J4 ›› 2013, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (12): 81-84.
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Objective: To explore the necessity, methods, measures of bilingual teaching in clinical course "Internal Medicine" at clinical school. Methods: Bilingual teaching in clinical course "Internal Medicine" was conducted in clinical undergraduate classes and a questionnaire survey was carried out in order to explore teaching mode and teaching methods in this course. Results: 56% of the students thought that the bilingual teaching was necessary, and only 21% consider it unnecessary, 23% does not matter. Our bilingual education should be gradually deepened. Conclusion: It is imperative and feasible for clinical medical college to carry out the bilingual teaching. This is also an inevitable trend for the Chinese education to go with the international standards, and for the medical education to carry on the teaching reform.
Key words: clinical course, internal medicine, bilingual teaching, teaching mode
CLC Number:
GUO Yan, YIN Xue-Yan, ZHANG Yuan-Yuan, LI Yong-Ping, HE Min-Hua, SUN Shu-Guang. On Bilingual Teaching in Clinical Course "Internal Medicine"[J]. J4, 2013, 12(12): 81-84.
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