大理大学学报 ›› 2019, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (2): 55-.

• 临床医学 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. (大理大学大理教学医院,云南大理671000)
  • 收稿日期:2018-08-02 修回日期:2018-12-29 出版日期:2019-02-15 发布日期:2019-02-15
  • 作者简介:杨思丽,住院医师,主要从事妇产科常见病、多发病诊治工作研究.

Clinical Analysis of the Feasibility of Vaginal Delivery for 68 Patients' Subsequent Pregnancy in#br# Scarred Uterus

Yang Sili, Wang Bin, Wang Jianping, Luo Wanxun   

  1. (Dali Teaching Hospital of Dali University,Dali, Yunnan 671000, China)
  • Received:2018-08-02 Revised:2018-12-29 Online:2019-02-15 Published:2019-02-15

摘要: [摘要]目的:对疤痕子宫再次妊娠经阴道分娩的可行性进行临床分析研究。方法:探讨2017 年1月至2017 年12 月在大理
结局。结果:疤痕子宫中434例进行剖宫产后再次妊娠阴道试产(TOLAC)68例,VBAC 54例,成功率79.4%;TOLAC与非疤痕

关键词: [关键词]疤痕子宫, 再次妊娠, 剖宫产, 阴道分娩

Abstract: 〔Abstract〕Objective: To study the feasibility of vaginal delivery for subsequent pregnancy in scarred uterus. Methods: We explored
the outcomes of planned VBAC and non-scar vaginal delivery, ERCS and first cesarean section delivery in Dali Teaching Hospital of
Dali University from January 2017 to December 2017. Results: Out of 434 patients with scarred uterus, 68 had TOLAC, 54 had VBAC,
and the success rate was 79.4%. No significant difference was found between TOLAC and non-scar vaginal delivery(P > 0.05). There
was a significant difference between ERCS and the first cesarean section(P < 0.05). Conclusion: Compared with ERCS, VBAC can
reduce postpartum bleeding, shorten hospitalization time, have good maternal and child outcomes, and reduce cesarean section rate. It
is necessary to strengthen the management of the subsequent pregnancy after cesarean section, make emergency plans, strictly control
the indications, eliminate contraindications, have proper communications, and offer correct childbirth guidance in order to effectively
reduce the rate of cesarean section and the incidence of maternal and infant complications.

Key words: 〔Key words〕scarred uterus, subsequent pregnancy, cesarean section, vaginal delivery