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    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition) 1995 Vol.17
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    Liao Mingguan Fu Xiaowen
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 1-7.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.001
    Abstract1106)      PDF(pc) (385KB)(735)       Save
    In this paper,based on the present mercury-injection test samples,we establish,by using the pluralistic regression analysis method,the experimental formulas that express the relationship of pore throat size with porosity and permeability at different mercury saturation degrees of different Ordovician reservoir rocks of the centural gas field in Shanganning basin.This method is likely to be used to predict the capollary pressure curves and the size and distribution of pore throat of the sample with the conventinal core analysis data.
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    Determination of Hydrocarbon Trap Boundary by Follow-well Track Method
    Zhang tianlun Zhang Bailin
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 8-24.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.002
    Abstract767)      PDF(pc) (940KB)(632)       Save
    The follow-well track method presented in this paper is a field working method of the triode-gradient method. A large number of water-bath analog experiment results show the determination of the hydrocarbon trap short-axis boundary, while its long-axis boundary will have to be determined by the follow-well track method. and so will the equal-axis hydrocarbon trap boundary. This method can also be used in the vertical prediction of hydrocarbon trap and its development monitoring.
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    Determination of Distribution Scope of Field TZ Well O8 Hydro-carbon Zone B by Fisher Type-Two Discriminant Analysis
    Mu Zhonghai Jiang Yuqiang
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 25-33.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.003
    Abstract1367)      PDF(pc) (549KB)(621)       Save
    This paper collects 20 types of seismic parameters of the wells in the field Tz from the 3D deismogram, and establishes the discriminant function of oil-gas well and dry well by Fisher type-Two discriminant analysis. This paper also predicts the distribution scope of Well 08 hydrocarbon Zone B by discriminant critical value, and judging from the results, the prediction is quite satisfactory.
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    Solution of Elastic Wave Equations on Fluid-Saturated Porous Media-the Pseudospectral Method
    Shi Yumei
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 34-37.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.004
    Abstract942)      PDF(pc) (149KB)(704)       Save

    In this paper, we provide a numerical method for the solution of elastic wave equations in fluid-saturated porous media, and derive its calculation formula. Using thes formula, we simulate the wave propagation in a fluid-saturated media model with one reflection plane,the result of which is corresponding to Biot's theoretical prediction.

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    Theoretical Study of Steady-State Surge and Swab Pressure in Eccentricc Annulus
    Zhong Bing Zhou Kaiji Zie Ginghua
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 38-45.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.005
    Abstract826)      PDF(pc) (333KB)(473)       Save
    This paper analyzes the surge and swab pressures produced by the pipe running in the eccentric annulus, and derives the calculation formula of steady-state pressures of powerlaw fluid in eccentric annulus. The study provides the reliable theory and method for the design of hole structure and the control of the pressures in inclined and horizontal wells. The calculation charts of relevant parameters are also given for the convenient use in the fields.
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    Study on the Bottom Hole Pressure Properties of the Oscillating Pulse Jet-Nozzled Bit
    Xiong Jiyou Liao Rongqing Chen Dejie Sun Wentao
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 46-50.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.006
    Abstract897)      PDF(pc) (771KB)(611)       Save
    Basing on the measurement of axial percussive pressure of nozzle jet, this paper investigates the effective jet distance, the jet pulse property, and the bottom hole pressure destribution of the oscillating-pulse jet-nozzled bit. The results show, under the same conditions, that the effective jet distance of pulse-jet nozzle has been raised by 150 %, and pulse amplitued by 170 %, compared with those of 3 common jet nozzle. Therefore the bottom hole pressure distributions is more advantageous to the removal of bit cuttings.
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    Structure Features and Physiochemical Properties of Naduzu Shale of Huacha, Nakun Area in Bese Basin
    Huang Jinjun Luo Xinshu Cui Maorong
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 51-55.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.007
    Abstract765)      PDF(pc) (65KB)(573)       Save

    Well-bore collapse in Naduzu shale has been the peimary factor that interferes the drilling in Huacha, Nakun area in Bese Basin, Guangxi. This paper focuses on the mineral content, pore and fissure configuration and the physiochemical properties of Naduzu shale,and provides scientific basis for researching the unstable factors of the well section in Naduzu, and the effective measures of preventing well collapse.

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    Experimental Study of Temporary Plugging Acidization
    Zhao Liqiang Zhong Shuangfei Pan Qingchuan Chen Jimei
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 56-62.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.008
    Abstract757)      PDF(pc) (525KB)(604)       Save
    This paper presents an experimental study method of temporary plugging acidization,and gives an experimental analysis of the oil-solubility, particle destribution of the temporary plugging agent, and its stability in acid fluid and the compatibility of temporary plugging agent with acid fluid. Using a specially designed temporary plugging acidizing experimental apparatus, the paper respectively studies the temporary plugging efficienccy of the temporary plugging agent, the unplugging efficiency in produced which is worth popularizing.
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    Application of Hybrid Grid in Horizontal Well Reservoir Numerical Simulation
    Zhang Liehui Li Yun
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 63-69.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.009
    Abstract1519)      PDF(pc) (402KB)(628)       Save

    It is not quite reliable to model fluid flow around horizontal wellbores with conventional reservoir simulators of rectangular grid system due to the fact that the fluid flow is found to be a radial flow. In this paper, we simulate the radial fluid flow around the horizontal wellbores with an efficient method of hybrid refinement around the wellbore by combining rectangular gridblocks with the radial gridblocks. We also choose the 7th SPE comparative Solution Project(SPE 21211) to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model.

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    Design Programme and Its Application of Optimum Tubing String for Water Drainage-Oil Recovery
    Yang Hua Yang Chuandong
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 70-81.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.010
    Abstract1452)      PDF(pc) (1033KB)(819)       Save
    This paper comprehensively analyzes the mathematical model of optimum tubing string for continuous water drainage, the application design programme and the method of Nomograph, and the remarkable incremental effect and economic benefit obtained by the efficient recovery of water yield gas well and the study of gas-water two-phase flow in vertical tube.
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    Study on Radial Invasion Characteristics of Mud Filtrate
    Liu Xiangjun Cheng Fuxuan
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 83-88.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.011
    Abstract1753)      PDF(pc) (388KB)(620)       Save
    Using the two-phase flow model in multi-pore media, the convective transport model betWeen the fluids of different mineralization intensity and Archie equation, this paper calculates the radial distribution characteristics of resistivity and saturation on the mud filtrate invaded proiile. It is of great importance to the study of resistivity well-logging response.
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    Pipeline Network Reform of Gas Field Production in the Later Stage
    Wang Shouxi Yu Pingren Li Changjun
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 89-95.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.012
    Abstract828)      PDF(pc) (398KB)(587)       Save
    It is more than 30 years since South Sichuan gas field began to be exploited. Now it has gone into low pressure production preiod. The stratum energy exhausion has made the surface gathering system unsuitable for the production, and has affected the further exploitation of the gap field. In consideration of the present situation of the gas field, this paper comprehensively analyzes the gathering, transportation and destribution functions of the surface gathering system, and puts forward the scheme that aims to decrease the main line pressure of the natural gas surface gathering system,thus coordinating the relationships of gathering,transportation and distribution.
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    Study of Single Spherical Roller Bit
    Deng Rong Yang Shiliang Yu Kaian
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 96-100.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.013
    Abstract800)      PDF(pc) (418KB)(599)       Save
    This paper briefly describes the operating principle and characteristics of the single spherical roller bit(SSRB). The geometric and kinematic basic equations of SSRB are established by means of space analytical geometry method F the testing analysis of the bearing load is made by the experimental method; the computer simulation program is designed according to the kinematic basic equation of SSRB. The designs of geometric structure and performance of SSRB can be made by the methods mentioned in this papeer,and the comparision of a number of design plans can be made in a short period of time.
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    The Stress Analysis of a Thick-Walled Square Tube
    Song Yu Tao Chunda
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 101-108(.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.014
    Abstract1036)      PDF(pc) (357KB)(502)       Save
    By means of finite-element method, the authors analyze the problem in calculating the stress of a thick-walled square tube with circular inside, and find the rule of its stress distribution. The formula is given that can be used to calculate the stress concentration factors of the danger points on the tube s inside and outside surfaces.
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    Electric Circuit Simulation Analysis of Mechanical Vibration Isolation
    Jiao Pelling
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 110-114.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.015
    Abstract894)      PDF(pc) (140KB)(628)       Save
    This paper presents the advantages of electric circuit simulation analysis of mechanical vibration isolation. This method can be further used to solve more complex problems in mechanical vibration as well as in dynamics.
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    Power Analysis of Downhole Static Pressure Unit
    Wang Deyu He Dongsheng
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 115-120.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.016
    Abstract1335)      PDF(pc) (352KB)(588)       Save
    In this paper, we analyze the ways and requirements of power transmission of the downhole static pressure unit, and point out that the surface drilling pump should provide power for the downhole pressure unit by delivering drilling fluid at high pressure and with lower volume in deep well drilling.
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    Cationic Polyacrylamide and Its Property
    Ma Xiping Luo Lan
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 121-125.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.017
    Abstract863)      PDF(pc) (308KB)(612)       Save
    Modified cationic polyacrylamide has been synthesized by the reaction of acrylamide polymerisate with formaldehyde and dimethylamine. The experimental results indicate that the modified product is superior to polyacrylamide in clay swelling,flocculation, salt-resis tance and corrosion retardation.
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    A Study of Fracture and Wear Resistance of Laser Cladding Layer on Graphite Iron Substrate
    Tang Furong Feng Zhigang Ma Deyan Peng Shengshang
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 126-131.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.018
    Abstract877)      PDF(pc) (799KB)(572)       Save
    Through a study of the fractures of laser cladding layer and the mechanism of its formation, the authors of this paper have discussed the fracture tendency of the laser cladding layer and its influence on wear resistance, and present some practical principles in the choice of cladding materialls and the performance of laser cladding.
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    Study of Exploitation Priority of Multiple Gas Reservoirs
    Zhang Jijun Li Guangyao
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 132-138.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.019
    Abstract883)      PDF(pc) (217KB)(585)       Save

    On the basis of(6), this paper establishes, for a number of gas reservoirs to be exploited, the exploitation priority evaluation index system and its structural model, and sucessfully arranges the order of prior exploitation of multiple gas reservoirs to be exploited, combining the improved AHP method and approaching method, and taking into account the effect and the investment.

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    Simplification and Calculation of the Stator Winding Deploy Diagram of a Double-Electrode-Ratio, Two-Speed Motor
    Zhang Kaixiang
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (1): 139-142.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.01.020
    Abstract1502)      PDF(pc) (127KB)(614)       Save
    Basing on the simplified principle of the stator winding deploy diagram of alternating current motor, this paper derives the winding deploy diagram of the double-electrode -ratio(4/2 electrode) electric motor, and gives the relative calculation.
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    Reservoir Characteristics and Gas pool Types of Bank—Microfacies Assemblagen of 2—Section of Jia Ling River Group in the Eastern Part of Sichuan Basin
    Huang Ji-xiang Zheng Wei Zhang Gao-xing Ran Hong
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 1-7.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.01
    Abstract1478)      PDF(pc) (568KB)(635)       Save

    The rock assemblage of shallow exposed bank—microfacies is the basis of the formation of pore layers and reservoir permeability systems. The pore layers are dominated by remnant grain—to—grain pores and secondary corrosion pores. There are two types of porethroat association which are mainly Type II and Type III reservoirs. The pore layers stretch in the shape of a lens and may form three types of reservoir permeability systems and corresponding gas pools types within anticlinal trap. The gas pools of bank—microfacies assemblage in 2—section of Jia Ling River group are sure to have practical and long—term exploitation prospect.

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    Discussion on Tectonic Movement Process of Huanghua Depression
    Liu Xue-feng Lu Shun-rong
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 8-14.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.02
    Abstract879)      PDF(pc) (460KB)(736)       Save

    Huanghua Depression is rift of Bozhong Triple Rifts that have the features of mantle uplift,high—heat flow and strong volcanic activity. Four tectono—stratigraphic units in this depression exist in each of the three tectonic levels. The evolution of the rift basin underwent three periods of tectonic movement patterns with different orientations:①During the pre— rift period,the compressive orientations with S—N direction. NW—SE direction and NWW —SEE direction were produced by the Indo— China Movement,the Early Yanshan Movement and the Late Yanshan Movement respectively;②During the rift period,two phases of rifting with the extensions of NW—SE and S—N direstion were produced in the depression;③During the post—rift period,the tectonic movement changed from horizontal movement to vertical subsidence because of the shrinkage of the rift.

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    On the Fissure—Cavern System Karst and Its Geologic Significance
    Tang Zheng-song
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 16-21.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.03
    Abstract1010)      PDF(pc) (458KB)(723)       Save

    In this paper,the mechanism of movable pressure—variable volume karst is provided for the study of the effect and characteristics of carbonate fissure—cavern system karst. The author thinks that horizontal stress field mainly controls the intensity and distribution of fissure—cavern system karst,and fissure—cavern system karst effect is one of the factors that bring about such geologic phenomena as the abnormal high pressure in gas reservoir and the wider distribution of gas concentration.

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    Pore Structure Features of Triassic Reservoir in South Arkula,North Tarim Basin
    Li De-fa Liu Wen-bi Wang Hong-hui
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 22-30.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.04
    Abstract969)      PDF(pc) (507KB)(654)       Save

    According to the 369 core mercury—injection data from 9 wells,this paper studies the throat types and pore structure parameters of the main flowing throats of Triassic reservoir,such as the average. throat radius(Rz ),throat deriation coefficient(α),throat pore structure coefficient(F), and derives an analytic expression of the interrelated pore structure parameters and the physical properties of the reservoir. This paper also introduces the throat distribution under stratum stress first obtained through the horizontal one—way flowing mercury—injection test under effective stress.

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    Application of BP Neural Network to Calculation of Reservoir Porosity of Moxi Gas Field
    Xia Hong-quan Liu Hong-qi Zhang Hong-wei
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 31-36.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.05
    Abstract1000)      PDF(pc) (411KB)(721)       Save

    Neural network is a new information processing technique,which can be used to solve the problems of log interpretation, pattern recognition and parameter estimation in reservoir description. Using the formation porosity and logging data of cored well of Moxi gas field,we have successfully applied Back Propagation Network to the establishment of a prediction model of calculating formation parameters-porosity. Compared with the traditional methods—Regression equation,Grey equation and log interpretation,its precision and predicted result are rather satisfactory. Thus this method is well worth popularizing.

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    Prediction Test of Carboniferous Reservoir in Steep Structure Region of Eastern Sichuan Province
    Jiang Yule Zhong Ben-shan Li Yongjie
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 37-42.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.06
    Abstract848)      PDF(pc) (421KB)(686)       Save

    In view of the features of steep structure,deep carboniferous reservoir and the low signal noise ratio of seismic reflection wave in Eastern Sichuan region, this paper presents the method of predicting gas reservoir with seismic data,and makes a study and prediction experiment on the to seismic profiles by this method,and acquires good results. Besides this paper specially introduces the model migration calculation method .Through drilling tests,it proves that this calculation method can be effectively used to calculate the two problems of structure migration and prediction point position migration.

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    Research of Analytical Method of Concentrating Trace Single Hydrocarbons
    Wang Hai-qing Liao Xi-ming Duan Za-zhi
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 43-48.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.07
    Abstract1001)      PDF(pc) (262KB)(694)       Save

    This paper discusses a method of analyzing trace heavy constituents and single hydrocarbons (not more than C9) in natural gas. On the basis of analyzing the present problems in natural gas analysis,this paper presents a new and simple method of concentration which can be used to analyze and determine trace heavy single hydrocarbons in natural gas. Experiment results show that this method is feasible.

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    Petroleum Geologic Features of Cambrian—Ordovician in Tarim Basin
    Luo Li Shen Zhao-guo
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 49-54.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.08
    Abstract935)      PDF(pc) (526KB)(636)       Save

    Tarim Basin is a Mesozoic—Cenozoic superimposed oil—bearing basin developed from the Paleozoic platform. As it has long been in relatively stable tectonic setting,it provides the favorable geologic conditions for oil—gas generation,accumulation and preservation. A lot of oil and gas seepages and the prolific oil—gas wells indicate that Tarim Basin is rich in oil—gas resources. Among the mufti—oil—generating beds,the Cambrian and Ordovician is the best one. According to the Cabrian and Ordovician petroleum geologic features,the author analyzes the oil—bearing potential in the basin.

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    Study on Unstability Mechanism of Xishanyao and Badaowan Coal Seam Wellbore in Tuha Basin
    Wang Ping-quan Liang Da-chuan Cui mao-rong Luo Ping-ya
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 55-64.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.09
    Abstract753)      PDF(pc) (882KB)(624)       Save

    This paper analyzes the complexity and its reason of Xishanyao and Badaowan coal seam wellbore in Tuha Basin,and emphatically discusses the mechanism of the coal seam wellbore unstability. The result shows that coal seam wellbore unstability is a synthetic effect caused by such factors as physics,chemistry,mechanics and machinery.

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    Reverse Circulation Kill Method
    Hao Jun-fang Tang Lin Wu Xian-zhu
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 65-71.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.10
    Abstract1727)      PDF(pc) (473KB)(959)       Save

    Reverse circulation kill method was much used in workover well control. As it has such advantages as quick removal of well kick,less pit gain,and small casing pressure,it can also be cased in well completion and drilling well control. This paper introduces the technology of the reverse circulation kill method,presents the calculation method of drill pipe pressure and casing pressure influenced by flow resistance,and compares this method with conventional driller's method and engineer's method when it is used to calculate practical examples.

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    Analysis of Horizontal Well Flow
    Fan Xue-Ping Ren Shu-quan
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 72-77.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.11
    Abstract782)      PDF(pc) (357KB)(539)       Save

    Horizontal well is an important means of the recovery of fractured reservoir. In view of the seeping characteristics of the fractured reservoir and Permeability anisotropy reservoir, this Paper establishes a Percolation model of horizontal well,and obtains its solutions by finite Fourier transformation method. Besides,this Paper also draws the chart boards of dimensionless Pressure and dimensionless velocity. According to the law that dimensionless Pressure and dimensionless velocity vary with time and space,the Paper Presents the horizontal well seeping characteristics of the above two types of reservoir, favorable extension orientation of the horizontal segment of horizontal well and effective technological measures of increasing Production.

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    Compressive Strength of Luochezu Lost-Circulation Formation in Changqing Oilfied
    Pu Xiao-lin Luo Xiang-dong Luo Ping-ya
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 78-84.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.12
    Abstract1111)      PDF(pc) (419KB)(521)       Save

    In view of the lost—circulation physical property of Luohezu sandstone in Eastern Gansu axes of Changqing Oilfield,an esperimental study is made by using the bridge—shielding principle. A reasonable bridge plugging system is set up on the basis of the adjustment of the size distribution of calcium ,carbonate and the choice of water—loss control agent as filling agent. The tests both in lab and on site show that this system can improve the compressive strength of the lost—circulation formation and meet the needs of drilling and well cementation project construction.

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    Study of Eastern Sea Modern DST Well Test Analytical Method and Software
    Li Xiao-yun Jia Yong-lu Yang Ding-yuan Wang Long-jie
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 85-94.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.13
    Abstract1485)      PDF(pc) (521KB)(684)       Save

    The geologic structure of the Xihu concave of the Eastern Sea is very complicated,and the fluid properties are even more complicated. The data of about ten test wells show that there are oil,gas,gas condensate, volatile oil,and oil—water and gas—water phases in the fluids. A thorough theoretical study has been made on DST and slug well test interpretations and a set of modern DST well test software has been developed,which is suitable for the complicated geological structure and oil and gas fluids.

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    Strength Design and Rigidity Design of Stabilizer with Variable Diameter
    Dong Shi-er Hong Chun-shen Liu Qi Dong Shi-ping
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 95-102.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.14
    Abstract957)      PDF(pc) (377KB)(653)       Save

    Compared with an integral stabilizer with fixed diameter,a stabilizer with variable diameter can effectively ensure the quality of a well body,and is one of the most advanced drilling tools,The stabilizer with variable diameter discussed in this paper is a deep well stabilizer with variable diameter,which has been developing jointly by our institute and a mechanical factory under Sichuan Petroleum Administration Bureau,and which is now being trial—produced. So far no other similar products have been produced in China. In this paper the finite element method is applied to the detailed analysis of its strength and stiffness,and a reliable theoretical basis is provided for its design.

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    Experimental Study of Different Suction System configuration of Reciprocating Pump
    Liang Hong Meng Ying-feng Zhang Wan-fu
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 103-107.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.15
    Abstract1199)      PDF(pc) (308KB)(695)       Save

    As is known,the hydraulic performance of a reciprocating pump is affected by its suction system configuration. in order to study how the suction system configuration affects the pump's hydraulic performance,this paper analyzes the working performances of the reciprocating pump with changeable suction system configuration,and the relation between suction performance and suction system configuration,thus determining the best suction system configuration. The experimental results show that the pump's hydraulic performances have much to do with other important phenomena,which were observed and analyzied during the experiment.

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    Cyclone Desilter Test Analysis
    Lu Rui-dian Li Jun-yu
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 108-113.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.16
    Abstract783)      PDF(pc) (469KB)(655)       Save

    Hydrocolones used for used for separating the sand in producing fluid are different from those used for processing drilling fluid in their working conditions and service requirements. According to these differences,this paper discusses,by means of indoor hydrocolone test, the main factors affecting the separating effect of hydrocolones used for separating the sand in producing fluid,and points out the main features of hydrocolones in design and use.

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    Development and Evaluation of a New Kind of Cationic Polymer
    Ma Xi-ping Hu Xing-qi Yang Bin Yang Yuan-pei
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 114-117.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.17
    Abstract819)      PDF(pc) (365KB)(679)       Save

    A new kind of cationic polymer-a copolymer of acrylamide-dimethyldiallyl ammonium chloride, has been synthesized. The synthetic conditions have been discussed and a study has also been made on its properties,such as salt-resistance, temperature tolerance,flocculability, inhibition of corrosion and stability.

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    Study of Cationic Polymer I.Preparation and Polymerization of Monomer of N. N-Dimethyl Ethylacrylamido Ammonium Chloride
    Tang Shu-zhong Yan Bang-min Hu Xing-qi
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 119-123.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.18
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    This paper describes the method of preparing the cationic monomer with acrylamide,2-chlovoethanol and dimethylamine. The homepolymer of N,N-dimethyl ethylacrylamido ammonium chloride,and the copolymers 'of acrylamide with DEAAAC are synthesized with prepared positive nitrogen cationic monomers. Besides the polymerization conditions are determined and some structure parameters of polymers are measured. In this paper the relations are also analyzied between the properties of swelling—prevention of clay used for mud and the composition of the copolymers. The paper concludes that the cationic degree of polymers can be adjusted by polymerization conditions according to different clay swelling—preventing requirements.

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    Discussion on Several Problems of Four-End Network with Iron Core
    Zhang Kai-xiang
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 124-127.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.19
    Abstract1591)      PDF(pc) (192KB)(678)       Save

    The method of establishing differential equations with self-induction and mutual-induction electromotive force and the method of establishing voltage-equilibrium equation and magnetic-potential equation with magnetic flux are related and compared in this paper. The consistent results indicate that the former method can be used to study not only iron-core transformer,but also non-core transformer, and therefore, is a basic analytical method.
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    Precise Solution of the Mathematical Model for the Temperature Distribution of Sand stone Acidizing Stratum
    Lei Yong-sheng Zhou Li
    西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)    1995, 17 (2): 128-130.   DOI: 10.3863/j.issn.1000-2634.1995.02.20
    Abstract748)      PDF(pc) (165KB)(760)       Save

    This paper gives the precise solution of the mathematical model for the temperature distribution of sand stone acidizing stratum under given conditions.

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