J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (12): 73-76.
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Objective: In order to explore present situation and problems of gout health education in China. Methods: Based on CNKI "Chinese Journal Full-text database",the bibliometrics and content analysis were made of papers on gout health education from setting up to August 31, 2013. Results: The research on gout health education in China started relatively late; The attention and involvement on gout health education in the field of nursing and medical research studies was lower, and its research field was narrow, high-quality research literature was less; Core research groups of gout health education has not yet formed, and the research team was dispersed and very unstable; The content of gout health education included the dietary guidance, medication guide, physical exercise, psychological guidance and control weight, and the content of gout health education should be further confirmed and refined;The methods of gout health education were composed of disseminate information, seminars and layout propaganda, and these should add individual guidance on public propaganda way. Conclusion: In order to get high-quality and specific gout health education content, our research should be more deep, detailed, and standardized.
Key words: gout, serum uric acid, health education, metrological analysis
CLC Number:
SHAN Hui-Bin. The Literature Analysis of Domestic Study on Gout Health Education from 1998 to 2013[J]. J4, 2013, 12(12): 73-76.
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