J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (10): 44-46.
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Objective: To choose the strain with higher activity in the production of α-amylase in the soil and preliminary test its enzymatic property. Methods: The optimal reaction temperature, optimal pH value in the production of α-amylase was tested after the strains with higher activity were separated with the methods of selective separation, iodine test, morphologic detection and determination of enzyme activity. Results: The fourth strain was highest in activity among four of producing α-amylase strains. Its optimal reaction temperature was 50-60 ℃ and optimal pH value was 6.2. Conclusion: A strain which has high activity in producing α-amylase bacillus is separated and its α-amylase is medium temperature amylase with the optimal pH value of 6.2.
Key words: α-amylase producing bacteria, enzymatic activity, separation, screening
CLC Number:
YANG Yang, LIU Bi-Qin, ZHANG Fa, LIAO Guang-Hui, YANG Xiao-Yan. The Separation and Screening of α-amylase Strain in Soil[J]. J4, 2013, 12(10): 44-46.
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