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    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition) 2022 Vol.44
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    Research on the Mechanism and Countermeasures of Shaft Instability in the Southern Margin of Junggar Basin
    SUN Jinsheng, LI Rui, WANG Ren, QU Yuanzhi, HUANG Hongjun
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 1-12.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2021.09.10.02
    Abstract268)   HTML36)    PDF(pc) (40678KB)(287)       Save
    Deep drilling in the southern margin of the Junggar Basin has problems such as high temperature and high pressure and instability of the borehole wall. The current oil-based drilling fluid technology is faced with huge challenges. According to the statistics of the complex situation of Well Hutan 1, based on the analysis of the fabric and characteristics of the rock samples of the unstable formation, the mechanism of the instability of the borehole wall is revealed. Combined with the technical requirements of deep drilling fluids in the southern margin, the self-developed nano plugging agent and super fine calcium carbonate and elastic graphite form a particle size gradation, constructing an oil-based drilling fluid system that can effectively seal the pores and fractures of the 0.05~50.00μm formation, the fluid loss of this system is only 2.8 mL after hot rolling at 180 ℃, and it is resistant to the 20% composite brine and 5% calcium sulfate pollution and can provide important technical support for deep drilling in the southern margin.
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    Diagenetic Facies and Porosity Evolution of Tight Sandstone in Shahezi Formation
    RAN Qingchang, ZHONG Anning, ZHOU Xiang, WANG Chao, YANG Dandan
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 13-26.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2019.11.12.02
    Abstract186)   HTML9)    PDF(pc) (11253KB)(83)       Save
    In order to make clear the characteristic and genesis of tight sandstone diagenetic facies in Shahezi Formation, the core, thin-section, SEM, physical properties and X-ray analysis have been combined and systematically studied in Xujiaweizi Fault Depression. The result is that there are five kinds of diagenetic facies such as muddy-filling diagenetic facies, feldspar-debris dissolution diagenetic facies, quartz overgrowth diagenetic facies, chlorite cementation diagenetic facies and carbon cementation diagenetic facies. The difference of mineral constituent and texture between different diagenesis facies which is controlled by sedimentation is the origin of porosity evolution, the type of main diagenesis and its intensity determine the porosity evolution path in different diagenetic facies and result in spatial differentiation of properties in macroscopic and pore structure in microscopic. Even though diagenesis destroy a lot of primary pore in feldspar-debris dissolution diagenetic facies in braided delta front and chlorite cementation diagenetic facies in fan delta front, they still retain a high property before gas injection in stage B of middle diagenesis phase, which make them a favorable reservoir for gas accumulation. The reservoir in muddy-filling diagenetic facies, carbon cementation diagenetic facies and quartz overgrowth have loss most of primary pore and complete the densification process before organic matters get matured, which make it difficult for gas injection and accumulation.
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    Controls of Multi-stage Tectonic Movement on Sandstones with Different Provenances
    WANG Ai, ZHONG Dakang, WANG Wei, ZHOU Zhiheng, TANG Zicheng
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 27-40.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.01.09.03
    Abstract133)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (13831KB)(93)       Save
    Based on ordinary thin sections and pore casting thin section observation, scanning electron microscopy, cathodoluminescence and X-ray diffraction analysis as well as mercury intrusion experiments, this thesis analysis the petrological characteristics, diagenesis, physical properties, pore types and pore evolution of the tight sandstone reservoirs of the Xujiahe Formation in the northeastern Sichuan Basin, furthermore studies the control effect of multi-stage tectonic movement on sandstones with different provenances. The results show that in the late Indosinian period, the difference in provenance supply and the type of parent rock of source area caused by the strength of the basin-forming orogenic activities in the study area resulted in different types of sandstone, which were described before, including the lithic sandstone of the Xu-2 tight sandstones, the calcarenaceous sandstone of the Xu-3 tight sandstones, the feldspathic lithic sandstone of the Xu-4 tight sandstones, and the quartz sandstone with lithic sandstone of the Xujiahe Formation in three area (western Yuanba Area, Bazhong Area, Malubei Area), respectively. Under the continuous influence of Yanshan Movement and Xishan Movement, Malubei strong deformation zone, Bazhong medium deformation zone and western Yuanba weak deformation zone are developed from near to far from the Daba Mountain foreland compressive zone. Different types of sandstones in different tectonic locations have experienced different diagenetic sequences and porosity evolution processes. The tectonic action controls the structural extrusion strength, and crack and fault development degree and scale, which further determines the preservation of the original pores and the later dissolution pores and the connectivity of the pores. It also controls the source-storage relationship and the degree of oil and gas charging, and ultimately controls natural gas yield.
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    A Study on the Cause of Tight Sandstone Reservoir Heterogeneity
    ZOU Min, XIA Dongling, XIA Dongdong, PANG Wen
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 41-52.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.02.02.01
    Abstract184)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (13246KB)(113)       Save
    Starting from the formation process of tight sandstone reservoir, the main method is to analyse reservoir differences reflected by kinds of test data, the genesis of tight reservoir heterogeneity in Chang 8 Member of Yanchang Section of Chuankou Strip in Honghe Oilfield in the south of Ordos Basin is studied. The superposition of sand bodies and the difference of debris particles caused by sedimentation have formed macro-heterogeneity, and the superposition of sand bodies has a great influence on the subsequent diagenesis and fracture development. The destructive diagenesis formed the basic pattern of reservoir heterogeneity; among them, compaction and calcareous cementation vertically form the characteristics of good physical properties of the middle part of the sand body and poor top and bottom; the overall difference of reservoir quality in the upstream and downstream formed by argillaceous cementation. In the late stage, the dissolution mainly developed in the middle of the sand body, which improved the quality of the reservoir locally and strengthened the heterogeneity of the reservoir. Fractures are mainly developed in thin sandbodies with different superposition patterns, which makes reservoir heterogeneity more complex. According to the drilling verification of Chuankou Strip in Honghe Oilfield, the geological factors at different stages have different effects on reservoir heterogeneity, forming the tight sandstone reservoir heterogeneity distribution.
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    An Analysis on the Characteristics of Deepwater Sandstone Reservior of Chang 6 Member, Yanchang Formation in Huangling Area
    YANG Shasha, HUANG Xuri, JIA Jisheng, WU Zhixue, LI Weihua
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 53-65.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.02.22.01
    Abstract141)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (15192KB)(206)       Save
    Taking the Chang 6 Member of the Yanchang Formation in Huangling Area of the Ordos Basin as the research object, the characteristics of the deep water sandstone of Chang 6 Member and the differences between different types of sand bodies are analyzed based on the abundant drilling and coring, logging and analysis of laboratory data. The results show that the reservoir rock types in the study area can be divided into three categories: sandy debris flow sand body, sandy slumping sand body and turbidite sand body according to their formation mechanism and structural characteristics. Among them, the content of quartz and feldspar and structural maturity in sandy debris flow sand body are relatively higher. The storage space is dominated by residual intergranular pores and feldspar dissolved pores. The physical properties of the reservoir are also significantly higher than those of the other two types of sand bodies. Further analysis found that due to the difference in structural maturity and mineral content, the compaction and dissolution of sandstone debris flow sand body is stronger in the early stage of diagenesis, and in the middle and late stages, soluble minerals increases pores and rupture increased fractures. It is determined that sandy debris flow sand bodies are the most favorable type of reservoir rock in the study area.
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    A New Method for Predicting Formation Dip Angle by Deep Mining Horizontal Well Data
    GUO Jingmin, SUN Enhui, WANG Wei, LI Bo, YANG Dongdong
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 66-78.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2019.10.25.01
    Abstract138)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (2799KB)(102)       Save
    According to the characteristics of more horizontal wells in offshore oilfield, the data of horizontal wells are deeply analyzed to predict the formation dip angle. According to the relative position between horizontal well and reservoir and the trajectory shape of horizontal section, the horizontal wells are classified into three types, namely "——" horizontal well, V-shaped horizontal well and low inclination horizontal well.This paper expounds the advantages and disadvantages of different types of horizontal wells in the process of data mining, and combined with the data characteristics of different types of horizontal wells, uses the methods of multi type resistivity logging cooperation, horizontal section splitting and comparison, true thickness direction correction and comparison to carry out secondary information mining, and predicts the formation dip angle.This method avoids the fact that the trajectory must be drilled out of the reservoir when the horizontal well predicts the formation dip angle, and obtains the regional structural change trend while ensuring the drilling rate. It can provide more geological basis for the fine development, adjustment and tapping potential of offshore oilfield.
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    A Study on Pattern and Mechanism of Surface Deformation of Underground Gas Storage in Hutubi
    WANG Zegen, DOU Kepu, YANG Yinghui
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 79-90.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.16745086.2019.11.22.03
    Abstract171)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (2179KB)(82)       Save
    In order to explore the spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors of the surface deformation of Hutubi underground gas storage by monitoring its surface deformation information. Using Sentinel-1A ascending orbit synthetic aperture radar data and based on small baseline subsets radar interferometry (SBAS-InSAR) technology, the time series surface deformation information of Hutubi underground gas storage during March 2017 to May 2019 is obtained. It turns out that in terms of time, from April to October every year, the surface of gas storage is about 10 \begin{document}$\sim$\end{document} 30 mm close to the line of sight of the satellite at the gas injection stage; at the same time, when the summer rainfall cannot meet the requirement of farmland water supply and groundwater needs to be pumped for irrigation, the gas storage area, especially the area close to farmland irrigation wells, has a obvious decrease in uplift phenomenon due to the pumping of groundwater during the gas injection period. During the gas production stage from November to March of the following year, the extraction of gas causes the surface of the gas storage to be 5 \begin{document}$\sim$\end{document} 10 mm away from the line of sight of the satellite. In space, the line of sight of the satellite on the west side of gas storage rises more than that on the east side, and the response of surface uplift is fast when gas is injected. At the same time, the area closer to the irrigation well will cause obvious decrease in uplift due to groundwater exploitation. It is found that the surface uplifted during gas injection and the surface subsided during gas production, and there is a tendency that decrease in surface uplift when the groundwater is extracted. The surface deformation in the gas storage area is the result of the combined effect of gas injection and groundwater extraction.
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    Stationary-phase Viscoelastic Prestack Time Migration for Rugged Topography and Its Application
    MA Junmao, PAN Long, LI Jing, DING Guorong, SHI Xing
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 91-99.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.01.03.03
    Abstract145)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (11515KB)(38)       Save
    Due to the absorption of the earth viscoelastic medium, the seismic wave propagates in the formation, which will cause the phase distortion of the wavelet and the attenuation of the high-frequency components. It cannot satisfy the requirements of the description of geological phenomena such as thin sand bodies, small faults and unconformity surfaces on the amplitude fidelity and resolution of seismic data. The stationary-phase viscoelastic prestack time migration method for rugged topography is based on the floating datum hypothesis. The method aims at compensating absorption attenuation along the propagation path of seismic wave. By introducing the equivalent \begin{document}$Q$\end{document} value, we propose the calculation method for dip gather of rugged topography, and control migration noise by the human-computer interaction picking up the Fresnel zone, realize the stationary-phase viscoelastic prestack time migration technical process for rugged topography, recover the high frequency components of the seismic wave attenuation, and achieves the purpose of improving the seismic imaging resolution. The obvious high-resolution processing results are obtained in the application of actual seismic data in the Junggar Basin.
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    An Experimental Study on the Distribution of Residual Oil by Water Flooding in Parallel Horizontal Well Pattern
    LUO Xianbo, TANG Hong, ZHANG Zhang, YANG Junjie, ZHANG Jun
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 100-112.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.08.02.01
    Abstract161)   HTML9)    PDF(pc) (1833KB)(120)       Save
    The narrow development environment and high development cost of offshore oil fields have promoted the wide application of horizontal well development methods in water injection development in offshore oil fields. In view of the fact that most of the reservoirs in China's offshore oilfields are delta clastic deposits with strong reservoir heterogeneity, the current parallel horizontal well pattern water injection development is not good in effectiveness, and a large amount of remaining oil remains underground. The effects of displacement velocity and reservoir heterogeneity on the distribution of remaining oil from water flooding in parallel horizontal well pattern are studied by means of water flooding physical simulation experiment. The experimental results show that the degree of recovery in homogeneous reservoirs is higher than that in heterogeneous reservoirs, and the remaining oil is distributed near the toe of the production well. The change of displacement velocity will not affect the distribution of remaining oil in homogeneous reservoir. In the plane heterogeneous reservoirs with different permeability contrast, the higher the stage difference is, the later the water breakthrough occurs in the heterogeneous reservoir with lower permeability in the high permeability zone, and the ultimate recovery degree and average oil displacement efficiency are slightly higher than those with small permeability contrast and high permeability zone. The remaining oil is mainly located in the area near the heel-central part of the production well in the middle and low permeability zones. The remaining oil in the reservoirs with small grade difference and high permeability value in the high permeability zone is distributed in the area near the heel of the production well in the low permeability zone. The experimental study has concluded that parallel well pattern conditions are more suitable for lower displacement speeds and parallel horizontal well patterns are more suitable for heterogeneous reservoirs with larger grade differences and smaller maximum reservoir permeability, which provides theoretical and technical support for the design of horizontal well pattern in oilfield.
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    ASP Flooding Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Secondary Bottom Water Reservoirs
    Lü Duanchuan, LIN Chengyan, LIN Chengyan, REN Lihua
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 113-120.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.06.01.01
    Abstract168)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (1227KB)(109)       Save
    After long-term water-flooding extraction, primary integrated reservoir gradually evolves into secondary bottom water reservoir, and its remaining oil can be categorized as the weakly movable remaining oil in the upper-middle part, the by-passed movable remaining oil in the lower middle part, and the residual oil after water flooding in the high water flooded area. The tapping potential of such oil reservoir is exploited with ASP flooding. Based on the production data, the ASP flooding history is divided into three stages, namely the pre-effective stage, sustained effective stage, and the post-effective stage, and the time span of sustained effective stage is calculated. With quantified displacement characteristic curve, displacement capacities of wells in the sustained effective stage are calculated. Also, engineering, geographical, and chemical factors that affect the displacement effect are analyzed. The results show that the development characteristics of APS flooding in secondary bottom water reservoir differ considerably from those of conventional bottom water reservoirs, while the engineering and geographical factors have similar effects on these two reservoirs. The polymer components in oil displacement agents play an important part in oil-water seepage throughout the development history.
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    Application of Continuous Pack-off Technology in Packing-off Mudstone of Horizontal Well
    LI Feng, LI Xiaoping, YANG Yong, LIU Chenglin, PEI Bailin
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 121-131.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.07.03.02
    Abstract189)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (6967KB)(53)       Save
    In horizontal well drilling, mud blocking often occurs due to mudstone. The traditional packer is poor in function, and is restricked to specific condition. The laboratory physical simulation experimental materials for the application of continuous pack-off technology for anti-mud blocking are found during literature research. Though analyzing the feasibility of continuous pack-off technology for anti-mud blocking in production and factors influencing the application effect, the relative theory and computing method are proposed. The first application of continuous pack-off technology for anti-mud blocking is carried out, with an adjustment well in LF Oilfield as the first testing well. Since the well is on, the liquid productivity fluctuation is less than 4.8%. Comparing to the adjacent wells which did not drill through any mudstones, the fluid productivity index per meter is similar, only 2.02% difference to the average. All these evidences show that the technique has a great application effort on mud blocking prevention. It demonstrates that there are extensive application prospects for horizontal wells using continuous pack-off technology to prevent mud-blocking and keep efficient development.
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    Kinetics Modeling of Gas Hydrate Deposition and Blockage at Annular-mist Flow State in Production Wells of Deep Water Gas Fields
    DONG Zhao, DIAO Yuqian, LI Zhong, JIANG Donglei, ZHANG Panfeng
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 132-142.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.05.20.01
    Abstract150)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (679KB)(176)       Save
    During the production process of deep-water gas fields, gas hydrate can be formed in the wellbore near the wellhead at seabed, which can cause blockage of the production tubing. In this study, a gas-liquid two-phase annular-mist flow pattern is considered in the wellbore, and formation of hydrate particles in the gas core and the liquid films is assumed. A kinetics model for hydrate deposition and wellbore blockage is established, in which the formation, migration and wall adhesion of hydrate particles in the liquid film are considered, and the formation, coalescence, crushing and settling behaviors of hydrate particles are considered in the gas core. The model can be used to simulate and predict the hydrate blockage time and position in the wellbore under different operating conditions. The relative error between the model prediction results and the hydrate loop experiment blockage pressure drop is less than 10%. For a case study of a typical deep-water gas field, the risk analysis of wellbore hydrate formation and blockage is carried out, in which the growth rate of hydrate deposition layer in wellbore, its thickness distribution and complete blockage time are predicted.
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    Pipe String Integrity Evaluation and Water Injection Parameter Optimization for Injection Wells
    MA Guorui, XU Honglin, ZHANG Zhi, YANG Kun
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 143-150.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.04.24.01
    Abstract183)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (973KB)(137)       Save
    Aiming at the integrity failure of water injection string in Tahe Oilfield, based on the oxygen corrosion mechanism model and ECE model, the corrosion prediction model of water injection string has been established and its reliability verified. The influences of injection production stage and injection parameters on the corrosion rate of water injection string have been studied, and failure criterion has been established on the basis of tensile failure criterion. The charts of the limit allowable water injection volume for water injection wells under different injection displacement and dissolved oxygen concentration have been drawn. The results show that the corrosion of water injection well string mainly occurs during the water injection stage; with the increase of water injection displacement and dissolved oxygen concentration, the corrosion rate of the string increases, the allowable limit water injection amount decreases, and the dissolved oxygen concentration has a more significant impact on the corrosion of the string. It is suggested to strengthen the deoxidization and control the water injection displacement. The research results effectively guide the optimization of on-site water injection operation system, ensure the safety production of water injection wells, and improve the comprehensive benefits of water injection and oil increase.
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    Water Plugging Performance and Improvement of Preformed Particle Gel in Heterogenous Fractures
    SUN Lin, ZHANG Yongchang, WU Yijun, XIN Jun, PU Wanfen
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 151-157.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.04.05.02
    Abstract245)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (6698KB)(143)       Save
    Preformed particle gels (PPGs) have been widely used to control water production in high-temperature and high-salinity fractured reservoirs and their plugging effect is closely related to particle size and diversion. In this paper, carbonate outcrop cores with artificial fractures are used to simulate heterogeneous fracture reservoirs, and the water plugging evaluation and improvement experiments are carried out under the condition of 130 ℃ and 19.8 \begin{document}$ \times $\end{document} 10 \begin{document}$ ^4 $\end{document} mg/L. The results show that the oversized PPGs or the excessive PPG-diversion in low-permeability fractures may aggravate the heterogeneity of fluid production, while the undersized PPGs are not suitable for the reservoirs with high water production strength. Therefore, we propose combining the curable resin-coated particles (CRPs) with PPGs to improve the water plugging performance. The CRPs form immobile packs in high-permeability fractures at reservoir temperature, which results in the larger breakthrough pressure gradients of the PPGs in high-permeability fractures relative to that of the PPGs in low-permeability fractures. The combined CRPs and PPGs can reverse the liquid-producing profiles of the heterogeneous fractures and eliminate the negative effects of improper PPG size and diversion rate on the water plugging. This study is helpful to further understand the water-plugging behaviors of PPGs in heterogeneous fractures and has positive significance for improving the water control effect in fractured reservoirs.
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    Research on Transient Flow Law of Multiphase Flow After Down-hole Blowout Preventer Setting
    GU Lei, HU Yifan, MA Lanrong, YIN Huibo, LI Gao
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 158-164.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.05.20.03
    Abstract144)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (1042KB)(60)       Save
    When drilling encounters high-pressure and high-production gas layers, there are many complicated situations such as lost circulation, gas invasion and overflow. At present, the research of wellhead BOP has become more mature, but research on the transient flow law of multiphase flow about the down-hole BOP is inadequate. For this reason, in view of the complex flow characteristics of the lower wellbore after setting of the down-hole BOP, a mathematical model and numerical solution of the formation-wellbore coupled transient flow after setting of the down-hole BOP are established. The pressure distribution and influencing factors are analyzed. The simulation results of the example show that, after setting of the down-hole BOP, the wellbore pressure evolution at different depths is basically the same; under different formation permeability, the bottom hole pressure increases exponentially and then increases linearly; as the amount of gas intrusion continues to increase, the initial down hole pressures will eventually stabilize around the formation pressure.
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    Research on Classification of Well Killing Method Based on Random Forest Fusion Model
    ZHONG Yuan, ZHANG Tai, LI Ping, YANG Xuhua
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 165-173.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.05.12.02
    Abstract1093)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (590KB)(199)       Save
    In wellhead pressure control operations, the traditional method relies too much on expert experience and the accuracy of mathematical model calculations. In this paper, we propose a multi-model fusion algorithm based on Random Forest (RF) for judgments of classification of well killing methods. Firstly, the structure and data of expert experience are transformed into a data form that can be used by machine learning models. Meanwhile, the basic data of oil and gas wells and working condition parameters are used as important parameters of intelligent model to describe the feature space of well killing operations. Then, the feature data are processed by feature engineering for feature selection, feature code and feature choose. Finally, a stacking double-layer fusion model based on Random Forest is constructed for the implement of predictions for classification of well killing method. The experimental results show that our method has more high prediction accuracy than other machine learning algorithms that has only single model.
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    Study on Test of Characteristics of A New Drum Pumping Unit
    LIU Yongping, WU Long, WEI Yongqiao, DONG Changbin
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 174-180.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2019.11.09.01
    Abstract1054)   HTML4)    PDF(pc) (1318KB)(107)       Save
    In order to ensure the long stroke and low stroke motion characteristics of the pumping unit, improve the life and reliability of the commutation system, and to reduce operation noise, a new type of drum pumping unit is developed and a simulation loading test is performed. The test collects real time load and displacement signals in the ideal condition of rod pump oil extraction, and performs curve fitting processing on the collected experimental data to obtain the pump indicator diagram. Through analysis of pump power diagram, we make a study of the features of smoothness and impactlessness features of pump movement under different conditions by giving sucker rod weight load and motion frequency, and got a flattening pump power diagram. In this way, the optimal matching balance weight and stroke of the pumping unit are obtained, achieving stable pumping operation and energy saving. The accuracy of the method and the reliability of the pumping unit \begin{document}$ ' $\end{document} s drive reversing system and balance system are verified through the experiments, which provides new ideas of the type test of the simulated loading characteristics of the pumping unit, and has certain reference values.
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    A Study on the Determination of Hydrogen Sulfide in Natural Gas by Ultraviolet Absorption Method
    DING Sijia, LIU Hong, YANG Yabing, CAI Li, XU Weifeng
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (1): 181-188.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.16745086.2020.05.15.01
    Abstract1154)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (2269KB)(105)       Save
    Aiming at the problem for the ultraviolet absorption method in the determination of hydrogen sulfide content in natural gas, is still lack of national standards, a series of comparative tests of the instruments are carried out in different institutions, and data are processed according to Petroleum products–Determination of precision data in relation to methods of test(GB/T 6683-1997), requirements of the repeatability and reproducibility of UV absorption method for determination of hydrogen sulfide content are obtained, and the determination of the test results is made clear, which plays an important role in the preparation of the national standard of this method. At the same time, the comparative experiment with iodometric method is also used in the study. The results show that, compared with the artificial chemical titration method, the ultraviolet absorption method can control more influencing factors at a lower random level through the instrument, so it appears more stable and controllable. In addition, the continuous stability test data of 7 months show that stability of the test this method is excellent, and it has the long-term stability and accuracy requirements for online monitoring of hydrogen sulfide content in pipeline gas.
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    A Study on Distribution of Remaining Oil in the High Water-cut Stage of Delta Front Sand Body
    ZHANG Rui, LIU Zongbin, LIAO Xinwu, WANG Gongchang, TIAN Bo
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 1-18.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.07.25.01
    Abstract240)   HTML38)    PDF(pc) (1441KB)(227)       Save
    SZ Oilfield is a typical delta frontal sediment oilfield in Bohai Sea, it has entered high water-cut period. The residual oil is generally dispersed with accumulation in certain areas. The difficulty of tapping potential is increasing. It is necessary to research the distribution of residual oil in high water-cut period. The study shows: after entering the high water-cut period, the internal relationship between the delta front sedimentary sand body and the injection-production well pattern has a significant controlling effect on the formation and distribution of residual oil. After discussion on the injection-production connectivity between single sand bodies in the study area, according to the situation of injection and production of single sand body in the well, the macroscopic residual oil distribution pattern in the study area is summarized as residual oil caused by imperfect injection-production, and residual oil partially affected by injection-production. The residual oil caused by imperfect injection-production includes unconnected residual oil, connected but obstructed residual oil and residual oil formed by the unobstructed sand body but without oil and water migration; the residual oil that has been partially affected includes local unobstructed residual oil and unobstructed residual oil. According to the distribution scale of the remaining oil level and the longitudinal distribution mode, the practice of irregular directional tapping of a combination of directional wells, horizontal wells and subdivision of layer series under the regular well network of offshore oilfields was carried out. The in-situ application is good and effective. The results of this study have guiding significance for efficient development and adjustment of the delta front sedimentary oilfield in the high water cut period.
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    Comparison of Delta Sedimentary Characteristics During Rift Depression in Gentle Slope Zone of Xijiang Main Depression
    XIANG Qiaowei, LIU Baojun, LI Xiaoyan, WU Yuxiang, CAI Guofu
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 19-30.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.03.17.01
    Abstract165)   HTML17)    PDF(pc) (4043KB)(122)       Save
    In order to find out the sedimentary patterns and development rules of Wenchang Formation and Enping Formation strata in the gentle slope conversion zone in the south of Xijiang main depression in Pearl River Mouth Basin, the characteristics of the sedimentary systems in the two gentle slope conversion zones are summarized from the aspects of lithology, bedding structure, structural characteristics and geophysical characteristics through drilling, logging, earthquake, core analysis and laboratory tests, and the fracture characteristics in the study area are analyzed. The study shows that during Wenchang period (T$_{80}$-T$_{\rm g}$), NE and NW trending depression-controlling faults are developed and distributed at the basin edge, and the fault combination forms are parallel, stepped and oblique. During the Enping period (T$_{70}$-T$_{80}$), NE, EW and SE faults were developed and distributed in the center of the basin. The fault combinations were in the same direction, reverse direction and oblique crossing. Although it belongs to gentle slope zone, Wenchang Formation has steeper topography, deeper lake basin and braided river delta than Enping Formation. The Enping Formation has a broad and gentle topography, with shallow water deltas, the activities of central faults in the lake basin and the occurrence of seasonal floods, making the underwater branch channels of the shallow water deltas extremely developed. The two different types of deltas have different lithologic combination characteristics: the braided river delta sandstone of Wenchang Formation has coarse and thick grain size and thin mudstone layer, and the shallow water delta sandstone of Enping Formation has coarse and thin grain size, thick mudstone layer and coal bearing, which are all favorable areas for oil and gas exploration.
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    Classification and Evaluation of Effective Reservoirs in Deep Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoirsin
    ZHAO Jun, WU Boshen, WU Yanliang, CHEN Weizhong, ZHAO Xinjian
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 31-39.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.01.07.01
    Abstract229)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (1805KB)(330)       Save
    Classification and evaluation of effective reservoirs in deep tight sandstone is an important step in tight sandstone oil and gas evaluation. Due to the extremely low porosity and permeability of tight sandstone and the difficulty in guaranteeing the quality of the data, there are some limitations in the evaluation of reservoir quality by physical property parameters. According to the theory of reservoir filling and the combination relationship between reservoir and cap, based on the capillary pressure data of the study area and the effective stress data of the stratum, the calculation model of pore throat radius of sand and mud in the target stratum is established. It is considered that there is a large capillary pressure difference between the effective reservoir of tight sandstone and the adjacent cap, that is, the ratio of sand to mud pore throat is large. The limit value of sand/mud pore throat ratio of effective reservoir in the study area tends to increase with the increase of depth, and the better the reservoir quality is, the bigger the sand/mud pore throat ratio is. The application of practical data shows that the ratio of pore throat radius of sand and mudstone can effectively indicate the effectiveness of the reservoir, and the established reservoir classification criteria can be used to classify the effective reservoir in the study area by comparing with the tested output.
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    Study on the Calculated Method of Horizontal In-situ Stress Based on the Kaiser Stress Point Predicted by Acoustic Signal
    FAN Xiangyu, YAO Bowei, ZHANG Qiangui, XIA Hongquan
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 40-48.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.06.11.01
    Abstract225)   HTML10)    PDF(pc) (1291KB)(116)       Save
    The in-situ stress evaluation method by acoustic emission tests needs to carry out acoustic emission tests under the loading condition using four small-size cores drilled from a full-scale stratum rock sample. This method will result in the loss of strata rock samples and the high cost for the in-situ stress evaluation. In the present work, a series rock sores were carried out by acoustic emission tests and acoustic emission tests under the loading condition. According to the concept of the good correlation between acoustic properties and mechanical properties of rock, the relational function between acoustic interval transit time and Kaiser Stress Point of rock sample was obtained using the test results. Next, a new calculated method of horizontal in-situ stress based on the Kaiser stress point predicted by acoustic interval transit times using the relational function was developed based on the calculation model of the in-situ stress evaluation method by acoustic emission tests. Furthermore, using the 360° sonic scan data of the full-scale core, the horizontal in situ stress of a tight oil reservoir was evaluated by the new proposed method, as well as the results were compared with the values of in situ stress evaluated by hydraulic fracturing test data. The results show that the values of the horizontal in situ stress calculated by the proposed method have higher accuracy comparing with the results calculated by the models of Anderson, Eaton and Newberry. Therefore, this new proposed method to evaluate the horizontal in situ stress is not only more accurate comparing with the traditional logging interpretation method, but also have higher economy due to that there is no cost on the tests and rock cores loss.
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    The Comprehensive Logging Evaluation of "Three Qualities" of Tight Gas
    YUAN Long, ZHANG Haining, XIN Yi, HUANG Ruokun, LIU Wei
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 49-64.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.02.10.03
    Abstract170)   HTML11)    PDF(pc) (2764KB)(112)       Save
    In order to clarify the relationship between source-reservoir allocation of different layers and enrichment high-production area in the Jurassic tight gas of the Kuqa Depression in the Tarim Basin, we make full use of data of geology, core analysis and new logging technology, combined with the logging evaluation methods of the "three quality" factors of tight gas reservoirs, and comprehensively apply the tight reservoirs in the study area using the main control factors. The research shows that the reservoir quality, source rock quality and engineering quality of the high part of the Jurassic tight gas in the Kuqa Depression in the basin are significantly better than those in the east and west, and have a good relationship between source and reservoir; the quality types of source rocks are mainly class Ⅰ and Ⅱ; "three qualities" plays a decisive role in tight gas enrichment and high production. Comprehensive evaluation through close combination of logging, geology and engineering provides a reliable basis for the selection of favorable gas tight zones and fracturing layer selection.
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    Inversion of Geomechanical Model Parameters Based on KL Expansion and Its Application
    QIN Jianhua, YANG Kun, DING Yi, ZHANG Boning, TANG Huiying
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 65-78.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.03.02.01
    Abstract171)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (8641KB)(87)       Save
    The distribution of in-situ stresses, as well as geomechanical properties, is critical for wellbore stability analysis, hydraulic fracturing, and sand control in the petroleum industry. In this paper, we propose a data assimilation procedure for matching the in-situ stresses with the hard data (1 D measured or interpreted in-situ stresses) by sequentially adjusting the fields of geomechanical properties and the boundary conditions with optimization algorithms. The distribution of geomechanical properties are generated with the conditional Karhunen—Loève expansion (KL—E), which can reduce the number of unknowns from element-based geomechanical properties to a small set of random variables that significantly save the computing time and accelerate the convergence of the optimization algorithms. The applicability of the proposed procedure has been systematically tested by several synthetic cases and a field case study of a shale gas reservoir in Sichuan Basin. Not only the improvement of stress matching but also a more accurate description of the distribution of geomechanical properties at unmeasured locations is observed. In addition, compared to the inversion of the geomechanical properties, the inversion of boundary conditions is much faster.
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    Borehole Wall Stabilization Drilling Fluid Technology of Longmaxi Formation Horizontal Section in Chang\-ning Block
    BAI Yang, LI Daoxiong, LI Wenzhe, LI Hongbo, LUO Pingya
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 79-88.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2021.08.27.01
    Abstract224)   HTML14)    PDF(pc) (811KB)(187)       Save
    In view of the complicated downhole conditions such as sticking and buried drilling caused by wellbore instability in horizontal section of Longmaxi Formation in Changning Block, it is found that Longmaxi Formation shale is characteristics of strong brittleness and weak water sensitivity. Under the condition of increasing well depth, stress and external force, it is easy to produce micro-cracks. After the filtrate of drilling fluid intrudes into the well wall, micro-cracks continue to expand and lead to the instability of the well wall. According to the characteristics of micro-fractures, a variety of micro-nano materials are used to effectively plug the downhole, and a set of strong plugging oil-based drilling fluid system with adjustable density is established, which has good plugging effect, good hole cleaning, and stable settlement performance. The field experiment shows that the torque of tripping and tripping is significantly reduced when the drilling fluid system is tested from 3 600 m to 4 200 m. It is proved that the drilling fluid system forms a tight plugging layer on the borehole wall, which plays an important role in borehole stability.
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    A New Method to Calculate the Seepage Law of ASP Flooding
    WEI Hongtao, ZHOU Qing, ZHANG Xiaolei, LIU Zhongyuan
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 89-96.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2021.10.31.01
    Abstract140)   HTML6)    PDF(pc) (965KB)(133)       Save
    In order to break through the bottleneck of the study on the seepage law of ASP flooding, the effect of viscosity change on the seepage law is replaced by the change of fluidity, the equation of seepage motion is simplified, and the parameters of the equation are fitted with the experimental data of steady-state method and unsteady method. The two-phase fluidity curve can be processed by this method, and the calculation equation of dimensionless production fluid and oil recovery index is derived considering the fluidity change. The method is proved to be simple and accurate by example verification and comparison. The advantage of this method is that it avoids the influence of complex physical and chemical changes on fluid viscosity in ASP flooding, directly reflects fluid flow capacity, and provides a new idea and method for the study of ASP flooding seepage law.
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    Comprehensive Evaluation of Coalbed Fracability Based on Dynamic Weight Function
    GUO Dali, ZHANG Shuling, WANG Xuan, ZHEN Huaibin, WANG Chengwang
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 97-104.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.08.07.01
    Abstract161)   HTML3)    PDF(pc) (525KB)(123)       Save
    The coalbed fracability directly affects the output of coalbed methane gas wells and the production cost of enterprises. In order to scientifically evaluate the fracability of coalbed, we take the coalbed geological parameters as the breakthrough point and use dynamic weight function to comprehensively evaluate the coalbed fracability. Firstly, according to the primary selection of coalbed geological parameters, the main influencing parameters are optimized by mathematical statistics. Secondly, by analyzing the subjective weighting method and the objective weighting method, we compare their advantages and disadvantages, and introduce the dynamic weighting function to evaluate the parameters of coalbed fracability. Thirdly, the weighting bubble sorting method of dynamic weight function is used to comprehensively evaluate the influence parameters, and the relationship between the dynamic weight and the production capacity is obtained according to the fitting. Finally, 26 wells in Block X are evaluated and compared with the actual productivity, the correct rate of fracability evaluation is 88.64%. The accuracy of the comprehensive evaluation model is verified.
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    Application of Integrated and Efficient Development Model in Mahu Area
    LI Xiaoshan, YE Yiping, WANG Shuo, LI Ting, GU Kaifang
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 105-112.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.05.21.01
    Abstract203)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (969KB)(140)       Save
    Mahu area has rich oil and gas resources with found OOIP over 10$\times$10$^8$ t. It is the most realistic main area for the oil and gas production of Xinjiang Oilfield Company. In the early stage of development, there are some problems, such as strong reservoir heterogeneity, low reserve abundance and difficult construction and production efficiency, through innovated applying unconventional concepts, and adopting integrated life-cycle management methods, we carry out exploration-development integration, geology-engineering integration, ground-underground integration, technology-economy integration, experiment-exploration integration research. It aims at increasing well production and recovery by using unconventional development reservoir technical and economic index optimization technology. Through the successful application of the integration practice, Mahu area has achieved good development results. The production capacity of the Mahu area has been built up to 700$\times$10$^4$ t and annual production has reached over 200$\times$10$^4$ t.
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    Correlation Mining of Hidden Hazards in Drilling Based on Support Matrix Apriori Algorithm
    WANG Bing, HUANG Dan, LI Wenjing
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 113-122.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.04.20.02
    Abstract174)   HTML7)    PDF(pc) (599KB)(156)       Save
    It is very important to use data mining technology to study the distribution rule and inherent mechanism of hidden trouble in drilling operation. Aiming at frequent itemsets loss of complex hidden danger data and low generation efficiency, an Apriori algorithm based on support matrix is proposed. First, we introduce a boolean matrix in the transaction database to prevent repeated database scanning. Secondly, the support matrix is constructed by multiplying the transaction matrix to obtain support and simplify the calculation method of support. Finally, the connection strategy of the algorithm is optimized, which simplifies the generation process of frequent itemsets, and continuously reduces the matrix structure in the calculation process. Experiments on UCI datasets show that the improved Apriori algorithm can effectively improve the efficiency of execution. This algorithm is applied to the associated mining of historical drilling hazard data, the mining results can provide reasonable basis for safety managers, identify effectively hidden dangers and risk control, which is of great significance and worth of popularization and application.
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    A Study on Performance Simulation and Optimization of Pressurization System of Wen 23 Gas Storage
    SUN Jianhua, ZHOU Jun, PENG Jinghong, XIAO Yao
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 123-134.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.06.09.03
    Abstract164)   HTML2)    PDF(pc) (1660KB)(127)       Save
    Wen 23 gas storage is one of the largest gas storages in China, and it is primarily responsible for seasonal peak shaving and emergency gas supply tasks in the North China market. Taking Wen 23 gas storage gas injection pressurization system as the research object, we aim to realize the energy saving and consumption reduction of the pressurization system and improve the process level. The simulation calculation model of the reciprocating compressor performance of the booster system is established, and the corresponding simulation calculation program is developed using Java language. On this basis, simulated calculations of the performance comparison of compressors of various manufacturers under the same working conditions and simulation calculations of the effect of changes in working conditions parameters on the compressor performance are carried out respectively. Through simulation calculations, it is found that the compressor of manufacturer A has the highest volume flow and unit energy consumption under the same working conditions. In addition, in terms of the effect of parameter changes on the performance of the compressor, an increase in the first-stage suction pressure of 1 MPa will cause a reduction in unit energy consumption of 75 ${\rm {kW \cdot h}}$/(${\times 10^4} {{\rm {Nm}}^3}$), an increase in the last-stage discharge pressure of 1 MPa will cause a increase in the unit energy consumption by 17 ${\rm {kW \cdot h}}$/(${\times 10^4} {{\rm {Nm}}^3}$), and the increase of the first and second suction temperature will cause a small increase in unit energy consumption. According to the simulation analysis results, corresponding measures for optimizing the compressor start-up plan and optimizing the compressor operating conditions parameters are proposed. The research fully combines the actual operating characteristics of the pressurization system of Wen 23 gas storage, and the obtained research results have important guiding significance for the on-site operation of the gas storage.
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    Three-dimensional Dynamic Study on Leakage and Diffusion of Natural Gas Pipeline Station
    YIN Heng, ZOU Qing, LIAO Kexi, PENG Shanbi
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 135-147.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2021.06.30.02
    Abstract251)   HTML9)    PDF(pc) (1390KB)(255)       Save
    In view of the problems caused by the leakage and diffusion of natural gas in natural gas pipeline yards on safe production, a study on the law of natural gas leakage and diffusion in natural gas pipeline yards is carried out. We adopt professional software simulation method, use FLACS software to model, set boundary conditions to solve, study the influence of different wind speeds, different wind directions and different leakage rates on natural gas leakage and diffusion, and combine the relevant standards of the natural gas industry on the combustibility of natural gas pipeline stations in optimizing the position of flammable gas. The research results show that the greater the leakage rate and the lower the wind speed, the larger the volume of combustible gas in the station area, the wider the spread of combustible gas cloud, and the higher the degree of danger. At the same time, the hazard degree of downwind leakage is less than that of other directions. It is recommended that the flammable gas detector in the receiving and dispatching tube area should be set at 1 m away from the receiving tube, and the height should be set at 2 m. This research provides important theoretical support for the safe operation of natural gas pipeline stations.
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    Bi-nonlinear Fluid-induced Vibration Model of Tubing String in High-yield Gas Well
    LI Zhong, WANG Guorong, FANG Dake, WEI Anchao, LIU Jun
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 148-158.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.01.05.01
    Abstract1018)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (1059KB)(188)       Save
    In view of the damage caused by fluid induced tubing string vibration in high-yield gas wells, the micro element method, energy method and Hamilton variational principle are used to establish the longitudinal and transversal coupling nonlinear fluid-induced vibration (FIV) model of tubing string. Based on the contact collision theory of elastic-plastic body, the nonlinear contact-collision model of tubing string is established and introduced into the fluid induced vibration model to obtain the bi-nonlinear model of tubing string in high-yield gas wells. The bi-nonlinear FIV model of tubing string is solved with the finite element method and Newmark—$\beta$ method. Compared with the experimental data in literatures and the calculation results of single nonlinear model only considering contact impact, the correctness and superiority of the FIV model of tubing string are verified. According to the parameters of a high-yield gas well in the field, a simulation test of fluid induced vibration of the gas well tubing string is carried out by using the similar principle. The vibration response data of the tubing string is measured and compared with the calculation results of the theoretical model, which again verifies the correctness of the bi-nonlinear FIV model of the tubing string. The nonlinear FIV model established in this paper can provide an effective analysis tool for the safety design of tubing string in high-yield gas well.
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    A Study on Elastoplastic Finite Element Study of Hydraulic Expansion of Lined Composite Pipe
    CHEN Junwen, LIAN Zhanghua, TANG Xiaoyong, GU Tianping, SHI Daiyan
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 159-167.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.05.08.03
    Abstract1030)   HTML5)    PDF(pc) (1741KB)(108)       Save
    Hydraulic expansion pressure is a key parameter that affect the forming quality of lined composite pipe. In this paper, based on the experimental data, multi-linear reinforced finite element models of two 316L liner materials are established; based on the Tresca yield criterion, we carried out research on the limit expansion pressure range, expansion pressure and tightness of the lined composite pipe in the process of hydraulic forming. The finite element results are compared with the analytical results. The results show that, when the forming conditions are satisfied, the selection of liner material with lower hardening strength can increase the expansion range and the tightness interval, which is conducive to the design of expansion pressure can be controlled. According to the calculation results, the relationship curve between the tightness and the expansion pressure under the forming condition is fitted, The minimum expansion values of the two materials are obtained to be 113.38 and 126.99 MPa respectively. The finite element model of material multi-linear strengthening established in this paper can accurately consider the strain strengthening process of liner material in the process of expansion joint and provide theoretical basis for the accurate control of the parameters of liquid expansion forming of lined composite pipe.
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    Effect of Nano-silica on the Viscosity Characteristics of Polymer FRSP—1 Solution
    WANG Manxue, HE Jing, ZHAO Xiaoping, WEI Hailong
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (2): 168-176.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2020.10.19.02
    Abstract1046)   HTML8)    PDF(pc) (770KB)(242)       Save
    In view of the poor salt resistance of the polymer emulsion, which affects the viscosity and other performance problems of the solution, in this paper, the polymer emulsion FRSP—1 is synthesized, and the dispersion and solubility of FRSP—1 in water, salt resistance, rheological properties, and the influence of nano-SiO$_2$ on the temperature resistance, shear resistance and fluid loss of FRSP—1 solution are studied. The results show that FRSP—1 emulsion has good dispersibility in water, and the viscosity of FRSP—1 emulsion in water can reach more than 90% of the maximum value within 20 seconds; pH has a great influence on the viscosity of FRSP—1 aqueous solution. When the pH of the aqueous solution is between 7 and 9, it is helpful to obtain a high-viscosity FRSP—1 solution; salt has a greater influence on the viscosity of FRSP—1 solution. Divalent salt has a greater influence on the viscosity of FRSP—1 solution than monovalent salt. The greater the salt concentration of the solution, the smaller the viscosity of FRSP—1 solution, and the degree of influence is determined by the order of big to small is CaCl$_2$>NaCl>KCl$\geqslant$NH$_4$Cl; the salt resistance, shear resistance, rheology and fluid loss performance of FRSP—1 solution are significantly improved compared with that without nano SiO$_2$. According to the solution prepared by 1.0%FRSP—1+0.5%NH$_4$Cl+98.5% water+0.025% SiO$_2$, the viscosity after continuous shearing at 90 ℃ and 170 s$^{-1}$ for 60 min is 46 mPa·s, and the fluid loss at 10 min compared with no nano-SiO$_2$, the viscosity of FRSP—1 solution has increased by nearly 40%, and the fluid loss has been reduced by 45%. At the same time, the thixotropic properties of FRSP—1 solution has also been significantly improved.
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    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (3): 0-0.  
    Abstract131)   HTML18)    PDF(pc) (115KB)(68)       Save
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    Key Technologies and Prospects of Stable Production of Jurassic Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoirs in Western Sichuan
    GUO Tonglou
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (3): 1-11.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2022.01.24.02
    Abstract172)   HTML0)    PDF(pc) (3789KB)(171)       Save
    The characters of tight sandstone gas reservoir types in the Western Sichuan Depression were complex, such as complicated channel sand stacking, unstable the sand body distribution, low reserve taste, complex gas-water relationship, low natural productivity, poor stable production capacity, and low recoverable reserves in a single well. In order to achieve continuous production increase and stable production of gas reservoirs, based on the reprocessing and interpretation of old seismic data, a complete geophysical and logging fine evaluation technology system was established, which achieved fine characterization of channel sandstone, accurate reservoir prediction and water saturation and quantitative evaluation. Aiming to increase production, we selected double geological and engineering sweet spots and formed a mixed well pattern plus large-scale multi-stage and multi-cluster volume fracturing reservoir stimulation technology system, of which the type was the combination of linear, "Y" "X" "V" etc on the plane, and "multiple wells in one field and multiple layers in one well" with well type group optimization in vertical direction. The construction displacement was increased from 5$\sim$8 m$^3$/min to 16$\sim$18 m$^3$/min, and the sand addition intensity was increased from 0.4$\sim$0.7 t/m to 4.0$\sim$4.5 t/m, the number of fractures increased from 20$\sim$30 clusters to 50$\sim$80 clusters, and the single-well productivity increased from 5.07$\times$10$^4$ m$^3$/d to 15.64$\times$10$^4$ m$^3$/d. Taking seismic-eology-modeling-mathematical modeling-engineering-economic integration as means, the origin and scale of remaining gas were found out, and measures such as infill adjustment, layer transfer, sidetracking, repeated reconstruction and process maintenance were put forward to improve the gas reservoir recovery rate. It has achieved continuous and stable production of more than 2 billion cubic meters of tight sandston gas reservoirs in western Sichuan for 18 years. With the popularization and application of these technologies, the Southwest Oil and Gas Company$'$s annual production of tight natural gas is expected to remain above 3 billion cubic meters during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, and the production will continue to be stable.
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    Integrated Sweets Spots Evaluation Technology for Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoirs in Zhongjiang Gas Field
    LIU Yan
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (3): 12-25.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2022.01.27.03
    Abstract169)   HTML0)    PDF(pc) (11342KB)(86)       Save
    The gas reservoir of Shaximiao Formation in Zhongjiang Gas Field has a structural pattern of two depressions surrounded by three uplifts. The three uplift area in the high structure part has been developed efficiently, but the evaluation technology of the channel sweet in spot two depressive structural low areas needs further study. Aiming at the problem that the existing geological sweet spot study focuses on reservoir quality evaluation, but the gas prediction depends on seismic interpretation and has strong multi-solution, the technology of geological sweet spot prediction with higher accuracy is formed by combining reservoir formation and seismic research. Based on the evaluation of geological sweet spots, engineering sweet spots evaluation, which is used to evaluate the adaptability of hydraulic fracturing technology, is conducted firstly. Then, taking on the research of the differential accumulation of deep-source and shallow-gathering secondary gas reservoirs, the integrated sweet spot prediction technology is established by taking both geological sweet spot and engineering sweet spot into consideration. And combining the new fracturing technology, the limit of conventional reservoirs of geological sweet spots can be lower, the rate of gas well can be significantly increased, thereby the two depressive area can be developed effectively. The integrated sweet spot prediction technology can be used to evaluate low quality rivers which is more suitable for the new fracturing technology, so the rivers in lower structural areas and with more poor physical properties can be developed.
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    The Techniques of 3D Joint Channel Sandstone Processing in Xinchang-Shifang Area Western Sichuan
    MA Zhaojun, LIU Hongai, LING Hang
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (3): 26-36.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2022.01.24.01
    Abstract134)   HTML0)    PDF(pc) (2875KB)(91)       Save
    The medium shallow layer channel sandstone in Western Sichuan is thin in thickness and narrow in width, so it is very difficult to identify by seismic data. It is the premise for seismic technology to identify sand body distribution to keep the relative change relationship between seismic reflection amplitude and waveform. Because of the large time span of acquisition, different acquisition instruments and different geometry, there are some inconsistencies among the data in Xinchang-Shifang Area, such as system time difference, amplitude, frequency and waveform. Based on the analysis of the original data, the problems and difficulties in the target processing of the 3D joint channel sandstone are clarified, and a set of solutions and ideas are established. The purpose of data processing is to improve the imaging effect of middle and shallow layers and to highlight the seismic response characteristics of channel sandstone. It mainly studies, tests and analyzes the technologies of time difference correction, denoising, static correction, amplitude recovery and compensation, deconvolution, surface consistency processing, residual static correction, data regularization, velocity analysis, migration imaging and gather optimization, and completes the actual data processing. The processing results have the characteristics of high signal-to-noise ratio, high resolution and high fidelity. The wave groups between blocks have good continuity, stability and consistency, which can provide high-quality basic data for subsequent structural interpretation, sand body characterization, reservoir prediction and gas bearing identification.
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    Dim Spot Channel Sandstone Identification for Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoir in Western Sichuan
    WANG Jian, DUAN Wenshen, BI Youyi
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (3): 37-46.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2022.01.25.01
    Abstract135)   HTML0)    PDF(pc) (2280KB)(93)       Save
    The Shaximiao Formation gas reservoir in the eastern slope belt of Western Sichuan Depression is a low-permeability tight channel sandstone gas reservoir. Most channels show "bright spot" reflection characteristics of strong trough amplitude and low impedance on seismic profile. With the development and evaluation of this gas reservoir, it is found that some wells drilled in the channel sand body in the non-target zone also have good hydrocarbon display. However, these channels have the feature of "medium and weak trough amplitude" in the post-stack seismic data, resulting in unclear shape, poor continuity and difficulty in identifying the channels on the plane attribute of seismic amplitude, which is called "dim spot" channel sandstone. Based on the formation mechanism of "dim spot" channel sandstone, the forward modelling analysis is carried out, and it is confirmed that the poor physical property is the key factor for the formation of "dim spot" channel sandstone; then, by analyzing the AVO characteristics of gather, it is clear that the "dim spot" channel has the characteristics of Class I or Class II$_{\rm a}$ AVO characteristics in the prestack gather; finally, the problem of "dim spot" channel sandstone identification is solved by using partial stack technique of dominant incident angle. The feasibility and effectiveness of this method are verified by actual drilling, which strongly promotes the efficient evaluation and production of this gas reservoir.
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    Gas and Water Distribution and Main Controlling Factors of Tight Sandstone Gas Reservoir in Shaximiao Formation, Zhongjiang
    XIONG Liang, HENG Yong
    Journal of Southwest Petroleum University(Science & Technology Edition)    2022, 44 (3): 47-58.   DOI: 10.11885/j.issn.1674-5086.2022.01.27.02
    Abstract247)   HTML0)    PDF(pc) (3213KB)(68)       Save
    In order to clarify the gas-water distribution law and main controlling factors of Shaximiao Formation deep source shallow accumulation tight sandstone gas reservoir in Zhongjiang. Based on the data of core analysis, well logging, gas test, production, nuclear magnetic resonance and formation water chemical analysis, the microscopic occurrence state, macroscopic distribution law and main controlling factors of formation water are studied. The results show that the formation water salinity of Shaximiao Formation is CaCl$_2$ type III$\sim$V, and the formation water exists in the reservoir in the form of bound water and capillary water. The distribution of gas and water is controlled by faults, local structures and internal heterogeneity of channels. Fault is not only the basis of gas charging, but also the passage of loss, which controls the macroscopic distribution characteristics of gas and water. Fractures develop in the near fault layer, and natural gas is dispersed during gas reservoir adjustment. Gas-water cobedding is dominant in channel near fault. The local distribution characteristics of gas and water are controlled by the heterogeneity and local structure in the channel. The lithologic (physical) sealing developed in the channel can prevent the migration and loss of natural gas to the high fault layer, and make the gas and water distribution in the sausage type, while the gas layer is developed in the lower part of the structure. The distribution pattern of gas and water in the channel without lithologic sealing is "upper gas and water", the high part of local structure is gas layer, and the lower part of structure is water layer or gas and water layer.
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