J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (12): 70-72.
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Objective: To analyze the current situation of hospice care in our country, and propose the development measures. Methods: Problems were got from the literature review and analysis, and then development measures were proposed. Results:Hospice career development in China was slow. The reasons included understanding insufficiency, the lack of funding, lack of professionals and other factors. Conclusion: Strengthening education of science view of life and death, improving training about doctors and nurses, perfecting the institution about hospice care, increasing the funds investment are the necessary measures of the development of hospice care in our country.
Key words: hospice care, the current situation, development measures
CLC Number:
ZHAO Yuan. The Current Situation of Hospice Care and Development Measures in Our Country[J]. J4, 2013, 12(12): 70-72.
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