
Table of Content

    01 February 2012, Volume 34 Issue 1
    The Rapid Assay of Crude Oil
    Lu Wanzhen Chu Xiaoli
    2012, 34(1):  1-5. 
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    Rapid assay of crude oil has played a more and more important role in the refineries. The demands and significance
    of rapid assay of crude oil are introduced. The advantages and characteristics of mid-infrared and near infrared spectroscopy
    methods for rapid assay of crude oil,and their accuracies are compared with that of standard method.
    Control Factor of Natural Gas Accumulation in Xujiahe Formation,Longnüsi Structure,Sichuan Basin
    Yuan Haifeng;Ni Gensheng;Deng Xiaojiang
    2012, 34(1):  6-12. 
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    The natural gas reservoir in Xujiahe Formation of Longnüsi structure is a typical lithologic gas reservoir,with the low trap closure,the tight reservoir,and the complicated gas-water contact. The paper analyzes the source rocks,reservoir rocks,cap rocks and trap conditions of gas reservoir of Xujiahe Formation,and conculdes that the Xujiahe Formation is advantageous
    play. The Apatite Fission Track and Easy%Ro Chemical Kinetics Simulatiom are both used to reconstruct the hydrocarbongeneration
    history of source rock. Combined with the structural evolution,the charging process of Xujiahe Formation gas
    reservoir was reproduced. The accumulation process is divided into three phases:early hydrocarbon charging at the end of
    middle Jurassic,the dominant hydrocarbon charging period at the end of Cretaceous,and the final accumulation of gas pools
    during Himalayan. The main controlling factors of gas accumulation in Xujiahe Formation are analyzed in the paper. Highquality
    hydrocarbon source rock is the primary material,the ancient and present structural high are the available zones for
    the hydrocarbon migration,the reservoir physical property and the trap closure control the gas-water distribution in the gas
    reservoir,and the fractures developed locally is a key factor of gas accumulation and high productivity in the Xujiahe Formation.
    3-D Hierarchical Modeling of the Braided Channel Reservoirof Saertu Oilfield
    Yin Yanshu;Zhang Changmin;Yin Taiju;Zhao Lei
    2012, 34(1):  13-18. 
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    The paper presents a new hierarchical modeling method for braided channel reservoir. According to the reservoir
    hierarchy,the reservoir of braided channel and bar are first modeled,and then,the channel bed and discarded channel in the
    braided channel,and the core bar and top bar in the bar,are modeled respectively. Finally,the mud interbed in the second order
    reservoir is modeled. During the modeling,different order reservoir are constrained by each other,which revealed the sediment
    rules. The braided channel reservoir model is established by this method in Saertu oilfield of Daqing. The result shows that the
    shapes and distribution of different order reservoir are well reproduced. The model is highly precise and can be put into use in
    reservoir development.
    Prediction Method of Narrow Channel Sand Bodyin Well-to-Seismic Integration
    Yi Zhenlin
    2012, 34(1):  19-24. 
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    Seismic prediction technologies for narrow channel sand body are analyzed such as waveform clustering,coherence
    cube,frequency division and attribute analysis in order to produce remaining oil of narrow channel sand body,taking Beierxi
    area of Daqing oilfield as an example,on the basis of isochronous stratigraphic framework. It is found that different prediction
    technologies have different results to narrow channel sand bodies. Waveform clustering can approximately determine direction
    of narrow channel,but it can not distinguish narrow channel boundary obviously. Coherence cube is more superior than waveform
    clustering in narrow channel boundary recognition. Frequency division can clearly show narrow channel boundary subtle
    change. The relationship between the predicted sand body thickness and the actual sand body thickness is established through
    the analysis of RMS attribute,and it is verified that prediction accuracy of sand body is different. The prediction accuracy
    is high when sand body thickness is more than 2 m and the prediction accuracy can reach 60% on the condition that relative
    prediction error is less than 35% when thickness of sand body is between 12 m. The prediction accuracy of attribute is not
    reliable when thickness of sand body is less than 1 m. This prediction method has important significance in the production of
    remaining oil of narrow channel sand body.
    Tectonic Units of the Qaidam Basin
    Yang Chao;Chen Qinghua;Ren Laiyi;Zhang Hongchao;Shi Haijun
    2012, 34(1):  25-33. 
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    Studies on fectonic units are of It is great significance in clearing the character of tectonic,deepening of the geological
    understanding,and guiding oil and gas exploration. Based on the study on the principle of division about tectonic features,
    transportation of the depocenter,distribution of the oil and gas,lithology character and fluctuation of the bedrock and the
    character of the abnormality in gravitation and magnetic field,We find out that the results show that the Qaidam Basin had
    obvious geographical characteristics with the east and west units along the Gansen-Xiaochaidan which are distinctly different
    in sedimentation and fectonic deformation. The tectonic deformation is more intense in the west unit than in the east. And the
    Qaidam Basin can be divided into six units:the obduction zone in south of Qiliang mountains,the obduction zone in north of
    Kunlun mountains,Oulongbuluke uplift zone,the Yiliping,Sanhu and Delingha Depression.
    Analysis of Carboniferous Favorable Place of Volcanic Rockin Luxi Area,Junggar Basin
    Mu Zhonghai;Liu Deguang;Tang Yong
    2012, 34(1):  34-40. 
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    Based on the analysis of Carboniferous igneous lithological character and its lithofacies distribution,structural
    evolutional process,fracture distribution law,known petroliferous and gas distribution area,relationship between lithological
    character and oil-gas formation,physical properties of different lithological character and lithofacies,conditions of hydrocarbon
    source. It is believed that in Carboniferous system where exist two sequences which are an upper sequence and a lower one at
    Luxi area of Junggar Basin,and the superfaces of these sequences are regional unconformities. There are mainly four kinds
    igneous lithofacies which are volcanic conduit facies,explosive rock facies,overflow facies,and volcanogenic sedimentation
    facies,which distribute among different sequences. The embryonic form of Luliang uplift began at stage I of Mid-Hercynian
    phase,and formed and strengthened at late-Hercynian phase. The best physical properties of lithofacies is the overflow facies,
    the second one is explosive rock facies. The best physical properties of lithological character is basalt,the second one is volcanic
    breccia. There are two favorable reservoir areas in Luxi,one locates at Xiayan 1 to Shinan 3 of the East Xiayan salient,and the
    other one located at the West Xiayan salient and Sangequan salient. Hydrocarbon of Luxi came mainly from Mahu sag. This
    paper presents that the oil and gas favorable places for prospecting mainly located at west areas of Xiayan salien and Sangequan
    Mode Characteristics of Volcanic Eruption of the Member 1 of YingchengFormation in Xudong Area in Songliao Basin
    Chen Huanqing;Hu Yongle;Ran Qiquan;Yi Liping;Xu Lei
    2012, 34(1):  41-48. 
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    According to the structural environment and cycle characteristic of the volcanic eruption,original magma,volcanic
    rock feature,and the types of the volcanic eruption,the mode characteristics of volcanic eruption of volcanic gas reservoir of the
    Member 1 of Yingcheng Formation in Xudong Area in Xushen Gas Field are studied. The results indicate that the aimed stratum
    in study areas was formed under an intraplate setting and the fractures cut-through the base plays a definitive role. The study
    stratum fall into three gyrations of I and II and III from bottom to top. Gyre I correspond to YC1III and Gyre II corresponds
    YC1II1 and YC1II2 and Gyre III corresponds YC1I1 and YC1I2. The stratum in study areas mainly developed fissure-center
    eruption,the center eruption taking the secondary place. The conditions of oil source rock and accumulation and rock cap
    are excellent. The volcanic eruption mode controlls development characteristics of different types of volcanic lithofacies. The
    favorable areas mainly develop in the high-order bit of eruption facies near the volcanic crater and lower part and upper part
    and top part sub-facies of overflow facies and volcanic neck sub-facies of volcanic channels facies.
    Adjusting and Controlling Effect of Chepaizi-Mosuowan Paleo-uplifton Paleo-reservoir and Hydrocarbon Accumulation
    Wang Jinghong;Yang Fan
    2012, 34(1):  49-58. 
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    Secondary oil pools in middle-shallow layer of Junggar Basin center are controlled by location and scale of Paleoreservoir.
    The paper reveal adjusting and controlling effect for second oil pool on Paleo-reservoir and hydrocarbon accumulation
    due to formation and evolution of Chepaizi—Mosuowan Paleo-uplift. Starting with well logging,seismic,oil,gas and water data,
    using GOI of fluid inclusions,oil-water interfaces of Paleo-reservoir are identified. Based on restoration of Paleo-structure,
    areas of Paleo-reservoir are identified by types of anticline oil pools. Consulting parameters of proven Paleo-reservoir,the
    scales of Paleo-reservoir were identified by distribution and thickness of sand bodies. Monocline was formed after tilting from
    south to north in Junggar Basin. Paleo-reservoir was destroyed. Considering comprehensively factors of structure,fault,unconformity
    and sandbodies,the directions and paths of hydrocarbon migration and accumulation and the developing areas of
    secondary oil pools are identified. The main exploration objects should be middle-shallow layer of lithologic and stratigraphic
    oil reservoir and exploration direction should be from the“bridge”to the slope zones,which changes the idea of looking for
    litho-structural reservoir and thus guided the discovery of Mo 17.
    Dating the Effective Fractures of Qinglong Formation Limestone inSouthern Jiangsu Area
    Duan Hongliang;Wang Hongwei
    2012, 34(1):  59-63. 
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    Based on the detailed observation and description of the macroscopic and microcosmic features,the development
    periods of the fractures,and formation time of effective fractures are studied in this paper by cathodeluminescence and carbon
    and oxygen isotope analyzing of fracture fillings. The results show that there are 6 stages of fracture development identified in
    Qinglong Formation,southern Jiangsu area. The fractures of first stage are stylolites,which developed during the early period
    of Qinglong Formation. The fractures of second stage developed during the early Indosinian-Yanshanian,which are filled by
    calcites and with weak oil show. The third stage fractures developed during early Yizheng movement,which are half-filled by
    calcite and with abundant oil show. The fourth stage fractures are stylolites,which developed during middle Yizheng movement.
    The fifth stage fractures developed during the early period of Sanduo movement,which were filled by calcites. The sixth stage
    fractures developed during Yancheng Period,which were unfilled. The third stage fractures are the most effective fractures with
    rich oil show and cavities. The tectonic stress field of early Yizheng movement should be an important factor in the predicition
    of effective fractures in Qinglong Formation.
    Measures to Promote Shale Gas Large-scale Development underLow-carbon Background in China
    Yun Jian;Zhong Ningning;Wang Jialin;Zhang Yu;Wu Xiaobin
    2012, 34(1):  64-70. 
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    Large-scale development and utilization of natural gas is one of the most effective ways to promote the China´s low
    carbon economy with increasingly stringent energy saving and carbon emission reduction target. Thus,unconventional gas,
    represented by shale gas and coalbed methane,will be inevitably in a new round of fast development and utilization following
    the trend of low-carbon development because of their advantages of larger reserves and lower carbon emissions. The paper
    firstly analyzes the characteristics of shale gas reservoir,and the policy measures and technical development model to realize
    the industrialization of American shale gas industry are summarized. Then,on the basis of the analysis of supporting policies,
    theories related to exploration and development and key technologies,we believe that there are three major problems restricting
    the shale gas industry development in China. Two strategies of creating a set of matching policy and accelerating technological
    innovation are proposed to promote the shale gas industry development.
    Analogy Analysis of West Sichuan Depression and Northern AmericaSandstone Gas Rrservoirs
    Chen Zhaoguo
    2012, 34(1):  71-76. 
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    Through the analogy analysis of Western Sichuan Depression and Northern America Sandstone Gas Reservoirs ,we
    find that the both have similar characteristics and differences in foreland basin feature,rock tightening,abnormal pressure and
    reservoir formation. Sandstone gas formation mechanism of Northern America Rocky Mountain region is simple but is complex
    in Western Sichuan Depression. Under the background of multiple phases and tectonic activities,cored at the overpressure gas
    source of Xujiahe Formation in upper Triassic,with the progress difference of lithology and densification in 3D space,the
    change of deformation structure and fracture distribution,multiple-phase and multiple-mode adjustment of overpressure,the
    distribution pattern of subsystem longitudinal overlay of many gas mineralization and multiple gas reservoir type thus formed.
    Application of Combination of Logging and Seismic Inversion in theDiabase Alteration Zone Recognition
    Yao Jun;Li Shuangwen;Liu Huaqing;Ni Changkuan
    2012, 34(1):  77-82. 
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    Huanghua depression is in Bohai Bay basin,where tectonic activity is intene and frequent,and igneous rock developed
    well in this area,especially diabase. The reservoir of diabase alteration zone which is generated by diabase baking
    provides a direction to find new types of oil and gas reservoirs. This paper takes well logging data of drilling diabase alteration
    zone in R district of Dagang Oilfield as examples,and summarizes the characteristics of log response and wave impedance,
    then predicts the distribution and thickness of diabase alteration zone by combining the impedance inversion data volume with
    multi-attribute inversion natural gamma data volume. As a result,diabase thickness is in good agreement with the wells statistics
    and this provides an important reference for further exploration of diabase alteration zone reservoir in the region.
    Application of Curve Recomposition Inversion in LateralReservoir Prediction
    Xiong Ran;Gao Liang;Yang Jiao;Zhao Jilong
    2012, 34(1):  83-89. 
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    Acoustic curves are the basic data essential for the wave-impedance inversion based on the logging restraint. But
    the acoustic data obtained from practical work usually cannot well reflect the changing rules of subsurface lithology based on
    the logging curve reconstructive method. The paper presents a multi-curve sonic reconstructive technique that can truly reflect
    the character of reservoir. The method can both keep the time-depth relation of sonic curve and all frequency information
    to be unchanged,and also fully use the characteristic information of reconstructive curve participated since the method uses
    natural gamma,natural potential,compensated neutron and resistivity curves(after normalization correction)to participate in
    reconstruction while keeping the property of sonic curve. The method achieved good results after carrying out wave impedance
    inversion and prediction of reservoir in the case of D region,which showed that the method is simple,practical and effective
    curve reconstructive technique.
    Preliminary Discussion of Improvement Experiments on StrongSensitivity–Low Permeability Reservoir
    Cao Yingchang;Yuan Guanghui;Xi Kelai
    2012, 34(1):  90-96. 
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    In Beisantai area,Junggar Basin,73.11 percent of Cretaceous reservoir is low permeability reservoir. Clay minerals
    in Cretaceous reservoir are mainly montmorillonite and disordered illite-montmorillonite. Kaolinite,chlorite and illite are at
    lower levels overall,but local enrichment. Results of sensitivity experiments show that reservoir sensitivity of study area is
    complex,a variety of sensitivity coexist and directly lead to low-yielding of oil reservoir. Water sensitivity is most strong.
    Acid sensitivity experiments indicate that mud acid can’t improve reservoir quality and reduce reservoir water sensitivity effectively.
    According to specific reservoir property of study area,composite plug removal liquid with prescription of 8%HCl,
    2%CH3COOH,2%NH4F,1.5%clay stabilizer A,2%ferric iron stabilizer TLJ is confected. Plug removal experiments of water
    sensitivity samples and permeability improvement experiments of natural core samples are conducted under conditions with
    stimulated actual formation temperature and pressure. Results show that the composite plug removal liquid is valid in plug
    removal and permeability improvement on reservoir with high montmorillonite and illite-montmorillonite relative content but
    low chlorite relative content.
    Simulation of Gas Injection-Heating Process of In Situ Combustion
    Pan Jingjun;Zhou Yangping;Chen Long;Ma Yuanle
    2012, 34(1):  97-102. 
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    It is necessary to optimize the parameters of gas injection heating during the gas injection-heating process in situ
    combustion. A transient model is proposed to simulate the flow and the heat exchange of air in the well tube and oil reservoirs
    including the mixing process of air and oil reservoirs,change of component and phase state such as evaporation of hot water
    and condensation of cold wet air,the heat exchange among different oil reservoirs and rock. A solving method based on Rung-
    Kutta and a simulation program is programmed. After the verification of simulating injection,this mathematical model and its
    solving method are applied to the simulation and monitoring of gas injection heating process in situ combustion at actual oil
    field. It was found that the extension of heating zone is slow (radius of heating zone is less than 0.6 m after a 5-day injection)
    and greatly influenced by the moisture content of oil reservoir,and the temperature of it is almost constant and determined by
    the power of electric heater and gas flow rate. The power of electric heater and gas flow rate should keep in a stable state during
    the heating process.
    The Impact of Geological Environment on Wellhole Stability
    Li Guangquan
    2012, 34(1):  103-107. 
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    Wellbore instability is an important constraint for improving the drilling speed of ultra-deep wells. Engineering
    geological environment including high confine pressure,high temperature and high pore pressure is the key cause of borehole
    instability. Borehole stability evaluation model is derived from stress condition,temperature perturbation and pore pressure
    around well under the deep geological conditions. The effect of stress state,formation temperature and pore pressure
    on borehole stability is quantitatively analyzed base on the model. The following conclusions have been drawn:(1)in-situ
    stress has significant impact on borehole stability,and the increase of difference between three principal stresses will aggravate
    wellbore instability.(2)The increase of temperature will increase the possibility of Shear failure,but weaken the tensile
    instability.(3)High pore pressure will aggravate wellbore instability.
    Research on A New Method of Well Testing Analysisfor Formation Damage Evaluation
    Huo Jin;Chen Lujian;Wang Bencheng;Sang Linxiang;Liu Haishang
    2012, 34(1):  108-114. 
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    A reasonable and precise formation damage evaluation is of great significance in guiding the development of oil and
    gas reservoir. The conventional method for formation damage evaluation mainly depends on skin factor and the McKinley type
    curves match,by which the permeability of the damaged zone can be calculated. However,because of the solution ambiguity
    of the McKinley match,this method may result in great deviation,which further influences the accuracy of decomposition of
    skin factor. A new model of modified McKinley well testing analysis method is established,and then its solution is got by
    the Laplace transformation. Moreover,the new theoretical type curves(the modified McKinley type curves)are drawn up by
    programming. Eventually a new analysis method of matching that can precisely calculate the permeability of damaged zone
    is obtained. Hawkins formula is used to calculate true shin factor and the damaged radius,and on the basis of we evaluate
    formation damage of well testing permeability of the damaged zone,true shin factor and the damaged radius. Finally the cases
    of real oil wells are illustrated and the results accord with the fact,which can be references to formation improvements and
    measures taking.
    Types of Edge-water Fault Block Reservoirs and Features of Residual Oilin the Gaoqiannan Area
    Li Zhipeng;Lin Chengyan;Shi Quandang;Li Runze;Peng Xuehong
    2012, 34(1):  115-120. 
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    The residual oil of small complex fault block reservoirs is extremely complex in the late stage of development.
    There are many factors controlling it. And the residual oil controlled by a single factor is dispersed and limited. Considering
    the main controlling factors of the residual oil,the form of the fault block reservoirs,the adequacy of natural energy and energy
    provider,we divide the edge-water fault block reservoirs into three categories. They are open-type edge-water fault block
    reservoir,semi-closed edge-water fault block reservoir and closed edge-water fault block reservoir. Based on the studies on the
    distribution features of the residual oil and the exploiting potential of each reservoir type we find that the open-type edge-water
    fault block reservoir is of the highest degree of recovery percent and the residual oil is few and dispersed,that the closed edgewater
    fault block reservoir is the lowest degree of recovery percent and the residual oil is much and contiguous,and that the
    semi-closed edge-water fault block reservoir is between the above two. On the basis of the above study we propose the technical
    countermeasures for farther development according to the characteristics of each reservoir type.
    Research of Reasonable Producing Pressure Drop of Gas CondensateReservoir on Different Period
    Li Qian;Li Xiangfang;Li Yanjing;Peng Yi;Cui Ligong
    2012, 34(1):  121-126. 
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    During the development of gas condensate reservoir,the condensate would drop out with the fall of formation
    pressure. It would affect the deliverability of gas wells. However,during the depletion of gas condensate reservoir,the dropout
    of condensate is inevitable. We can only produce much more condensate by adjusting to reasonable working system. So,this
    paper researches the character of filtrate and the effect of capillary number on the production of condensate. We propose that
    there are two different periods of depletion of gas condensate reservoir and the determination of reasonable producing pressure
    drop is different in the two periods. The research results show that increasing or varying producing pressure drop can increase
    the deliverability of gas wells and the recovery of condensate for constant volume gas condensate reservoir. Finally,the above
    viewpoint is confirmed by the production performance of an actual gas condensate well. This research is of for the efficient
    development of gas condensate reservoir.
    Modeling and Fluid-solid Coupling Analysis of Stability of Junctions inMultilateral Wells
    Wu Xinyuan;Lian Zhanghua;Lin Tiejun;Jiang Wen
    2012, 34(1):  127-133. 
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    In recent years multilateral well drilling technology has become one of the mainstream technologies of the field of
    oil and gas exploration and development. But the technology also faces some new challenges,and borehole stability nearby the
    junctions is one of the serious problems. This paper establishes a three-dimensional model using finite element. Calculation and
    analysis of in-situ stress re-distribution caused by sidetrack drilling is made with consideration of the impact of initial pressure
    and steady-state Darcy flow. The stress concentration and distribution of displacement nearby the junction after sidetrack drilling
    are obtained through the finite element analysis of fluid-solid coupling calculation. According to Moore–Coulomb criterion,the
    stability of the connection section of wall projections is presented with graphics with the help of finite element post-processing
    program. The impact of the geometric parameters on borehole stability,such as borehole diameter,dip and azimuth is also
    discussed. The results show that:the most stable junction,independently of the depth of its placement and borehole diameter,
    is with the lateral wellbore axis oriented parallel to the maximum principal in-situ stress.
    Experimental Research for Gas Feild Water’s Scaling Rule Under theCondition of High Pressure and High Temperature
    Li li;Liu Jianyi;Zhang Wei;Zhang Guangdong;Zhang Junliang
    2012, 34(1):  134-140. 
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    To solve the lack of equipment that can directly measure formation water’s ion content in the condition of high
    temperature and high pressure at home and abroad. The static experiment for test ion content and scaling amount in formation
    fluid under the condition of high temperature and high pressure was made. PVT analysis for the actual gas field’s fluid of
    high temperature and high pressure and ion content detection experiments were carried on in this paper. Water content in
    gas,amount of gas dissolved in water and the icon formation content in water are tested,scaling amount of formation fluid was
    firmed. The change rule of gas and water’s phase state and ionic content have been studied comprehensively,the internal relation
    influence was analyzed. The results show that quantity of dissolved gas in water reduces with formation pressure decreasing,
    the evaporation water to natural gas formation intensifies,electrolyticion’s concentration and salinity increases,and the scaling
    trends increase. In certain low pressure and high temperature conditions,the inorganic salt in formation fluid began scaling. The
    scaling quantity increases with experiment pressure increasing,and decreases with the experimental temperature decreasing.
    Scaling quantity of the under actual production condition is lower than that of the degassing formation water,and change trend
    of scaling quantity with temperature and pressure is more obvious.
    Research on Real-time Sanding Monitoring System for Oil Well
    Ren Minyan;Zhao Yizhong;Song Jinbo;Cui Aimei;Cui Jun
    2012, 34(1):  141-146. 
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    In recent years,wellhead real-time sanding monitoring developed abroad is a real-time monitoring tool for oil
    well sand production with high precision. Based on SandQTM sanding monitoring system and optimizations of its matching
    technology,a 3D sound wave conduction finite element program is developed with the help of FEPG system,and then wall
    thickness of bent pipe is simulated and optimized in sonic testing which suggests that the thickness of pipe should be between
    5 mm to 10 mm. Then a finite element model for analyzing the time when near wellbore percolation reach to stabilization
    is developed. Wellhead testing program is also optimized. The research shows that,in the case of loose sandstone reservoir
    with high permeability,the percolation near wellbore could reach to stabilization in 24 hours after the adjustment of oil well
    production system. According to the well site practices,the frequency of production system adjustment for oil well should
    be 1 time per 24 hours. The system has been tested,and the result shows that it has a great applicability for oil wells with
    electric submersible pump Christmas tree and regular pumping unit. It also has a high applicability and high testing accuracy
    for oil wells with low-viscosity product,but it has a low applicability for oil wells with high-viscosity product whose dynamic
    viscosity is more than 1 824 mPas.
    Study of Areal Sweep Efficiency for Invert 9-Spot Pattern of LowPermeability Reservoir
    Lü Dongliang;Tang Hai;Guo Fenzhuan;Cao Feng;Duan Chunlin
    2012, 34(1):  147-153. 
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    Based on the characteristics of water flooding exploitation in low-permeability reservoir and the stream tube model,
    and by taking the start-up pressure gradient into consideration,we establish the areal sweep efficiency formula and water
    breakthrough time formula. The formula help solve the theoretical problem of the calculation of areal sweep efficiency of lowspeed
    non-Darcy seepage flow,which is different from Darcy seepage flow. The results show that the water breakthrough time
    and areal sweep efficiency of invert 9-spot pattern in low-permeability reservoir are different in borderline well and corner well.
    It is necessary to adopt a different working system to adjust to the uniformity degree of water flooding in borderline well and
    corner well. This research provides theory basis for development and evaluation of low-permeability reservoir.
    Discussion on the Influence Factors of Cementing Circulating Temperature
    Liu Yang;Ai Zhengqing;Li Zaoyuan;Guo Xiaoyang
    2012, 34(1):  154-158. 
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    The accurate prediction of circulating temperature is one of the important affecting factors of guaranteeing the
    cementing operation safety and cementing quality. Especially for the deep well,the slurry is highly sensitive to temperature.
    If the prediction difference of circulating temperature is negative 5 degrees lower,the pumpable time will sharply be reduced,
    which will cause cementing trouble. If the prediction of circulating temperature is higher than actual temperature,the waiting
    on cementing time will be prolonged,which will lead to abnormal retardation,that is to say the strength of the top of cement
    column would not have developed until 10 days later,which delays the subsequent drilling operation. In order to guarantee
    the cementing operation safety and cementing quality,a new two-dimension simulator has been proposed according to the
    underground heat transfer construction process. The results show:Circulating drilling fluid several times and increasing the
    pump rate will reduce circulating temperature,and the circulating maximal temperature in winter is lower than in summer,
    especially for shallow well. So suitably reducing the design temperature in winter could not affect the pump safety. Temperature
    coefficient in deep wells is higher than in shallow wells,and the circulating temperature is lower if the borehole size is bigger.
    Research on Patterns for Gum Formation of Gasoline Compositions
    Ren Lianling;Xiong Chunhua;Wen Liang;Si Xianbao
    2012, 34(1):  159-164. 
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    Variance patterns and influencing factors of motor gasoline compositions’ existent gum are examined by means
    of 43 ℃accelerated storage test method. The linear regression equation between the existent gum and the storage time are
    established by the least square method. Correlation of the existent gum formation rate and chemical constitution are investigated
    with the correlation analysis method. Results indicate that most compositions’ existent gum has a linear relationship with the
    storage time,obvious correlation existing between existent gum formation rate“k ”and hydrocarbon composition,in which
    the maximal acceleration of existent gum producing is incurred by cyclic and isomeric olefins,while the maximal inhibition by
    paraffin hydrocarbons. Aromatic hydrocarbons’ effect on existent gum is not obvious. Existent gum is relevant to acidity and
    Modal Research of Fluid-solid Coupling for the BlenderTruck Mixing Impeller
    Huang Tiancheng;Wang Deguo;Zhou Sizhu;Wu Hanchuan;Zhu Keqiang
    2012, 34(1):  165-171. 
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    In order to study the influence of the fluid force,centrifugal force and gravity on the blender truck mixing impeller,
    the 3-D models is established. The static modal and prestressed modal are analyzed. The results show that the various loads
    have a little impact on the natural frequencies of blender truck mixing impeller. The natural frequencies changes lightly in the
    two conditions,with the largest change rate of only 0.61%. The maximum value of the second and third order vibration mode
    decreases under the fluid-solid coupling,and the maximum value of other vibration modes show no significant increase.
    Research of Bit’s Performance Affected by the Cutting Angle of PDC
    Zhang Shaohe;Xie Xiaohong;Wang Jialiang
    2012, 34(1):  171-175. 
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    To improve the PDC bit’s drilling performance,PDC is used to abrade rock in the lathe,and the effect of cutting
    angle on PDC bit’s drilling performance is researched. Under the same stress,same rub distance,and five different group of
    cutting angle,PDC abrasion volume are measured respectively. How the cutting angle affect the bit’s drilling performance is
    analyzed with FEA(Finite Element Analysis). The results indicate that,the smaller the cutting angle,the bigger the stress;
    the bigger the abrasion volume,the larger the abrasion volume in the same node of the PDC,and the shorter the using life of
    bit. That is to say,there is a best cutting angle for PDC bit.

    Bank Reef Reservoir Effectiveness Evaluationin Longgang District
    Sima Liqiang;Wu Feng;Miao Xiangxi
    2012, 34(1):  176-182. 
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    Permian Changxing reefs and Triassic Feixianguan oolitic beach in Longgang district is potential bank reef reservoir.
    According to the reservoir characteristics,they are divided into four types:Fei3—Fei1 upper limestone porosity reservoir,
    Fei3—Fei1 middle dolomite dissolved pore reservoir,Changxin limestone porosity reservoir,and Changxin dolomite cavern
    or fracture-cavern reservoir. We comprehensively evaluate the effectiveness of these reservoirs by means of thin slice,mercury
    penetration,MDT,FMI,Stoneley wave and other methods. The study shows that the effectiveness of Changxin dolomite
    cavern or fracture-cavern reservoir is the best,and second best is Fei3—Fei1 middle dolomite dissolved pore reservoir. The
    effectiveness of Fei3—Fei1 upper limestone porosity reservoir and Changxin limestone porosity reservoir is poor,which is not
    likely to have become industrial capacity.