J4 ›› 2011, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (12): 70-72.

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Anesthesia for Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy in Elderly High-risk Patients: A Report of 456 Cases

Objective: To investigate the influence of anesthesia for gastroscopy and colonoscopy in elderly high-risk patients.Methods: After operative risk assessment based on the preoperative safety assessment system, 456 cases of the aged high -risk patients were conducted to gastroscopy or colonoscopy examination with the intravenous anesthesia. During the procedure, the heart rates and rhythm, blood pressure, respiratory conditon, and oxygen saturation were monitored. Results: In the anesthetized state, all 456 cases of examination were all successfully completed. However, the oxygen saturation was dropped in fifty-four cases, and respiratory inhibition was obeserved in one case. Conclusion: The anesthesia for gastroscopy and colonoscopy in erderly high-risk
patients are safe under the safety monitoring system, and worthy of being popularized.   

  1. Affiliated Hospital of Dali University, Kunming 650011, China
  • Received:2011-06-15 Online:2011-12-15 Published:2011-12-15


Objective: To investigate the influence of anesthesia for gastroscopy and colonoscopy in elderly high-risk patients.Methods: After operative risk assessment based on the preoperative safety assessment system, 456 cases of the aged high -risk patients were conducted to gastroscopy or colonoscopy examination with the intravenous anesthesia. During the procedure, the heart rates and rhythm, blood pressure, respiratory conditon, and oxygen saturation were monitored. Results: In the anesthetized state, all 456 cases of examination were all successfully completed. However, the oxygen saturation was dropped in fifty-four cases, and respiratory inhibition was obeserved in one case. Conclusion: The anesthesia for gastroscopy and colonoscopy in erderly high-risk
patients are safe under the safety monitoring system, and worthy of being popularized.

Key words: anesthesia, gastroscopy, colonoscopy, the elderly, high-risk, safety

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