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    20 June 2011, Volume 33 Issue 3
    TONG Xiao-guang JU Liang
    2011, 33(3):  1-7. 
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    Located in west-central Argentina, the Cuyo and Neuquen basin are typical Sub-Andean back-arc foreland basins. The differing deformation styles of the lithosphere and fold and thrust belt may be a response to the angle of plate subduction. There are 4 similar basin evolution stages: Basement, Syn-rift, Post-rift and Foreland. A single petroleum system is recognized in Cuyo basin, comprising Triassic organic-rich lacustrine mudstones, Triassic-Jurassic reservoirs and Triassic intraformational as well as Cretaceous regional seals; Traps formed during the Neogene at a similar time to peak oil generation. Three hypothetical and one known petroleum systems occur in Neuquen basin, related to the Upper Triassic, Lower-Middle Jurassic, Valanginian- Barremian and Tithonian-Valanginian source rocks, respectively. Oil and gas has accumulated in reservoir rocks that range in age from Permian to Tertiary, most commercial hydrocarbons are produced from Jurassic and Cretaceous reservoirs. All systems reached the critical moment during the Late Cretaceous-Late Tertiary. The different depositional setting caused different source rock quality. The diversity of their petroleum geological characteristics and the exploration potential are controlled by respective tectonic sedimentary process.
    YANG De-bin ZHU Guang-you SU Jin LIU Jia-jun ZHANG Bin
    2011, 33(3):  8-17. 
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    Starting from analysis of passage system unit, we conclude that fault, unconformity, carrier bed, occurrence and character of fracture are the important factors of the ability and effectiveness of transporting oil and gas. Passage systems are the system channels connecting“source”and“reservoir”. In the accumulation system frame of different types of oil and gas basins, 12 types of oil and gas passage system are pointed out. Study indicates that transportation of oil and gas is of inconsistency and heterogeneity, and the key to passage system effectiveness is space-time distribution and evolution of different passage systems. The development characteristics of passage systems in different locations of fault basin, cratonic basin and foreland basin are studied and we find out that passage system determines the direction of oil and gas migration, accumulation period and location. Based on the study, the passage system types and the controlling factors effectiveness evaluation of prototype basin and find out evaluation parameters of the space-time effectiveness. Taking the amount of migration, accumulation efficiency and the scale of oil and gas fields as evaluation criteria, the efficiency of passage system is evaluated. Study shows that formed at rift-depression period of fault basin, the platform margin facies fault and platform facies karst of cratonic basin,the foreslope and thrust belt of foreland basin are the most effective passage systems. This study provides a useful reference for studied on accumulation effectiveness and exploration planning of oil and gas basins.
    Diagenesis and Porosity Evolution of the Reservoir of Ma51-2 Submember of Eastern Jingbian Gas Field
    HE Gang;LU Tao LEI Bian-jun LAN Yi-fei
    2011, 33(3):  18-26. 
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    Ma51-2 submember of Jingbian Gas Field in Ordos Basin belongs to evaporated carbonate tidal flat facies.
    The reservoir of Jingbian Gas Field mainly constituts dolomite with dissolved pore and a little fine-crystal dolostone. The microfacies that are favorable for developing reservoirs are supratidal zone dolomite with anhydrite
    nodule and upper part intertidal zone dolomite which have anhydrite crystal. Ma51-2 submember had undergone complex diageneses. Penecontemporaneous dolomitization and gypsification laid a material base for reservoirs. Epidiagenesis selective dissolution of anhydrite nodule and crystal in dolomite constructs the ambit of reservoirs. The sort and amount of mineral filling in dissolved pore(vadose silt dolomite,self-generation quartz,calcsparite calcite,dolomite cement,kaolinite etc.)and burial dissolution that determine the preservation condition of dissolved pore and the feature of reservoirs. The Ma 3 sublayer in eastern Jingbian Gas Field are divided into 3 categories,8 diagenesis blocks. Within region of interest,from west to east,the conditions of the sedimentary facies of Ma513 sublayer are gradually weakening(in other words:content of gypsum in dolomstone gradually decrease). When the filled degree of dissolved pore gradually increases,the voidage of the reservoir gradually deteriorates. On the other hand,from north to south,the degree of reservoirs developped in different blocks are obviously variational.
    PAN Chang-lin;LIU Shu-gen MA Yong-sheng GUO Xu-sheng GUO Tong-lou
    2011, 33(3):  27-34. 
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    Exploration and research show that there has favorable exploration potential in Xujiahe Formation of northeastern Sichuan Basin, particularly in Yuanba shallow areas, and reservoir is the key factor for gas exploration. Reservoir is the key factor of gasfield distribution in Xujiahe formation of northeastern Sichuan Basin. Based on the study on petrologic, physical characteristics, pore types and diagenetic characteristics of the Xujiahe Formation sandstone reservoirs and their relationship, we conclude that sedimentary facies are the key factors to control the development of high quality reservoir. Diagenesis and tectonic fractures have an important impact on the development of sandstone reservoir, and the second stage of Xujiahe formation in the northeast of Yuanban area is the primary target for exploration where sandstone reservoir in the shallow of large-type of pores
    MA Xiao-juan ZHANG Zhong-min CHEN Zhan-kun
    2011, 33(3):  35-40. 
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    Well S112-2 drilled in the south of Tahe Oilfield found commercial oil accumulation in the Silurian Kepingtage Formation. Based on the crops, logging and seismic data, the Kepingtage Formation is divided into two third -sequences. The Silurian in the south of Tahe Oilfield develops coastal-offshore sediments with barriers.Accordingly, the Lower Member of the Kepingtage Formation corresponds to lower land systems tracts of SQ1(SQ1-LST), which mainly develops middle tidal flat(mixed flat)sediments; the Middle Member of the Kepingtage Formation corresponds to transgressive systems tracts of SQ1(SQ1-TST), forming the offshore continental shelf sediments; the Upper Member of the Kepingtage Formation corresponds to the lower land systems tracts of SQ2(SQ2-LST), which forms primarily the lower tidal flat(sand flat)sediments. In the south of Tahe Oilfield, the study also compiles sedimentary subfacies distribution maps of the above three system tracts of the Silurian, which provides the basis for further reservoir prediction in the area.
    YANG Hai-zhang LIANG Jian-she HU Wang-shui
    2011, 33(3):  41-46. 
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    Wushi Sag is a half graben controlled by two master faults fault 7 and fault 6. Fault 7 dominates eastern depression with character of south dropping and north onlap. Fault 6 dominates western depression with character of north dropping and south onlap. There is a transfer zone between eastern and western depression, which accommodates hypsographic feature of two depressions. Wushi sag develops two types of overlying structure style: extension style and inversion style. Extension style is composed of the extension in Palaeocene, strong extension in Eocene, and feeble extension in Oligocene in the form of half-graben, complex half-graben, graben-horst, forward step-fault, and backward step-fault, which all are dominated by the association normal faults. Inversion style mainly occurs in center inversion zone, and it’s characteristics of east and west of center inversion zone are different. Source rock distribution, trap forming, and hydrocarbon accumulation are controlled by the tectonic activity. More hydrocarbon reservoirs found by now, which are from allochthonous source than from authigenic source, have a close relationship with the impacts of fault activity.
    Seismic Strata Comparision of the Complexed Rifted Basin of Hailar-Tamucage
    YING Dan-lin;PAN Mao;LI Zhong-quan;CHEN Jun-liang
    2011, 33(3):  47-52. 
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    One of the difficult problems in rifted basin research is seismic strata comparison, and lack of area comparison criterion of seismic strata is the main reason which caused tracked seismic reflection disunion between each depressed area in Hailaer-Tamucage Basin. Based on the factors of seismic sequence, two kinds of sequence interface are classified in this issue,which including structuring interface(TE, TK2 , TK1n, TK1t and TJt reflecting horizon)seismic reflecting horizon(TK1y1 , TK1d2 and TK1d1 seismic reflecting layer),and the areal structure-strata framework is established according to the comparison criterion of seismic sequence. The genesis comparison method of seismic strata which is based on structural framework building is raised, which can solve the uncertainty both in structural
    sequence interface and sedimentary sequence interface completely.
    YAN Wei WANG Xing-zhi DING Yong L¨U Hai-tao LIU Chun-ge
    2011, 33(3):  53-60. 
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    The Ordovician formations of Tahe Oilfield mainly undergo two karsts of mid-Caledonian and early Hercynian. The predecessors considered that because of the thick aquifuge in Sangtamu Group(O3),the effecting range of early-Hercynian karst was controlled by the edge line of the Sangtamu Group: The Northern part which lack
    the Sangtamu Group was the affecting area of early-Hercynian karst,while,the Southern part which was covered by the Sangtamu Group was the the affecting area of only mid-Caledonian karst. Recent research shows that for the reason of its favourable factors, such as high-uplift amplitude of structure,long time exposure,highly development of fractures,fluent hydrodynamic etc, it is extremely beneficial to karst effections. On top of that,the early Hercynian karstis able to break through the restriction of the Sangtamu aquifuge. The coverage of the Sangtamu group only
    changes the model of early-Hercynian karst:from crust karst to Covered-Pressurization karst. The discovery of this karst has a great guiding significance to the exploration for cavity- reservoirs in the southern and southwestern areas. It points out that,only the fault zones which are connected with the main region can be the favourable reservoir zones,otherwise, Reservoir would be less developed.
    2011, 33(3):  61-66. 
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    This paper analyzes geochemistry and oil source and thermal histories in Kali area are discussed by using carbon isotope, saturated hydrocarbon chromatography, steranes and terpanes based on the results of previous researches, the observation of field outcrop and the measuring of oil seepage samples. The results indicate that NO. 47 oil well at Huzhuang and oil seepage hosted in the Ordivican O1h member at Shangqingshan area, as well as the hydrocarbon source rock of asphalt sandstone and oil sand are of the same oil source, mainly originating
    from upper simian series and lower Cambrian. Oil seepage hosted in the Permian source rocks of DaFengdong area is mainly self-generation and self-storage, and may be the mixture of oils generated from the upper simian series and lower Cambrian source rocks. Hydrocarbon was expulsed by Tectonic movement of late Caledonian and trap
    formed at suitable time. Although the later period deposits the cap rock superimposition, the source rock of lower Cambrian was not achieving the high mature-overmature stage in the end of Triassic. Before the Yanshanian structure
    uplifted, maximum temperature of Honghuayuan reservoir was still lower than 175 ℃(Ro<1.3%), and the oil phase to maintain. Deep and shallow structure were uncoordinated and the partial hydrocarbon source rock was re-buried
    deep again by the thrust-nappe function from the Yanshanian structure.
    Hydrocarbon Generation Models Based on the Sequence Stratigraphic Framework in Nanyang Sag
    CAI Jia WANG Hua; LUO Jia-qun
    2011, 33(3):  67-73. 
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    Studies on the sequence stratigraphy of Nanyang Sag shows that the oil and gas accumulation is closely related to the system tracts. There are updip pinch out reservoir in the lower and high system tracts, lens reservoir formed in the subaqueous fan sandbodies, overlay reservoir formed in the sandbodies in the lake expanding system tracts of south steep slope. And there is lens reservoirs in the lower and high system tracts of the deep depression. There are lens, fault-litholigic, fault- anticline reservoirs in LST, fault noses and fault-litholigic reservoirs in HST, overlay reservoir formed in the sandbodies in the lake expanding system tracts of the north of gentle slope break.Combination of the characteristics of the sequence stratigraphy with distribution rules of all kinds of reservoirs lead to the conclusion that the oil and gas accumulation models are based on the sequence stratigraphic frames. The oil and gas accumulation regions are divided into three types: lower system tracts oil and gas accumulation region which are in the north gentle slope break, southern sandstones gas and oil accumulation region, axial deltal oil and gas accumulation region. Medium-short distance migration, medium-short fault and microfissure translocating system and centripetal & vertical migration are the oil and gas accumulation characteristics of north gentle slope break. The sandbodies of the southern sag are connected in the vertical direction and continuous in the horizontal direction. The sealing condition is not very well. Fault-block, fault-lens reservoirs are included to the deltal accumulation belt.
    LIU Jing-huan WANG Rui-li
    2011, 33(3):  74-78. 
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    Migration and accumulation of oil and gas in sedimentary rock will impact the change of diagenetic environment of sedimentary rocks and will also lead diagenetic minerals reaction. Adopting clay X–ray diffraction test, gas composition, and inclusion,combining with the different geological conditions of Ying–Qiong Basins, the factors which affect the abnormal evolution of illite/smectite interstratified radio are analyzed. The study shows the
    abnormal evolution of illite/smectite in Ying–Qiong Basin is related to the migration and accumulation of hydrothermal fluid(hydrocarbon and carbon dioxide). Different evolutionary model of illite/smectite reflects the difference
    of migration path and difference fault structure of hydrothermal fluid, and is also related to the type and size of gas pool.
    LIU Cheng-sheng;HU Xi-feng GUO Jian-hua;
    2011, 33(3):  79-82. 
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    Based on outcrop, geochemistry and paleontology data, it’s concluded that Kangkelin bottom is an eroding unconformity boundary, which corresponds to type Ⅰ sequence boundary of third order sequence. Three system tracts can be identified in Kangkelin Formation: lowstand system tract(LST), trangressive system tract(TST)and highstand system tract(HST). LST distributes mainly in Akesu area. LST is deposited by shore in incised channels.TST is deposited by shoal facies of platform margin, organic reef and restricted platform. HST is deposited mainly by
    restricted platform and clastic tidal facies. Because of exposure and erosion, HST doesn’t present well in study area.Quartz sandstone developed in LST in Akesu area and organic reef and shoal facies of platform margin developedin TST are all favorable target for petroleum exploration.
    GAO Zhi-qian FAN Tai-liang YIN Wei ZHANG Xiao-long WANG En-hui
    2011, 33(3):  83-88. 
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    The half grabens and normal faults develop in the Lower-Middle Cambrian of Tazhong(central Tarim Basin)and Bachu area, Tarim Basin, which indicates that Tarim Basin may be of extensional tectonic setting during the Early-Middle Cambrian. The half grabens are distributed within a linear zone laterally and show vertical
    succession, while the normal faults are arranged in echelon patterns and the fault throw increases gradually from west to east. Such extensional tectonics may be the result of intense stretch in connection with the formation of discrete continents. The formation of half grabens, associated with the formation of passive continental margin in the southwest and cratonic marginal depression in the east, especially is notably influenced by the development of trigeminal rift on the northeast margin of Tarim Basin. The fault system controls the sedimentary filling evolution
    and framework which exhibits platform-slope-bathyal facies. The half grabens trend NW-SE, consistent with buried basement fault, and the lithology is limestone-dolomite-gypsum rock-saline rock-red layer sediments.
    HUANG Dong ZHANG Jian YANG Guang SHI Xue-wen WANG Hua
    2011, 33(3):  89-95. 
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    The Leikoupo Formation of Middle Triassic in Sichuan Basin is one of the series of strata where natural gas and bittern are first explored. So far, three gas reservoirs have been proved and a large number of gas bearing structure
    have been discovered, but with the continuously deep research of the exploration, there arise certain divergences in recogination to the bottom and top beds of Leikoupo Formation as well as the division of internal strata, which to some extent hindered the exploration and developing deployment of this layer series. This study redefines and clarifies the characteristics of bottom and top boundary by Leikoupo Formation through reexamining the drilling of Leikoupo well and field geological investigation and quantities of assay data. At the same time, division plan
    and layering comparison work of Leikoupo Formation are done according to the lithologic association, electrical characteristics, cycle characteristics, thus laying a foundation to the further exploration and development of the
    overall resources in Leikoupo Formation.
    HE Jiang-chuan LIAO Guang-zhi WANG Zheng-mao
    2011, 33(3):  96-100. 
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    Based on the onshore oil field development in China,the article investigates the typical composite modes of oil reservoirs in different development period. Targeting at the specific performance of redevelopment of mature oilfields of CNPC,the authors analyze the interrelationship between redevelopment of mature oilfields and tertiary recovery technology deeply, and contribution to EOR respectively at the secondary development period. It is put forward that the composite development mode of secondary and tertiary recovery technology should follow the redevelopment of mature oilfields. The system of redevelopment of mature oilfields is supposed to undertake the double duties, including secondary development and tertiary recovery. With the technological innovations and
    efficient conversion of oil development modes,the goal of improving the redevelopment of mature oilfields EOR substantially can be achieved.
    ZHANG Lie-hui ZENG Yang ZHOU Zhi-ping LIU Xin ZHOU Yuan
    2011, 33(3):  101-104. 
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    Chang63 reservoir of B153 area is an ultra-low permeability reservoir, in which low single-well production and oil production depletes seriously, and it’s very difficult to maintain stable production. Advanced water injection is being adopted in this reservoir currently, but the effect is not apparent, and single-well production has not improved significantly. Reservoir engineering and numerical simulation method are used in this paper,and combining with current well pattern and well space, we analyze the reasons why advanced water injection is not ideal. The result indicates current well space is too large, and the injected water can only stabilize the pressure but can’t drive the oil, so the well pattern should be appropriately adjusted. Its reasonable well spacing is 258 m, row spacing is 152 m according to calculation. Square anti-nine-spot pattern in the early time and then adjust to five-spot pattern at the late period of development are suggested. The study can be used for reference in arranging reasonable well spacing
    to make effective development in similar reservoirs.
    ZHAO Chun-peng;YUE Xiang-an
    2011, 33(3):  105-108. 
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    In order to study the advanced water injection of extra-low permeability reservoir, including pressure transmission characters, the level of formation pressure and reasonable working time of production well, we design long-core physical simulation equipment with multi-pressure measurement nodes and use extra-low permeability long cores. The experiment results show that higher recovery ratio should be obtained when the formation pressure between 110%_120%of initial formation pressure. When the pressure spread to 30%of the distance is between water
    well and oil well, it is the reasonable well opening time. The velocity of pressure propagation trend to decrease as the core length increase, so we suggest that water intake per unit thickness should match with the velocity of pressure propagation, and flooding should enhance properly at initial stage, which is beneficial for establishing a displacement pressure system as quickly as possible. Flooding should be reduced properly at later stage, in order to achieve the best flood effectiveness.
    Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation on P Oilfield in the Process of Water Injection
    WANG Li ; RAO Liang-yu LI Wei LI Jie
    2011, 33(3):  109-114. 
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    To solve the problems of the decrease of reservoir energy, the fast rise of water-cut and the rapid decrease of production in the huge high pour-point oil reservoir, according to the characteristics of high, stable yields, high
    pour-point, high wax content, and high pressure differential between static and saturation pressure overseas oilfields, a high temperature and high pressure physical simulation experimental system is established. We simulate the effect
    of different core flooding pressure on development performance under the in-situ situation, and the results show that the optimized water flooding timing is before dissolved gas form the connectivity face. Utilizing the numerical simulation technology under the condition of making full use of natural energy, when the reservoir pressure decreases to 3.4 MPa, the water flooding timing is the best, and the optimized production rate is 2.2%. The results of the pilot test show that the good water injection timing can maintain the reservoir energy, increase liquid production and improve development performance.
    LIU Xiao-hong LIN Chang-song LIU Jun YANG Hong LIU Chun-hui
    2011, 33(3):  115-120. 
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    Based on the data of core and testing oil, we analyze the causes of low-permeability sandstone reservoir with full consideration to the impact of the grain size, sorting, pore-throat radius, complex pore structure, content of debris and hydrophilic of rock on productivity. The simple sand-shale reservoir model has been subdivided into the silt-sand, fine-sand, sand-medium, sand-shale model. The concept of oil production probability is proposed on the basis of the elaborate reservoir interpretation. The oil-water two-phase fluids rate forecast model, interpretation template and criterion are eventually established according to calculating oil and water production on single well by using the corresponding software which is programmed on superposition method. Correct evaluation on reservoir capacity can help to scientifically guide the exploration and development of oil field. So the logging technology becomes the eye of the geologists and reservoir engineers.
    SUN Quan-li FENG Wen-guang YAO Chang-yu
    2011, 33(3):  121-124. 
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    Shuanghe Oilfield 437II4–6 is a typical semi-closed edge water reservior. Edge wate is active in this area, and reservoir is now in the development phase of extra high water cut period currently. The unit recovery efficiency 45.82%, and water percentage 97.8%. By using reservoir numerical simulation method and according to reservoir geology, 3D geological model of Shuanghe oilfield 437II4–6 is established, and the distribution data of remaining oil and residual oil region of Shuanghe Oilfield 437II4–6 are obtained. The basis for adjusting development plan and for digging the potential of remaining oil in high water cut period was provided.
    DENG Yan XUE Ren-jiang GUO Jian-chun
    2011, 33(3):  125-129. 
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    The common ways to fracture reservoirs safely and effectively is hard to satisfy those with high pressure and high temperature but low permeability reservoirs. So the paper analyzes acid-mineral reaction in acid-treating
    from mechanics which will affect rock properties, and explains how the mechanism of acid-pretreatment was used to decrease fracture pressure from micro-structure. Also the paper explains how acid-pretreatment can reduce fracturing pressure on the basis of the results of cast thin slice after acid pretreatment, microscopic observation of microcosmic experiments, and macroscopic mechanical test before and after acid pretreatment. The results of rock mechanical test and fracture pressure before and after pre-acid in DINA district show that acid-pretreatment can change mechanical property of rocks and can decrease fracture pressure effectively. The conclusions can provides a new technical solution for exploitation of this kind reservoirs
    ZHANG Feng-ying YAN Jie-nian LI Zhi-yong
    2011, 33(3):  130-132. 
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    If the drilling fluid can form the mud cake with no permeability on the borehole wall, the drilling fluid will have better reservoir protection effectiveness. We need to find a more reasonable method, based on the optimum
    matching relationship between particle size of temporary blocking agent and pore size of reservoir. According to the“Ideal Packing Theory”and the“d90 Rule”, a new beneficial optimum method for reservoir protection is put forward. We can find out the optimum matching relationship more rapidly and accurately, among different kinds of temporary blocking agent products with a variety of particle size. Compared to traditional methods, the new method is of a higher recovery value of core permeability, and it can stop the solid particle and filtrate from invading into
    hydrocarbon reservoir more effectively. Therefore it is good for reservoir protection. Field test also confirmes that application of this new method can achieve the ideal effects of reservoir protection.
    LI Shu-guang;GUO Da-li;ZHAO Jin-zhou;ZENG Xiao-hui
    2011, 33(3):  133-136. 
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    By applying experimental methods of transmission and scanning electron microscopy and the basic theory of surfactant solution, the relevance of surfactant inhesion and extrinsic in macroscopic and microscopic of surfactant are analyzed, and the gel forming mechanism and the gel breaking mechanism are investigated. The mechanism of surfactant fracturing fluids carrying sand mainly by elastic is demonstrated, and we put forward the new method by using suspending shear force to indicate the sand-carrying capacity of surfactant fracturing fluid. The results
    of experiment indicate that the minimum sand-carrying viscosity are 100 mPa·s and 30 mPa·s in the same 100s&#1048576;1 shear rates for guanidine gel fracturing fluid and surfactant fracturing fluids; in the same shear rate, minimum sandcarrying
    viscosity of surfactant fracturing fluid is much smaller than guanidine gel. The above research results enrich the correlate knowledge in theory, and it helps surfactant fracturing fluid application.
    The Channeling-diffusion Process of Coalbed Methane and Their Influences on Development Effect
    SHI Li-na DU Qing-jun TONG Deng-ke
    2011, 33(3):  137-140. 
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    Based on the occurrence and migration law of coalbed methane, and the analysis of coalbed methane desorption from matrix of coal by way of channeling and diffusion, through the process from which the cleat to the production borehole by way of permeation and diffusion, then coupling the unequilibrium adsorption model of coalbed methane in the Millipore with gas-water two-phase percolation model together, the Dual media coalbed methane reservoir simulation steady state percolation mathematical model is formed. A homologous numerical model is established according the ADI-FDTD method. For channeling and diffusion method, we make a research on their influences on development effectiveness based on this model. The results show that channeling and diffusion have greater influences on gas production in the late period. The greater the channeling factor or diffusion coefficient are, the higher the gas production is.
    2011, 33(3):  141-144. 
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    Through mathematical models of the numerical well testing and unstable testing by using radial grid, a new application method which optimizes the respective advantages of numerical well testing and unstable well testing is introduced. By using this method, the changes of the formation pressure by time can be obtained from numerical well test, and then controlled reserves of a single wel can be obtained from the pressure change by time. The advantage of using the unstable testing is to obtain physical parameters of a single well. The formation pressure obtained by analyzing two gas fields of Tarim Kela with this method is more in line with actual conditions.
    Analysis of Influences of the Reservoir Anisotropy on Productivity of Herringbone Multi-lateral Well
    AN Yong-sheng;
    2011, 33(3):  145-148. 
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    In order to study the influences of reservoir anisotropy on the productivity of herringbone multi-lateral well,based on the theory of coordination conversion, anisotropic permeability space is transformed into isotropic
    permeability space,and prediction is made about the productivity of herringbone multi-lateral wells with percolation model. It can be conclude that:Reservoir anisotropy can change the pressure distribution dramatically. The greater
    anisotropy is, the more obvious deflexion there is; The permeability which is perpendicular to the main bore of herringbone multi-lateral well plays the most important role on the productivity. The permeability which parallel to
    the main bore of herringbone multi-lateral well plays a secondary role on the productivity. When the anisotropy is clear,the direction of the main bore of herringbone multi-lateral well should be perpendicular to the direction of the
    main permeability. When the anisotropy is unknown,a big branch angle should be picked to eliminate the influences of anisotropy.
    HAN Yu-gui
    2011, 33(3):  149-153. 
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    Current situations and study achievements in polymer for heat tolerate and salt resistant flooding and flooding with surfactant have been summarized home. The performance of heat tolerate and salt resistant functions is often improved through the ways of copolymerizing monomer or controlling the structure of some special molecules in polymer flooding. Up to now, multicomponent copolymerization includes associating type, zwitterionic type, block structure, star structure, and crosslinked structure. A series of products have been applied which include
    oxyneurine surfactant, anion and non-ionic ampholytics and Gemini surfactant by optimizing the raw materials and improving the molecular structure in surfactants oil driving. The performance and applied feasibility of different new type of chemical agents for oil driving are deeply analysized in this article, and the next goal for chemicals with heat tolerate and salt resistance flooding is pointed out.
    The Catalytic Oxidation of Benzene to Phenol over Transition Metallic Molybdovanadophosphoric Heteropoly with Dawson-type
    LI Gui-xian CHEN Guang;GAO Yun-yan MA Jian-jun ZHANG Xue-mei
    2011, 33(3):  154-158. 
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    A series of MH6P2Mo16V2O62(M=Mn, Co, Ni, Zn)are produced by the principle of acid alkali neutralization. Structure phase for heteropoly acid salt is analyzed by way of Fourier transform infrared spect roscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction(XRD), thermal analysis(TG), and is put into practice in the reaction in which Benzene oxidation produces phenol. The reaction medium, reaction temperature, reaction time, the amount of the oxidizer, the kind and dosage of catalyst, and the influences of Benzene hydroxylation on reaction are studied systemically. Experimental results show that 4.395 g(5 mL)benzene in catalyst NiH6P2Mo16V2O62 is 0.176 g, solvent acetonitrile 25 ml, 30 percent of H2O2 10 mL, and that under the condition of 65 ℃reflux reacts after six hours. Percent conversion of benzene up to 47.3 percent, and selectivity of phenol is up to 91.69 percent, according to the analysis of qualitative and quantitative gas chromatography.
    YU Hai-yang ZHANG Jian WANG Ye-fei JI Wen-juan WANG Suo-liang
    2011, 33(3):  159-164. 
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    Phenolic resin gel which comprises hydrophobically associating polymer AP-P4 and crosslinker of phenolic resin YG103 is studied in its rheological behaviors and viscoelasticity characteristics, and the viscoelasticities between the phenolic resin gel and hydrophobically associating polymer are compared. The experiments indicated that the gelation procedure of the phenolic resin gel could be divided into three periods: the slowing induction period, the increasing gelation stage, and the stabilization stage. The shear stress of phenolic resin gel depend on
    stress time and is hysteretic, and its strain could be better restored under the external force in a certain time. The phenolic resin gel has not only broader linear viscoelasticity area but also higher storage modulus and loss modulus than polymer solution. The storage modulus of the gel is higher than the loss modulus under low frequency, and the storage modulus and loss modulus could both increase in circumstance of increasing frequency or increasing the percentage of corsslinker and polymer. But the storage modulus and loss modulus of gel system has a process of decreasing—increasing—decreasing with salinity increasing.
    AI Zhi-jiu JIANG Jing WU Chang CHANG Hong-gang CHEN Chang-jie
    2011, 33(3):  165-168. 
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    In order to deeply study the combustion in the main burning furnace used in sulfur recovery unit, the three-dimensional solid model of burning furnace is set up with reference to the existing building. On the basis of the operation parameters of Zhongxian Natural Gas Purification Plant, the combustion components and entry conditions are set up; one should adopt the realinzable turbulence model and the analysis of EDC combustion model to simulate the combustion in the main burner furnace. The results showed that the method reflect the situation in the burning furnace; the structure of the furnace in service can promote heat convection among gas, and make gas mix strongly; the most intense reaction occurs in the flame region, where sulfur is increases fastest in the flame zone; meanwhile, increasing the mix effectiveness of gas in the inflamer is beneficial for reaction, Gas at the exits of burning furnace is not well-distributed, and the velocity close to lining was high, which indicates that the structure of tracery wall and arrangement need to be improved.
    LUO Hong-qun CHEN Wu
    2011, 33(3):  169-172. 
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    Considering the specific characters of gas development enterprise, this essay builds an evaluation model of the gas economic limit reserve boundaries with the break-even analysis, explores the relationship among the price of gas, well depth and the economic limit reserves when the IRR is fixed, and discusses the economic limit value varying with the IRR. The results of regression analysis of the benefits of ten low permeability gas fields prove that there is power exponent relationship between the gas-bearing areas and the economic limit reserves, then the economic limit production and economic limit reserves can be calculated, thus providing a new way for evaluation of the gas benefits reserves.
    XU Guang-li ZHANG Guo-zhong ZHAO Shi-hao WANG Shuai-hua
    2011, 33(3):  173-177. 
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    We analyze the characteristics of the laminar oil purging water system in horizontal tube, according to water and oil momentum equations and oil mass conservation equation,and the water height gradient model was obtained. Both critical water height what denotes the water height corresponding to the onset of a water plug and the profile of oil-water interface are theoretical analyzed. The results show that the former should depend on the pipe diameter,oil superficial velocity and physical properties, among which the pipe diameter and oil superficial
    velocity are two main factors. While the latter relies on the residual water volume in horizontal tube, initial of onset of a water plug, the profile of oil-water interface, and the physical parameters.
    DENG Jin-gen WANG Li-hua;LI Ping CAO Yan-feng FENG Yong-cun
    2011, 33(3):  178-182. 
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    Sand production is of great harm to the moderate cemented formation in gas reservoir,so it is necessary to determine the sand production critical flow. In order to overcome the shortcomings in traditional sand production
    critical flow determining methods,such as high cost of field test and low computational accuracy of theoretical calculation,this paper shows that test equipments and test methods determine the sand production critical flow
    for gas well. The lab simulation test for determining the sand production critical flow in open hole completion is carried out. We measure the gas flow rate and sand production rate under different drawdown pressure. Finally, the sand production critical flow of gas well was determined. The test technology for determining the sand production critical flow of gas well is based on the critical flow rate back stepping strata of back-derive critical sand production drawdown pressure and productivity. This test method has been successfully used in a gas field of South China Sea. The result shows the advancement and reliability of this test method.