

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Researches on Relationship Between Production Allocation and Decline Rate of Gas Wells in Sulige Gas Field

LI Peng1,2, FAN Qianqian1,2, HUO Minghui1,2, ZHENG Lanian1,2, YUE Jun1,2   

  1. 1. Exploration and Development Reserch Institute, Changqing Oilfield Company, PetroChina, Xi′an, Shaanxi 710018, China;
    2. National Engineering Laboratory for Exploration and Development of Low-Permeability Oil&Gas Fields, Xi′an, Shaanxi 710018, China
  • Received:2018-12-07 Online:2020-02-10 Published:2020-02-10

Abstract: To determine the rational production allocation for gas wells with a certain initial decline rate, Arps decline curve analysis was used to clarify the positive proportionality between new well production allocation and its initial daily decline rate, assuming that the initial production allocation of the gas wells is not affected by their final cumulative gas production. The initial daily decline rate was then converted into the initial annual decline rate to determine the relationship between the gas well production allocation and the initial annual decline rate, and a theoretical chart was established for the degrees of reduction in gas well production and in the initial annual decline rate, which can be used to guide the rational production allocation of new gas wells and determine the workload for gas field capacity building. This study demonstrated that, in reducing production allocation to reduce gas well decline, the magnitude of reduction in gas well decline rate is related to the magnitude of the initial annual decline rate and the magnitude of the reduction in production allocation, rather than the absolute value of the reduction in production allocation. The larger the initial annual decline of the gas wells, the more significant is the reduction in gas well decline through reduction of production allocation. The opposite is observed for gas wells with relatively small initial annual decline, whose reduction decline is not significant through reduction of production allocation.

Key words: Sulige Gas Field, depletion exploitation decline, gas well production allocation, theoretical chart, productivity construction

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