西南石油大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2011, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (3): 18-26.

• 地质勘探 • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Diagenesis and Porosity Evolution of the Reservoir of Ma51-2 Submember of Eastern Jingbian Gas Field

HE Gang 1,2 LU Tao 3 LEI Bian-jun 4 LAN Yi-fei 3

  1. 1. Institute of Geology and Geophysics,Chinese Academy of Sciences Dongcheng, Beijing 100029, China
    2. Exploration and Production Company,CNPC,Dongcheng Beijing, 100029, China
    3. Exploration and Development Research Institute of Changqing
    Oil Field Company,CNPC,Xi‘an, Shaanxi 710018, China
    4. School of Resources and Environment,Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu, Sichuan 610500, China
  • Received:1900-01-01 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2011-06-20 Published:2011-06-20


Ma51-2 submember of Jingbian Gas Field in Ordos Basin belongs to evaporated carbonate tidal flat facies.
The reservoir of Jingbian Gas Field mainly constituts dolomite with dissolved pore and a little fine-crystal dolostone. The microfacies that are favorable for developing reservoirs are supratidal zone dolomite with anhydrite
nodule and upper part intertidal zone dolomite which have anhydrite crystal. Ma51-2 submember had undergone complex diageneses. Penecontemporaneous dolomitization and gypsification laid a material base for reservoirs. Epidiagenesis selective dissolution of anhydrite nodule and crystal in dolomite constructs the ambit of reservoirs. The sort and amount of mineral filling in dissolved pore(vadose silt dolomite,self-generation quartz,calcsparite calcite,dolomite cement,kaolinite etc.)and burial dissolution that determine the preservation condition of dissolved pore and the feature of reservoirs. The Ma 3 sublayer in eastern Jingbian Gas Field are divided into 3 categories,8 diagenesis blocks. Within region of interest,from west to east,the conditions of the sedimentary facies of Ma513 sublayer are gradually weakening(in other words:content of gypsum in dolomstone gradually decrease). When the filled degree of dissolved pore gradually increases,the voidage of the reservoir gradually deteriorates. On the other hand,from north to south,the degree of reservoirs developped in different blocks are obviously variational.

Key words:

Jingbian Gas Field, Majiagou Formation, dolomite, diagenesis, porosity evolution

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