Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition) ›› 2022, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (3): 197-206.DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2022.01.24.05

• A Special Issue of Efficient Development Technologies for Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoirs in Western Sichuan • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Research on the Retrograde Condensate Damage and Development Strategies in Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoir

LI Feng, ZHANG Benyan, ZHU Jing   

  1. Exploration & Production Research Institute of Southwest Petroleum Branch, SINOPEC, Chengdu, Sichuan 610041, China
  • Received:2022-01-24 Published:2022-07-13

Abstract: Retrograde condensation damage of gas reservoirs decreases the productivity of the gas well during the development of Shaximiao Formation in Zhongjiang Gas Field. According to the characteristics of fluid phase change in gas reservoir, the influence of retrograde condensate on gas reservoir development is evaluated by retrograde condensate damage experiments for the long core and numerical simulation analysis. The results show that during the development of the gas reservoir, the retrograde condensate damage will greatly reduce the gas phase permeability. The core permeability damage rate is 32%, and the maximum condensate saturation is 1.8%. The fracturing can effectively reduce the degree of the retrograde condensation damage, the higher the reservoir permeability is, the smaller the effect of reverse condensation on gas well productivity is. Based on the analysis of the production characteristics of Shaximiao Formation in Zhongjiang gas field, it is suggested to prolong the producing time above the dew point pressure by reasonable production allocation of gas wells in the early stage of production, means of foam drainage and plunger gas lift in the later stage can be used to discharge the accumulated oil in the wellbore, to ensure the stability of gas wells and ultimately improve the development benefit of gas reservoirs.

Key words: tight sandstone, condensate gas reservoir, retrograde condensate damage, numerical simulation, mining countermeasures

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