西南石油大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2007, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (1): 201-202.DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.2007.01.101

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  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-04-20 Published:2007-04-20

Abstract: University journal is not only the signboard of a university but also one of the main contents to examine and measure the quality of a university. To trustily record the historical scientific personnel, case, and academic idea sparks is decided by historical culture attribute of the University Journal. How to make the window attribute, forum attribute, and historical culture attribute band organically to keep pace with times, promote social progress and display school’s characteristic is the theme for the journal manager and journalists to show their wisdom.
Times pulse shows as follows: globalization, scientific development, and harmonious society. Social progress presents at the progress on science and technology, material civilization and spiritual civilization. School characteristic shows at oil and gas, western China and university.
Globalization demands the reported content, author, evaluation experts and editorial board globally.
Scientific developments need us to check the innovative academic idea and technology in the view of development, to direct the publication management concept with system theory, avoiding low level, tracking, plagiarism.
Harmonious society asks us to admit difference, allow hundred flowers and establish the system.
The progress on science and technology should be presented in the thesis and the abundant appearance of technical diagrams requires our true reflects.
The progress on material civilization is embodied in the betterment of material development and material life. We wish the increasing income for every scientific worker and hope they can perceive the improvement of the material civilization.
The progress on spiritual civilization is embodied in the development of spiritual production and spiritual life. We wish scientific workers have an improvement in study, work and living environment and happy every day and no spiritual burden in a new year.
Oil and gas is the important mineral resources in the world and the advantage subject in our school for fifty years construction.
Western China is the geographic attribute for our school. Ministry of Science and Technology clearly put forward the strategy thought of scientific and technological innovation, scientific and technological plan, scientific and technological antecedent in August 2000 in “Advice On Strengthening the Science and TechnologyWork of Western Region” . Our journal should insist on scientific spirit and scientific attitude to make contribution for the western development.
College culture construction is the foundation and soul for the survival and development of the college. College culture construction is embodied partially in the study field, research result, subject construction, learning master, historical figures and representative excellent graduates and so on. University journal should have function bearing these tasks.
Therefore, we are planning to take measures as follows from this current period:
(1)The new composition of the members of editorial board, decreasing domain, embodying the characteristic of western, oil, university, global as possible.
(2)To accomplish color printing of the paper periodical so as to reflect the level of academic thought and research results.
(3)Carrying out network journal running. So as to shorten the delay in publication of articles, quicken the propagation velocity of the journal, widen the propagation range and enlarge the journal effect.
(4)Implementing the plan of cover character. Heading for different subject directions, section for new thought, new method, new technology and new results, based on the basis of the combining of old, junior and youth and the frontier science and technology characters first.
(5)Keeping the characteristics column. Oil an gas engineering is our brand course as well as this journal’s characteristic column. In the New Year, we will keep columns like oil an gas engineering and carry forward academic research and concern oil and gas development.
(6)Adding experts’ forum. Publish the original understanding of the experts with scientific and technological achievements in the front line of scientific research.
(7)Setting up PhD supervisor’s comments. Publish mainly the thought, method, comment and summary of the tutor of doctor working in front line in academy and technology.
(8)Establishing PROBE AND CONTENDS and the atmosphere of harmonious society to make the journal the culture garden for new science idea and arena for challenging the old authority arguments.Works with sharp viewpoint and Unique perspective can be published there.
Besides, this journal presents columns such as “hydrocarbon reservoir management”, “calculation technology for oil engineering”, “oil and gas field material and its application, and basic theory”. We are planning publish two supplements for reader every year.
Looking forwards to your criticism and instruction for these attempting.