J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (12): 77-80.
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Objective: To analyze the employment rate and employment quality of the pharmacy graduates in college of pharmacy and chemistry. Methods: A combination of the questionnaire investigation and telephone consultation was adopted. Results: The employment units of the pharmacy graduates consist mainly of medical establishment, production enterprises and pharmaceutical marketing. Among them, 38.68% were medical establishment; production enterprises account for 17.69% and pharmaceutical marketing company 10.97% . Meanwhile, being admitted to postgraduate schools was considered as a new job hunting way.Conclusion: The employment rate of the pharmacy graduates in college of pharmacy and chemistry is higher, but the employment situation remains severe. We should vigorously strengthen the employment guidance and services to make the pharmacy graduates establish a correct concept of employment.
Key words: pharmacy, university graduates, employment
CLC Number:
HE Jian-Ying, DU Yi-Min, HE Xu. Investigation and Analysis of Employment of the Pharmacy Graduates of Dali University[J]. J4, 2013, 12(12): 77-80.
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