J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (12): 67-69.
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Objective: To make an analysis of problems existing in informing donators of unqualified results of blood detection. Methods: These problems existing in informing donators of unqualified results of blood detection were summed up and then an analysis of its reasons was made. Finally, the corresponding measures were made. Results: The problems were as follows: implicit contents, indefinite time, implicit legal procedure, insufficient training of professional informer, inconformity of the blood detection results between blood station and clinical examination, and so on. Conclusion:The blood station should improve service, standardize practice, inform definitely the way and time limit, realize the donators' right to know, protect and respect the donators' privacy and make donators with low risk dedicate blood, which can provide safe blood for clinic.
Key words: blood donators, unqualified data of blood detection, techniques to inform
CLC Number:
ZHAO Qiong-Xian. Discussion on how to Inform Donators of Unqualified Data of Blood Detection[J]. J4, 2013, 12(12): 67-69.
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