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    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition) 1994 Vol.16
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    The pool-formed Rule of Natural Gas and Diagenesis of Carboniferous Reservoir in East Sichuan
    Guo Yihua
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 1-10.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.001
    Abstract844)      PDF(pc) (744KB)(491)       Save
    The author in this paper concentrates on the evolution of porosity and the diagenesis of Carboniferous Reservoir in East Sichuan. Using the enclosures in diagenetic minerals, he tries to prove that (1)the natural gas is gradually accumulated at the end of Jurassic after Yanshan Movement and (2)the degree of accumulation of natural gas is controlled by the effect of the thermally evolution of source rocks,the diagenesis and porosity evolution, the structural trap,and the migration of oil and gas.
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    Late paleozoic Deep Water Biofacies of SW China
    Gao Weidong Zhang Tingshan
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 11-16.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.002
    Abstract736)      PDF(pc) (568KB)(475)       Save
    During the Late paleozoic, SW China was located at the passive continental margin of South China plate. From Middle to Late Devonian,a series of NW and NE rift(with the dominant orientation of NW)occurred to East Yunnan, South Guizhou and the whole Guangxi province,thus forming grabens and horsts. This topographic feature then developed into interplatform rough and isolated platform framework. Generally,tLe deep water environment of this area can be influenced by gravity flow and is much different from the subdeep water interplatform trough and inherited deep water interplatform trough respectively.
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    Deconvolution for Unknown Mixed-phase pulse
    Yi Zongfu Zhou Huaxing
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 17-22.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.003
    Abstract999)      PDF(pc) (433KB)(516)       Save

    Based on an unknown mixed-phase pulse deconvolution proposed by Huang Xiaojing,an improved deconvolution method is presented in this paper. Compared with Huang s decomvolution,this method possesses the advantages of (1)less operation and (2)a better deconvolution effect for the seismic wavelet compression.

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    Study of Mechanism of Oil Reservoir Sand Production
    Li Binyuan
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 23-27.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.004
    Abstract820)      PDF(pc) (395KB)(694)       Save
    Basing oil the analysis of the sand stress,this paper discusses the effect of gravity, Van der Waals force and repelling force of double electrical layer on sand production,and presents the concept of threshold flow velocity of reservoir sand production. It is of practical significance to rational determination of oil well productivity and reservoir protection.
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    Study of The Method of Measuring and Calculating Porosity and Pore Volume Compressibility of Rock Under The Reservoir Conditions
    Yuan Xingbai Yi Ming Chen Liping
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 28-34.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.005
    Abstract935)      PDF(pc) (542KB)(562)       Save
    This paper analyses the relation of the variation of reservoir rock pore volume, porosity and compressibility with the effetive overburden pressure,and basing on the polynomials regreasion of rock experimental data,it presents the calculating. equations of rock porosity,mean and instaneous pore volume compressibility under the reservoir condition. The practical applieation of these equations to processsingrock testing date of Zhongyuan,Xinjing,and Sichuan oiifields proves that. this method is precise and convenient for calculation.
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    The Rules of Bed-Load Cuttings Trandport in Horizontal Well
    Wang Yanhui Luo pingya
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 35-41.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.006
    Abstract1380)      PDF(pc) (403KB)(513)       Save
    In turbulent flow of horizontal annulus,the cuttings bed is a concentrated fluid with special constitutive featrues. Starting from the mechanism and physical model of shared cuttings transport, the constitutive relationship and velocity field of bed-load cuttings transport are established through the study of the energy transfer and equilibrium of the microscopic motions of bed-load particles. From these equations,the critical hydraulies of cuttings motion into static beds, the maximum thickness of bed-load cutting layer,and that the transport of bed-load cuttings increases greatly flow resistance.
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    Study on the Selection of Horizontal Well Completion Methods
    Panyingde Xiong Youming
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 42-49.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.007
    Abstract833)      PDF(pc) (584KB)(672)       Save
    The paper dicusses the factors of geology, drilling, and production engineering, which need to be considered in the selection of horizontal well completion methods. The authors introduce the calculating methods for the strong level of formation rock and the borehole stability. Finally, the flowchart for the selection of horizontal well completion methods has been obtained and some examples have also been provided.
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    Early Distinguishing of Types of Condensats Gas Reservoir
    Zhang Siyong Xu Jiaqong Liu Huanzhong
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 50-54.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.008
    Abstract567)      PDF(pc) (324KB)(506)       Save
    This paper presents a Grey system model of early distinquishing of types of condensats gas reservoir, and has applied this model to checking thirty condensate gas reservoirs,the rate of success being 96.7%. Practice has proved that Grey system has the advantages of high precision and rate, and needs fewer original data, which are easy to obtain, thus is more accurete than the traditional experiment method and experiential method.
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    The Fem Analysis of the Bearng Ability of the well casing Under the Condition of Rock Being Broken up by High Energy Gas
    Wu Yongmimg Dong Shier
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 55-59.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.009
    Abstract897)      PDF(pc) (444KB)(720)       Save
    The existing high energy gas frauring technology can efficiently break up arenaceous rock above 1000 meters,and raise the yields of the oil and gas. Bat it can not efficiently bresk up the carbonate rock under 1500 meters. the main reason lies in the unknown besting ability of the well casing,and the worry that wells woul collapse as the pressure rises. In this paper,FEM is used to d fine the limit pressure under 1500 meters,under which the well casing would not break.
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    Optimun Relation Curve of A and N in dA/dN Calculation
    Zhang Xiaoyu Song Yu
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 60-67.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.010
    Abstract951)      PDF(pc) (421KB)(594)       Save
    Using orthogonal polynomial regression method analyze the possible relation cuves of A and N,and compare the results with different regression powers in dA/dN calculation,this paper determines the optimun relation curve of A and N.
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    Computer Design Method and Seftware Reinforced Columns
    Xiong Shulin
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 68-75.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.011
    Abstract1611)      PDF(pc) (466KB)(614)       Save
    Reinforced celumns, a member commonly used in architectural projects,are various in type and complicated in design. Manual calculation takes time and is easy to make errors.Having studied quite a number of computer design methods of reinforced columns,this paper presents a software CDP programmed for design,which not only can calculate the quantity of the reinforce ments to be needed in different types of columns,but can also select longitudial reinforcements and stirrups automatically,and draw their cross sections.
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    Laboratory Study of Cooperative Effect on Foaming Performanced of Binary surfactant Blending System
    Xu Rong Shen Wei Yang Lin
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 76-81.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.012
    Abstract963)      PDF(pc) (322KB)(477)       Save
    A laboratory study of cooperative effect on foaming performance of binary surfactant blending system is made in this Paper. Four surfactants with better foaming properties in cooperation with a main foaming agent (SX-1) are picked out from 12 different sorts of surfactants. The foaming performance of those binary blending systems is determined simultaneourly in the presence of inorganic salts. After comprehensive surveying the foamability and foam stability,the best binaty surfactant blending system, SX-1 and SAS,has certain practical significance in the exploitation of oil and gas fields,and in surfactant industry.
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    Computer Simulation of Particle Movement in Porous Media
    Met Wenrong Deng Chuanguang
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 82-87.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.013
    Abstract1498)      PDF(pc) (348KB)(569)       Save
    Based on the substitution of network model for real porous media, this paper applies Monte-Carlo method to the study of the mechanism of particle migration/deposition in network model and of the effects of particle concentration and particle size distribution in permeability reduction of porous media. The method presented in this paper is not only suitable for the mechanism study of particle movement/deposition, but also for the research in some other fields.
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    The Test Data Communication Between HP Data Acquisition System and IBM Computer
    Yao Fujiu Xu JingGuang
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 88-96.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.014
    Abstract864)      PDF(pc) (500KB)(457)       Save
    HP computer data acquisition system is in the leading position in the world in capacity, quality and reliability, but as a result of its incompatibility with IBM computer, its ues is limited to some degree. This problem has been settled successfully in this paper by the data communication. By the use of this method, the test data can be easily communicated frem HP computer to IBM computer,and saved in disk. Thus the scope of the application of the data squisited though HP system has extended.
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    Estimation of Time Delay Based on Matrix Rank Recealing QR Factorization
    Tang Bin
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 97-101.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.015
    Abstract978)      PDF(pc) (238KB)(515)       Save
    In recent years, MUSIC algorithm is frequently adopted in the estimation of time delay.It obtains and uses a set of vectors orthognal to signal time delay vectors by performing an eigendecomposition of covarince matrix of veceiving signal. Eigendecom position, however, requires a considerable amount of computations. Based on a permuted matrix rank revealing QR facterization,a new method is presented in this paper for the estimation of time delay. Computer simulation shows that the proposed method can perform almost as well as MUSIC algorithm in terms of signal resolition,and the cost of this method is much lower than eigende-composition.
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    Class of High Accuracy L-Stable Explicit One-Step Method for Solving Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations
    Xiang kaili Zhang Jianguo
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 102-109.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.016
    Abstract897)      PDF(pc) (393KB)(568)       Save
    This paper presents a class of high accuracy L-stable one-step method for Solving stiff ordinary differential equations on the basis of [1] and [2],which improves and extends the method introduced in [1] and [2]. In comparison with same order implicit methods,it has advantages of simple structure, less calculation,good stability and high accuracy,and it is applicable for some types of stiff problems.
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    Effects Of Vacuum Saturation Method on Electrical Resistivity Measurement of Rock Samples
    Zhang Kaihong Chen Fuxuan Chen Yijian
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 110-114.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.017
    Abstract817)      PDF(pc) (290KB)(615)       Save
    This paper present a method to replace in a process of vacuum saturation the residual air with injecting CO2 gas so as to reduce the error in the measurement of electrical resistivity.The results of a series of experiments show that this method has improved the conventional method of vacuum saturation and almost increased the accuracy of the measurement by 10%.In addition,a better experimental process is also suggested in this paper.
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    Statistical Analysis and Citation Research of China s Petroleum Scientific Papers
    Peng Xuexue Liu Tingyuan
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 115-123.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.018
    Abstract1439)      PDF(pc) (533KB)(590)       Save
    The statistical analysis and citation reserach of 1433 papers of 20 china a scientific periodicals in 1992 have given some important resuts in the field of petroleum science and technology in this paper: institues in order of the number of the papers published, Chinese and non-Chinese core periodicals, the writers in order of citation frequency, and obselescence rate of Chinese and non-Chinese papers.
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    Resesrches in Natural Gas Industry in the Upper Reaches of the Yangtze River and It s Develepmental Strategy
    Wang Tingdeng Yin Daiyi Lan Guangzhi Min Qiao
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (1): 124-131.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.01.019
    Abstract1348)      PDF(pc) (562KB)(592)       Save
    This paper expounds this present situation and developing trend, and presents the preliminary envisagement of establishing East Sichuan and Central Sichuan chemical industry greup with Chongqing as its center,on the basis of the investigation of anturgl gas and chemical industry, It points out that the prouducts of Sichuan Natural gas and salt and chemi cal industries shoud develop towards seiation and fineness.
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    LUO Zhao-feng
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 1-3.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.01
    Abstract468)      PDF(pc) (225KB)(423)       Save
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    Diagenesis and Porsity Evolution of Carbonate Rocks of the Lower Triassic at Chenhu-Tuditang,Central Hubei Province,China
    Dong Zhao-xiang Chen Jing-shan Shen Zhao-guo Fang Shao-xian Chen Jin-ren Liu Lingshan
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 4-14.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.02
    Abstract391)      PDF(pc) (615KB)(479)       Save

    The depositional environments are mainly semi-and complete restricted carbonate and locally evaporate platforms in the early Triassic, and micrite, dolomicrite, and a little of grain-stone and anhydrite in the lower Triassic. Such a formation has experienced dolomitization in the submarine, solution in the meteoric, cementation, corrosion, dolomitization in the hurried environment, and corrosion in the epidiagene environment. The pores and fractures formed in the meteoricand shallow hurried environment are filled with calciter. The solution pores and structural fractures made with the deep hurried environment are approximately synchronous with the oil-gas evolution. Two kinds of reservoirs of' the lower Triassic at Chenhu-Tuditang belong to the fracture reservoir and the fracture-cave reservoir. The porosity of the former is only about 2%一3%,and it is lower than that of the latter. With aporosity of more than 26%,the latter is still affected by the air and. water, hence poor on the preservation of oil and gas.

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    Investigation of a Key Factor in the Control of Industrial Oil Well Distribution of DA' AN Zhai Member in Chuanzhong Jinhuaxi-Xiangshan structure
    Li Yao-hua
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 16-21.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.03
    Abstract930)      PDF(pc) (669KB)(533)       Save

    Based on the theoritical study of gravity-flow sediment as well as that of sections and reservoirs,the author in this paper concludes that grain-flow elastic shell limestone reservoirs of gravity-flow sediments are an important factor in the control of oil and gas distribution. Accordingly,sublacustrine fan model of gravity-flow sediment is set up to decide the favorable exploitation regions.

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    Study of Recovery Law of steam Injection in Thin Thickness Heavy Oil Reservoir
    Hu Chang-zhong Liu Xin-fu
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 22-28.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.04
    Abstract1031)      PDF(pc) (445KB)(556)       Save

    The analysis of the production data of Jinglou Oilfield of Henan and one of its pilot-areas, Opilot,reveals the recovery law of cyclic steam simulation and steam flooding in thin thickness heavy oil reservoir: While the vertical displacement is efficient and the recovery rate and percentage are high, the oil production rate per well, cyclic oil production and oil-steam ration are low, and oil production declines fast.

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    Numerical Simulation And the Prediction of Single-Well Steam Flooding Production Change
    Hu Tao
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 29-33.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.05
    Abstract1333)      PDF(pc) (327KB)(631)       Save

    In steam flooding production,it is very important in heavy oil production to base on practical production the estimation of production change and the determination of cyclic steam phase, steam injection state and oil well production velocity so that a rational production method can be obtained and oil recovery ratio increased. The paper employs numerical simulation method to discuss the problem and gives out the results of the calculation.

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    Dynamic Analysis of Horizontal Well Pressure
    Li Xiao-ping Zhao Bi-rong Wu Xiao-qing Liu Qi-guo
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 34-40.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.06
    Abstract1661)      PDF(pc) (377KB)(641)       Save

    This paper establishes the percolation mathematical models of a homogeneous anisotropic reservoir horizontal well in or without consideration of wellbore storage and skin effect. After the solution of the mathematical models have been obtained by using characteristic function ,finite integral transforms, Laplace transforms, and other methods, the pressure and pressure derivative type curve is drawn that is suitable for the horizontal well testing analysis,by using numerical integral and numerical inversion methods. The approximative expression also derived of early and late pressure drop of the horizontal well testing analysis.

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    A New Method of Predicting Productivity Sand Production of Horizontal Wells
    Li Bin-yuan Sun Ai-yin Liu Shu-zhi
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 41-47.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.07
    Abstract864)      PDF(pc) (387KB)(607)       Save

    This paper presents a numerical method of solving the partial differential equation that describes flowing law of horizontal wells, by which the idealized productivity of a horizontal well can be computed after the pressure profile and three dimensional velocity have been acquired at each node. In addition,a sand concentration profile model in flowing liquid has been established, which can predict sand production of a well that might produce sand.

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    The Design Method of The Strength Of The Casing Strings In A Viscous Oil Horizontal Well
    Liu Kun-fang Luo Shi-ying
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 48-54.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.08
    Abstract792)      PDF(pc) (382KB)(539)       Save

    the casing design of viscous oil horizontal well is quite different from that of conventional well. This paper introduces a method of calculating the thermal stress on the casing stings of a viscous oil horizontal well, benging load, friction resistance. This paper also introduces the method of designing maximum load of the casing strings of a horizontal well on the basis of above calculations, and its application in the design of Leng Ping Well 1, Liao He oilfield.

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    Study And Application of The Method Of Processing The Waste Water Into Medium-Density Salt-Water Well Control Fluid
    Zhao Pu-chun
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 56-60.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.09
    Abstract768)      PDF(pc) (345KB)(587)       Save

    This paper presents a method of processing the waste water into clean salt—water well control fluid at the density of 1.0 1.4 g/cm, and the application of this well control fluid. Experimental measurement and field application show that it is a high-grade and harmless fluid the use of which can be expanded.

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    Diagnostic Instrument of Pump Jack
    Huang Han-guang Chai Man-zhou Chu Wan-quan
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 61-66.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.10
    Abstract769)      PDF(pc) (363KB)(671)       Save

    The testing diagnostic instrument is characterized by its adrers applications,mobile and frequent operations. In the light of these characteristics, this paper discusses the structure and the design principle of the diagnostic instrument with 80 C 31 single chip computer as its core. The problems,such as low reliability,high price and difficult operation of the original instrument have been solved.

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    The Criterion “C” Formula Determing Wellbore Solidity and Its Application
    Xiong You-ming Pan Yin-de
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 67-73.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.11
    Abstract1839)      PDF(pc) (284KB)(519)       Save

    The paper has developed criterion "C" formula determining the solidity of the wellbore rock of vertical,horizontal and inclined wells,analyzed the parameters that influence the formula,and discussed its application in the selection of well completion methods. In addition, some useful conclusions have been made.

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    Study on Jet Nozzle Mechanism and Its Hydraulic Performance
    Xiong Ji-you Liao Rong-qing Chen De-jie
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 74-78.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.12
    Abstract758)      PDF(pc) (362KB)(583)       Save

    On the basis of the investigation of advanced jet mechanism,this paper analyzes the mechanism of pulsed jet nozzle and the relation of its power to hydraulic energy, and derives the calculation formula. The result shows that the power obtained from the instantaneous high frequency jet of pulsed nozzle to be 2. 558 times as great as that of the low-frequency jet, and 1.438 times as great as that of continuous jet .Moreover, the calculation formulas of hydraulic power and impulsive force are derived, which presents the theoretical basis for the application and further study of pulsed jet nozzle.

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    Development and Application of the Signal Analysis Software About Pulse Jet
    Wang Jia-song Liao Rong-qing
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 79-83.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.13
    Abstract774)      PDF(pc) (223KB)(417)       Save

    In order to have an immediate,comprehensive and reliable quantitative analysis of the test signal of the dynamic pressure,a signal analysis software (XHFX)has recently been developed. The application of XHFX will obtain a correct evaluation of the waveform feature,frequency structure and energy distribution, and some other similar complex signals as well.

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    Application of Signal Analyzer in the Development of the New Drill Pump
    Meng Kun-liu Zhang Wan-fu Zhang Ming-hong Zhang Zheng-quan Chen Yuan-canZhang Mi
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 84-89.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.14
    Abstract1508)      PDF(pc) (338KB)(600)       Save

    Based on the synthetic measuring system of performance parameter of drill pump,the QLSA FFT is cooperatively developed by SWPI and South Sichuan Oil Field. With a Chinese instruction and window display, the FFT possesses better functions and can be operated easily. Authors in this paper have introduced some. results about measured performance parameter with the QLSA FFT.

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    Blackboard Model of Problem-Solving for Engineering Analysis Expert System
    Chen Wei-Cheng Sui min Hu Ze Zhang Gong-she
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 90-96.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.15
    Abstract1294)      PDF(pc) (539KB)(655)       Save

    A problem-solving model is a scheme to organize inference steps and domain knowledge in constructing a solution to a problem. Based on blackboard model, the design method in this paper are those of engineering analysis expert system, including hierarchical representation of expert strategic knowledge,completion of depth-first search and reasoning network model,construction of hierarchical reasoning network model for cooperative mufti-expert system, design of interpretation scheme and interface, and reasoning algorithm.

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    Viscoelastic-plastic Finite Element Mechanics Models of Interaction of Rock,Cement Ring and Casing
    Lian Zhang-hua Zhang Xian-pu Zhao Guo-zheng He Ming-zhu Wang Gang Zeng Jiu-chang
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 97-103.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.16
    Abstract1547)      PDF(pc) (520KB)(566)       Save

    The paper has first established the viscoelastic-plastic finite element mechanics models of casing deformation. Theory and practice have proved that the mechanics model III is accurate and reliable. The mechanics model, a new method to study casing deformation, can study the process of casing elastoplastic deformatiom under uniform or non-uniform load acting on the outer wall of casing. While applied in Huabei Oil Field, the model III has imitated the casing around outer load and its distribution, hence providing important reference data for solving the casing around stresses and finding the method of resisting casing deformation.

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    The Application of CAD in the Design of Cone Bit
    Lin Yu-long
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 104-109.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.17
    Abstract760)      PDF(pc) (440KB)(639)       Save

    The paper introduces the application of Computer Aided Design (CAD) in the design of cone bit. In this paper,Whole software,is given With its principle,its features and its working method .Based on the geometry and kinematics of cone bit,and designed in FORTRAN77. The software make some reasonable borrowings from AUTOCAD software so as to meet the needs of designing and drawing. The software can be used conveniently in the designing and calculation of cone bit and this is now still in a leading position in China

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    K-cycle Ending Criterion In Equilibrium Calculation Rich Natural Gas Phase
    Yin Dai-yi
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 110-114.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.18
    Abstract501)      PDF(pc) (175KB)(399)       Save

    In the research of the phase state of natural gas,the ending criterion of the K-cycle in calculation of equlibrium constant ki used to adopt; It has proved through calculations that the ending criterion using |En+1/En-1|≤σ is right.

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    Exergy Analysis of Heat-Exchange Process of Heat-Exchanger
    Chen Ji-fu
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 115-122.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.19
    Abstract832)      PDF(pc) (381KB)(555)       Save
    Through the exergy analysis of heat-exchange process, the author in this paper has derived the calculation formilae of exergy low(ΔE) & exergy efficiency under the circumstances of cosidering heat exergy low and flow exergy low simultaneoraly. the results show that there is a possible esistence of the limit point ofΔE. when load of heat-exchanger (Q)is constant. To make use of exergy of heat-exchanger as much as possible,the diameter of heat-exchanger and the flow rate of cold & heat fluid should be appropriately matched.
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    Action Mechanism of Eliminating Smoke and Saving Energy Additives for Fuel Oil
    Tang Xiao-dong Xu Rong
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 123-129.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.20
    Abstract1521)      PDF(pc) (258KB)(574)       Save

    Through the analysis of the chemical reaction mechanisms of fuel oil burning in a combustion chamber of an engine ,authors in this paper find the relationships between the. reaction mechanism and exhaust air pollution caused by automobiles and saving fuel oil,and descuriobe the action mechanisms of major eliminating smoke and saving energy additives used in our country .They also put forward a standpoint that the atomic state of some function elements can function in the formation of charcoal smoke by the catalytic hydrogenation borore within these additives. Further more,they also introduce their own production of the action mechanisms of the fuel oil saving energy agent.

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    Random Pseudo—Metric Collection Spaces And Random Topologcal Spaces
    Liu Ming-xue
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1994, 16 (2): 130-137.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1994.02.21
    Abstract847)      PDF(pc) (401KB)(608)       Save

    This paper introduces the concepts of the random pseudo—metric collection space and the random topolobical space,Studies the relations between the random pseudo—metric collection space and the probabilistic pseudo—metric collection space,and constructs ordinary topoloby and random topoloby in the random pseudo—metric collection space.

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