J4 ›› 2012, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (10): 83-86.

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Focusing on the Consistency of Mathematics Curriculum Objectives between Kindergarten and Primary School
———Based on the Content Interpretation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics(K-1)

The consistency of mathematics curriculum objectives is the key problem of the whole consistency of mathematics
curriculum. The author interprets the content of Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (K-1) and considers it a good example for the consistency of mathematics curriculum objectives on psychology of children and formulating of objectives content. At present, there are certain problems of consistency of mathematics curriculum objectives in our country. We need to formulate unified mathematics curriculum standards for kindergarten and primary school; to let mathematics as an independent learning field in preschool education; to combine process and behavioral orientation of mathematics curriculum; to focus on the content consistency of mathematics curriculum.   

  1. Faculty of Education, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
  • Received:2012-03-07 Revised:2012-03-16 Online:2012-10-15 Published:2012-10-15


The consistency of mathematics curriculum objectives is the key problem of the whole consistency of mathematics
curriculum. The author interprets the content of Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (K-1) and considers it a good example for the consistency of mathematics curriculum objectives on psychology of children and formulating of objectives content. At present, there are certain problems of consistency of mathematics curriculum objectives in our country. We need to formulate unified mathematics curriculum standards for kindergarten and primary school; to let mathematics as an independent learning field in preschool education; to combine process and behavioral orientation of mathematics curriculum; to focus on the content consistency of mathematics curriculum.

Key words: the consistency between kindergarten and primary school, mathematics curriculum objectives, Common Core State
Standards for Mathematics,
objective orientation

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