J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (10): 53-55.
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Objective: To detect the total count of bacteria and coliform bacteria of the three drinking water resources of Longtan, Xipo and Farm headquarters of Cangshan Huadianba. Methods: Using the methods of plate culture count and multiple-tube fermentation technique to detect the total count of bacteria and coliform bacteria in the three drinking water sources respectively. Results: The bacteria and coliform bacteria were not detected in the water resource of Longtan, but a large number of bacteria and coliform bacteria were detected in the drinking water resources of Xipo and Farm headquarters. The total count of bacteria and coliform bacteria was more than 300/mL and 230/L respectively in the drinking water resources of Xipo. It was 189/mL and 230/L respectively in the drinking water resources of the Farm headquarters. Conclusion: The water drinking resource in Longtan meets the requirements of current national standards for drink water (GB5749-2006), while two other drinking resources do not meet this standard.
Key words: Cangshan Huadianba, drinking water resource, total count of bacteria, coliform bacteria
CLC Number:
ZHANG Fa, ZHOU Ya, HE Dong-Yi, LI Xiao-Yan, YANG Xiao-Yan. Detection of Total Bacteria and Coliform in Drinking Water Resources of Cangshan Huadianba in Dali[J]. J4, 2013, 12(10): 53-55.
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