J4 ›› 2010, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (1): 62-64.

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The Value Orientation of Jimmy's Picture-Story Books


  1. Hunan Institute of Humanities, Science and Technology, Loudi, Hunan 417000, China
  • Received:2009-10-12 Online:2010-01-15 Published:2010-01-15


The reason why Jimmy's picture-story books get popular is that they meet people's aesthetic needs, and realize their
value of entertainment, awareness and education in the process of appreciation. First of all, compared with traditional black-andwhite works, the pictures in Jimmy's picture-story books are intelligible and the words are succinct, which can save the readers a great deal of time in reading, alleviate the readers' pressure of reading, relieve the visual fatigue, and bring people an easy and happy feelings. Second, Jimmy's picture-story books like a mirror reflect all aspects of the urban life, which help the readers to understand and taste life effectively. Finally, Jimmy's picture-story books can make our souls more pure and noble, and give us confidence and strength, which stems from Jimmy's beliefs and affirmation of the true feelings in the world.

Key words: Jimmy, picture-story books, value orientation

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