
• 政治学-社会学 • 上一篇    下一篇

“医养结合”养老模式研究#br#         ——以云南省开远市为例#br#


  1. 中共红河州委党校
  • 收稿日期:2017-05-20 出版日期:2017-11-15 发布日期:2017-11-15
  • 作者简介:李丽琴,讲师,主要从事社会学研究.

Research on the Integrative Model of Medical Treatment and Elderly Care: Kaiyuan City of Yunnan   Province as an Example#br#

  1. Party School of Honghe Prefecture Committee of CPC
  • Received:2017-05-20 Online:2017-11-15 Published:2017-11-15

摘要:        “医养结合”是一种整合医疗和养老两方面资源的新型养老模式,是满足老年人健康需求的有效形式。当前,“医养结合”养老模式仍存在医保政策制约、配套保险滞后、政府扶持不够精准、专业人才缺乏等困难。对此,一要整合养老资源,推进“医养结合”发展;二要完善医保政策,改革医保支付方式;三要健全社会保障机制,提高政策扶持精准性;四要拓宽渠道,创新“医养结合”养老模式;五要加快人才培养,建立专业养老服务团队;六要提升服务质量,推进养老服务特色发展。

关键词: 医养结合, 养老模式, 困境, 对策

Abstract:       The Integrative Model of Medical Treatment and Elderly Care which integrates medical resources and elderly support  system is a new effective model for the health care of the elderly.At present, the model is still with some problems such as being   restricted by medical insurance policies and lacking corresponding social insurances, targeted government support and professional  talents. Under this background, we propose to integrate medical and elderly care resources, to upgrade medical insurance policies and  payment manner of medical expenses, to promote the social insurance mechanism and the accuracy of government support, to expand
the ways of integrating medical treatment with elderly care, to strengthen personnel training in order to establish professional serviceteams, and finally to improve the quality of service.

Key words: Integrative Model of Medical Treatment and Elderly Care, model of elderly care, problems, strategies